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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. cool video thanks for sharing. I like that long main beam 2 point.
  2. 200"mulie

    More muley sheds Epp style

    pretty cool. Thnaks
  3. 200"mulie

    More 3A-3C Velvet Mule Deer Action!

    very nice buck for sure. Thanks and good luck
  4. ya congrats, way to go!
  5. Where have you been hunting in 30B? i know 30B has some big ones but the are hard to find. I would go across the highway to 31 for a decent whitetail.
  6. 200"mulie

    my first day out buck!

    very nice buck, cant wait for the story. grats
  7. 200"mulie

    AZ Desert Non-Typical!!!

    great buck, great write up thanks for sharing.
  8. 200"mulie

    My 2011 Last Day Coues

    Congrats, very cool video, and way to stick to it.
  9. 200"mulie

    .270 factory ammo

    buddy has .270 weatherby his groups of 5 (100 yards) were within a dime think he was shooting federal premium not sure on the grain.
  10. 200"mulie

    Boyds gun stocks

    www.stockadegunstocks.com ya i would def. check them out for your savage. i only have winchester and dropped in perfect with boyds. I dont have a savage, so it may not simply drop in you might have to work on some as stated on boyd's.
  11. 200"mulie

    Helps to know they are here

    Good luck, thanks for sharing
  12. 200"mulie

    Here is some pics from the last month

    thanks for sharing...great looking animals
  13. 200"mulie

    Big Whitetail?

    Big good looking buck...if it was me i and i know that this buck was in a remote area i would pass one more year...but thats me. Good luck
  14. 200"mulie

    Archery buck down!

    Great write up, great trophy congrats
  15. 200"mulie


    great write up, sounds like a great time, nice bucks.
  16. 200"mulie

    Daughters first buck with a bow!

    Congrats to the young hunter!
  17. 200"mulie

    2012 First Archery Coues

    Nice buck congrats!
  18. Congrats to the young hunter! He'll remember this hunt for a long time to come.
  19. 200"mulie

    Boyds gun stocks

    this is the only picture i have of it.....i'll try and ge more.
  20. 200"mulie

    Boyds gun stocks

    what kind of gun you got. They have drop in stocks you shouldnt need anything else....
  21. 200"mulie

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

  22. 200"mulie

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    why v10? there is a diesel excursion..... you just looking for parts?
  23. 200"mulie

    Trail CAM Pics: 24B Bucks

    ya that 3x4 is pretty cool, i would wait till next year though. nice bucks thanks
  24. 200"mulie

    Good luck!

    Yup good luck to all, im waiting to see if i can take the big boy in 34a nov.