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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. 200"mulie

    What would you do?

    Should of had a tape recorder...then called game and fish.
  2. 200"mulie

    dead rockies

    No tags for years...untill they reintroduce a new herd if none survived and they multiply....man that stinks
  3. 200"mulie

    My brother's first bull

    can't wait to hear the story!!!
  4. 200"mulie

    My brother's first bull

    congrats on his first bull!!! Always nice to spend time out in the field with friends and family. Congrats again
  5. 200"mulie

    timeline buck update....

    that is amazing wow....some animals are so amazing how they can function and survive.
  6. 200"mulie

    My Last Chance Coues

    congrats on sticking one!
  7. 200"mulie

    bow hunting dilema

    dont give in...keep at it...glassing on tripods will double even triple your sightings....and if only see doe's the bucks arent far away. pm if you need help
  8. 200"mulie


    I havent seen anything myself...but would trust this guy.
  9. 200"mulie

    2011 Archery Muley Success

    awesome buck congrats!
  10. 200"mulie

    My 2011 Archery Mule Deer

    nice buck congrats
  11. 200"mulie

    2011 Archery Deer

  12. 200"mulie

    Cant post pics

    ok i will when i get home tonight thanks amanda.
  13. 200"mulie

    a lion and a couple bucks.

    got some good ones....now just get one.
  14. 200"mulie


    awesome congrats!! sounds like you had a good time.
  15. 200"mulie

    The Rut This Year

    +1 RR....i've seen the peak very end of Sept.-begining Oct. Use to hear a lot of archery guys complaing that the hunt is to early. And during the fall turkey they are still going nuts...even saw couple fights.
  16. 200"mulie

    summer scoutn

    pics would help...if it's legal game during your hunt. i would probably take em' (depends on what he really looks like) with weird antlers would be a character buck. Can you tell if it's coues or mule deer?
  17. 200"mulie

    My First Buck!

    Great job!! can't wait for your next hunt story
  18. 200"mulie

    1st Scouting Trip

    ya last year we were hunting in some thick stuff...we got in front of 1 buck and 8 doe's they got into a canyon....but nothing was coming out. Sent my buddy in there and not a single deer came out. sneaky ghost's. Anyway meet up together working this small bowl that feeds into a canyon.. found a big boulder to sit in the shade. Buddy says i dont get i just dont get it......I say well maybe they are just walkin out like last year they hold tight and walk out. As soon as i said that he said buck at 70 yards. Turns out to be a bachelor heard of 3 and we both missed. i had a better excuse though the day before i slipped and fell dropping my rifle on a rock cavig in part of my scope. When we got back home found out that couple of screws were loose. Good times though
  19. 200"mulie

    anyone know these gents???

    well might nice guys not to mess with your camera or take it.
  20. 200"mulie

    My opening day buck

    congrats on a nice buck
  21. 200"mulie

    Cant post pics

    How large is the file in terms of MB? You can email me the file and I will try and post it. amanda@coueswhitetail.com i resized it down to 926 kb
  22. 200"mulie

    Some new pics

    nice pictures....wonder if they changes there patterns? due to rain or pressure?
  23. 200"mulie

    Cant post pics

    i noticed couple times and its the same picture...resized down and everything.....but i select the file...click attach and then wait for it to load....and then a white bar appears That covers browse, attach, clear selection buttons and can't attach anymore.
  24. Here is a buck we tried to get on this past weekend but no luck....hopefully no one else got to him so we get another chance this weekend. well here is the story.......we found 4 bucks in this pocket month before...two of them stood out to us....one had very good mass but was barely starting to fork and the other one had long tines but had not yet grow his g3.......Havent been back there in a monthe due to work and scouting other places. But Saturday afternoon i told my buddy we want to be out there glassing bout 2 pm. Soon we found 2 deer, 1 doe and 1 buck (looked like the mass buck we've seen month before but was still only a fork)...we glass and glass without picking up any other deer. So i change my tactic and start to glass the really thick stuff with my new scope.....but still now finding anymore deer .... Bout 4 pm buddy said the buck is getting up and moving. We watched him for feed for little bit. I decided my buddy to keep an eye on him and i'll look for other deer. Shortly i found 8 doe's and starting to get frustrated not finding the bucks we saw 1 month earlier ..... i said well where is the fork and you have a plan yet? As i am still glassing hillsides i see 2 deer appear out of a thicket..automatically thinking it's the same 2 doe's i saw couple mins earlier casue it was the same general area...i didnt have my binos on the tripod so didnt get a good look. Got over to my tripod with my scope on it and get on the first....yup thats a doe ..go over to the other and my jaw dropped ...hey come look at this i think i found that long tine buck. My buddy looked in there and said wow! whats the plan? We went straight at him and the 2 doe's he was with and hopefully he will feed to us. 1 hour later we are in the edge of the thicket we found the 2 does on the open hillside but with no buck. We waited till they went over the finger they were on but that was another 30 mins....while we wait i glass up 4 more bucks 3 forks and 1 small 3x3 moving over saddles. Finally we were able to move..so we were going to stay on the edge of thicket but had to cross a small gorge. My buddy took 2 steps and said there is a deer looking at me in the bottom of the gorge. Turns out it was another doe. She starred at us then a cow would kick a rock and she starred at the cow, back at us, back at the cows, back at us, and back at us....seems like 10 minutes and it's getting darker by the minute. She calms down and starts feeding...within seconds she turns around started back up the gorge away from us. I was think please dont run dont run....just in case the buck was right there around her. Then the starrign game started again....but it was much shorter stare down. I kept telling my buddy the whole time during both stare downs TO NOT MOVE....since we were still partially cover by a small tree. Then out of no where she turns around again!! headed straight down the gorge...as soon as she got down in the gorge i told my bussy get ready just in case the buck comes up with her...she will come up right next to us...which we could on see 25-30 yards...i got down just in case she came up in front of us in the open.....next thing i heard was couple rocks clangin around and saw 1 white flag. I got up and said how close was she????...and turned out to be 8 yards!! It was a really cool experience that i wont forget even though we didn't get the big boy.