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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. 200"mulie

    Archery Lope

    very nice goat regardless of score! Congrats
  2. 200"mulie

    Giant archery buck takes a dirt nap

    What a great mulie congrats!!!
  3. 200"mulie

    Turkey in the rain

    Call game and fish... really interested in what happened to em. Very cool experience though.
  4. 200"mulie

    First Desert Shed...

    pretty interesting shed. thanks for sharing....even though im hooked i havent gone out and looked yet.
  5. 200"mulie

    Found Lion/Bear hound in 23

    yes i hope the family does too.
  6. 200"mulie

    Successful Scouting Trip

    very cool to see the kids in on the action. Nice shed I will say young buck cause of lack of mass.
  7. 200"mulie

    Havent posted in a while

    great finds thanks for sharing.
  8. 200"mulie

    opening day buck

    congrats, and good luck to the others
  9. Monster is right congrats to the young hunter and couldn't get any better than hunting with the family.
  10. 200"mulie

    Finally broke the 100" mark.

    GOT MASS? Great buck and awesome write up.
  11. 200"mulie

    hunting boots

    thanks for the link
  12. 200"mulie

    Stolen Jeep with sticker!

    That does suck...hopefully someone finds it soon.
  13. 200"mulie

    Check your tie downs

    At least you got it back in one piece.
  14. 200"mulie

    Elk processor in Alpine/Springerville area

    There is a proccessor in Alpine next to sportsman's lodge big sign on the fence. Been in business as long as i could remember. Never was able to use him though and dont have a number either ... and i have a bad memory cant remember the name.
  15. 200"mulie

    Some elk and a dandy Mulie

    at least 170...maybe pushing close to 180. Got mass, great front forks, average back fork, width is little short. But still a great buck looks like an older deer too
  16. very cool thanks for sharing
  17. 200"mulie

    good buck

    great buck good luck....maybe spot and stalk...?? if he doesnt show for another 19 hrs
  18. 200"mulie

    11M Archery Coues Success

    Welcome and great first post too. Congrats
  19. 200"mulie

    Need a shoulder to cry on

    It to bad you didnt get a licence plate number....game and fish would of been my first call. Well orry to hear..good luck with your kids.
  20. 200"mulie

    Coltons Giant Archery Muley

    That is a great buck!! Congrats and thanks for sharing. How wide is he? 26" ?
  21. 200"mulie

    New to the Site

    Welcome, some great horns you got. Thanks
  22. 200"mulie

    Check this set out

    pretty dam cool. Thanks
  23. 200"mulie

    Our first girl!

    Congrats!!! very cute.
  24. 200"mulie

    Need a shoulder to cry on

    Did the truck stop at all? that might be the answer. If they stopped and saw the buck crash, maybe they picked em up?
  25. 200"mulie

    Duwane Adams' camp archery...

    congrats to the hunters, great bucks.