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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. 200"mulie

    Doe entertainer

    saw this video on youtube and couldn not stop laughing...this silly doe just messed up all those leaves.
  2. 200"mulie

    Bull, Bucks, and Bear

    nice bull.....but ya could you imagine the mass if he had one more yesr...will be a stud
  3. 200"mulie

    Rifle 10

    My buddy has a unit 10 rifle hunt this year . . . I have never been up that far north. What can i expect? Is there a lot of water typically (depending on rain) Should we have our eyes on more than one buck? Will cams work at fence crossings (i know they dont jump they rather go under)?? A lot of antelope throughout the unit? .... any help would be appreciated. We are going out beginning July to scout. 200mulie
  4. 200"mulie

    HUGE W / T Buck Spotted!

    that should be 37a and it is closed in early archery season. but nice find sit the courts in jan.
  5. 200"mulie

    Homemade tree stands

    Tree stands you can put up anytime in my mind....but if its a ground blind put it out at least a month in advance..so whatever you are hunting can get use to it being there.
  6. 200"mulie

    Coveted unit 33 dec tag

    Will be out there Aug 20th to help my buddy get his buck....I found a small bachelor group bout 1 1/2 fromt the nearest road and its brutal hike also....but 2 bucks are worth it. Good luck hopefully we can get some pictures of them
  7. 200"mulie

    Coveted unit 33 dec tag

    +1 took the words right out of my mouth
  8. 200"mulie

    Monster AZ Muley Quest continues...

    Seen some of your videos on youtube......and all i got to say is good work! also been to your website. Keep it up
  9. 200"mulie

    And We're Back!!

    +1....i was like ohh no what did i do
  10. 200"mulie


    My advice would be patience, and if you glass a whole hill side, go over it again. I usually go over a hill side 3-4 times and 1/3 of the time i would find something had moved (deer, dogs, cats, other small mammals). If you are glassing a thick hillside and dont find anything dont give up, move 50 yards or what you feel is right and start again get different angles. Mule deer --- look in bottoms, and have seen them in little thickets on small slopes. Look for there big ears and racks sticking out casue most of the time thats all you see. Whitetail --- look for a poocket that has good shade almost all day long near tops of hills...most of the time in my case they will look downhill (so they can see stuff coming) and they will have an easy walk out exit behind them over the hill that you only get a split second to see em'....also they can hear something walking up behind them. Be patient, bring water & sunscreen, snacks, and be confident.
  11. 200"mulie

    Longer hunts?

    Don't you already have that situation? I mean, if getting "first crack" is most important, then under the current system you can apply for an early tag. A lot of people do, and you have hunters on every hill in some units on opening day. You could still do so if the season was longer, but as the season went along, you'd have fewer hunters in the field, because many will have tagged out, or burned up their vacay, or whatever. There are very few people who would actually be able to devote an entire month to a hunt, much less an entire 3 month season, and you wouldn't have to deal with all of the hunters in the field at once. If you can't take time off during the week, you've got 3-4 weekends. If you don't like the crowds, or are retired, or just have alot of vacation time, you could go during the week. If you knew you'd be able to get out again later in the month, you might let that forky walk during the first week. AZGFD could charge according to the "quality" of the hunt. X for an October tag, X.5 for a Nov, and 2X for a December, or something like that, which would keep revenue up. Success rate would undoubtedly go up, so that may be a problem depending on whteher or not an area can sustain it, but you could mete out tags accordingly. If the success rate were higher, there would be more incentive for some to apply, again, generating revenue. I guess it would make the "quality" of the hunt better for us hunters, but I'll admit I have no clue if it would work from a game management standpoint. if you dont want to see many hunters pack in, punch deeper, go in the last couple days of the hunt. my experience everyone pulls out sunday or monday--- could because of work, money issue, the wife and kids issue....but most everyone on a deer hunt leaves early
  12. 200"mulie

    Longer hunts?

    If you only can take a few days off i would take mon-thur off
  13. 200"mulie

    Longer hunts?

    I do have a 10 day hunt ... unit 10
  14. 200"mulie

    Longer hunts?

    You can look at the archery season as being longer than a week but i would not have them any longer then 10 days. Deer get by the hunting pressure and adapt. And most people only go out fri-sun.-mon. Only the die hard hunters take the whole week off. Many times i've walked by deer and seen others walk by deer and they just sit there watching you.
  15. 200"mulie

    27 archery antelope

    Before the fire (MAY) there was a small herd of antelope just outside of sprucedale just feeding in the trees. I figured since it was so dry that they had to come in to get water...since me nor my buddy ever seen them that far in.
  16. 200"mulie

    Rifle 10

    wasnt looking for spots..from what game and fish said can almost be found anywhere. I have never been up that far north before, Was seeing what can i expect, weather wise, terrain wise, hunting pressure....i am keeping an eye and hoping for lots of rain up there so archery hunters dont slaughter them. But from what i hear and see in the forum..is lots of antelope, carefull of private property, and have fun. THAKNS FOR ALL THE INFORMATION you could give me.
  17. 200"mulie

    Lifesize Black Bear Mount

    very good job really like the blaze...and cant wait to see the next one
  18. 200"mulie

    Funny Trailcam Pics

    is that a road he is on? if not he can be in trouble w/game and fish....??
  19. 200"mulie

    Unit 10 Wind Farm

    yup dam govt. ... you know that 80% of post offices dont make a profit.
  20. 200"mulie

    trail pics

    one will be a 2x2...other might just get enough to be a 3x3 maybe
  21. 200"mulie

    velvet bucks

    great wish i was out this weekend
  22. 200"mulie

    Change Up?

    well going up to 10....never been up that far north before...i hope i can find a good one
  23. 200"mulie

    Bow season

    here is a guy i caught last december on two trail cams.
  24. 200"mulie

    Hunting mistakes and misses

    When i take mine off i always attach it to my pack...after i forgot it once on a pig hunt. We got to the bottom of the hill ..a really big hill ... crap do you have your keys???...buddy says ya why ...i forgot my dam release, go ahead i'll catch up to you. 2 hours later i finally got up to him...man that was along hike
  25. 200"mulie

    Hunting mistakes and misses

    Love it!!!!! Now that is funny.