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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. 200"mulie

    Any one worred about all the rain

    i would not complain, i rememeber lots of pics last year of slow growing bucks cause the lack of rain. But this year we had good rain early and threw out the monsoon and bucks already look awesomw end of July. Good luck
  2. 200"mulie

    Just let a spike walk...

    you still got September and December still it'll be alright
  3. master baiters. you didnt just say that......
  4. none any unit is a good unit...just gotta know how to hunt it. Good luck lots of people here to help out
  5. 200"mulie

    solution to baiting question

    lol i remember this in another thread...still very nice
  6. 200"mulie

    Boyds gun stocks

    A+ buddy said he ordered one for his .270 and fit perfect and actually made his groups little tighter. I just ordered one for my 270 short mag and fit perfectly ...i just have to field test it.
  7. 200"mulie

    busted up ram

    yes very interesting, thanks for sharing
  8. 200"mulie

    Nice Buck

    very nice bases, little sticker on left side....very nice buck.
  9. 200"mulie

    Any one worred about all the rain

    spot n stalk....they wont hit the water very much, but they might still use trail and such as reganranch said
  10. 200"mulie

    Another first archery goat

    very nice goat congrats
  11. 200"mulie

    Thoughts on Baiting

    Spot and stalk is the only way.....i do not like baiting and never will.
  12. 200"mulie

    Arizona Auction Tag Buck 2012

    Very nice goat. wow
  13. 200"mulie

    1st archery speed goat

    great goat....going to be hard to get a better one than that...congrats
  14. Yes scary stuff, climb the mountain and collapse....uh oh
  15. 200"mulie

    Early in late out

    Just tag out before the last day but make sure you have photos of your trophy with the correct date if they do ask you.
  16. 200"mulie

    Thoughts on Baiting

    no thoughts about it. Spot and Stalk !!
  17. 200"mulie


    some nice bucks indeed. good luck thanks for sharing
  18. 200"mulie


    thanks for sharing, very nice bear and bulls.
  19. 200"mulie

    C'mon opening day!!

    Little bear in front looks so cute....i mean cool *cough* Good luck on opening weekend.
  20. 200"mulie

    Coues hit list for 2012

    very nice list good luck
  21. 200"mulie

    Couple pictures from todays excursion

    nice pics thanks for sharing
  22. 200"mulie

    Nice Coues buck pics

    great buck, looks to be just inside his ears to me in that last pic.
  23. 1). i think it was a car that injured this buck. And it must of hurt like heck breaking those bad boys off! 2). i think he has one more good year in him. Maybe he'll be a freak next year who knows.
  24. 200"mulie

    Archery Warm-Up Video

    nice video thanks for sharing