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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. 200"mulie

    G and F website just went down...

    Thinking next week....thought game and fish said results will come out early in the week so they can take calls the rest of the week :/
  2. 200"mulie

    G and F website just went down...

    Works for me....and still showing spring results
  3. That is great thanks for sharing and hope to see and read more post in the future!
  4. 200"mulie

    Who didn't draw?

    Are u sure it was from the arizona game and fish? Thats just weird The wife ran the credit card by accident at nordstroms, her hair salon, and dinner for her and her friends,,,,,,, what a tease!! Another year with no tag, not to be negative, but i put in for the october rifle hunt which i was told by several guides i was basically guaranteed for with 10points, and NOTHING. Meanwhile my buddy with 1or 2 points gets drawn for the same hunt 3 out of 5 years. How is this possible??!! To say bonus points mean anything is a joke!!! I am slowly loosing confidence in this system the AZGFD has set up. anyone else feel the same way?? Now im done venting Time to find some guides that know what they're talking about. Unless you're applying for Limited Op. hunt or a cow tag, there are no October rifle elk hunts that are guaranteed with 10 points. The closest you can come for a guaranteed early rifle bull tag is 14 points in 6B. +1 and what hunt is your buddy pulling?
  5. The good thing about an Oct. hunt is yes they won't move far from when you spotted them during the summer Make sure your the first one in there to get a shot at em though. Once huting pressure is present they can be hard to find.....oh and get away from the crowds. I would still do Dec. first and second choice. and buy left over tags. There is always big boys that make it all season and come out of hiding.
  6. Oh man very cool encounter....must have been shaking bad
  7. Well i have some work to do....first need a tag ! And to pick up an ORG.
  8. 200"mulie

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    i wish i had bandicam on mr work computer...but looks like it was corrected. Good luck in Aug. I may have more time this year to scout let me know.....we talked about it on the forum about finding hunt buddy last year, but never really worked out. Andrew
  9. 200"mulie

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    ya i see it opening in Jan.
  10. 200"mulie

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    That's a good point, i think it should be mandatory if you kill or not. If you don't submit you lose all your points and don't get drawn for year or two.
  11. 200"mulie

    Who didn't draw?

    i think with the option of applying online a lot more ppl have put in also...it makes it harder to draw a tag....
  12. 200"mulie

    Wide Buck! (pic heavy!)

    nice lookin deer......Aug is a long wait but woth it
  13. 200"mulie

    Any New Hits?

    CONGRATS!!!!! lucky
  14. build points...and buy left over tags. And scout more, you'll find bucks just gotta go out more and learn the areas your hunting
  15. 200"mulie

    G and F website just went down...

    looks a lot more like office space
  16. 200"mulie

    coues sheds

    nice sheds....cool pic of the turkey
  17. 200"mulie

    Who didn't draw?

    No hits 6 bp for goats put in for 31/32 rifle And 4 bp for elk put in for early archery
  18. 200"mulie

    G and F website just went down...

    +1 then get a call saying you still want to hunt?
  19. 200"mulie

    G and F website just went down...

    Im still cruising the site...and checking results also.
  20. 200"mulie

    Few pics from over the winter

    great pics thanks for sharing....and yup does indeed look like a hen with a beard And the pig and elk in same shot is a bonus!
  21. 200"mulie

    How to tell if same buck?

    Ya same genes but diff bucks to me
  22. 200"mulie

    CC Hits

    Really???????? Did he just notice or the hit actually came this AM? please say it was
  23. 200"mulie

    CC Hits

    i wonder if anyone has called
  24. 200"mulie

    Coyote hunting.

    Well my bday is coming up and wanted to do go out camping. Then an idea popped in my head to invite couple buddies and try to put the smack down on some coyotes. I've only been out twice ... calling and didn't see much. but i've been practicing and getting much better. Wanted to go up in the pines but dont want to mess with the snow specially with no 4x4. So i think we are headed around juan miller area. I guess my question is, Do coyotes move because of snow/weather (i think they would just like deer/elk move). How often to move set ups after calling?