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Everything posted by 200"mulie

  1. 200"mulie

    My Wife's First Speed Goat

    very nice buck congrats!!
  2. 200"mulie

    Dad does it again!!!!!

    Great bull ! great write up thanks
  3. 200"mulie


    Congrats on the success!!
  4. 200"mulie

    Big Bull Pics

    swords... royals whatever that looks like a great bull, i wouldn't pass
  5. 200"mulie

    NM Buck

    What a buck! congrats and its always nice to spend time with family/friends in the woods. Looks like a great time!
  6. 200"mulie

    Home in Hereford (Sierra Vista) for sale

    looks like a great place just wish i had the money.
  7. 200"mulie

    Zach's Muzzleloader Antelope

    nice goat congrats!!!
  8. 200"mulie

    Wife's 34B buck

    Congrats on the goat!
  9. 200"mulie

    Another first archery goat

    Congrats on a great buck
  10. 200"mulie

    Antelope success

    Nice goat thanks for sharing
  11. 200"mulie

    Big Buck Down

    Very cool and nice goat...thanks for sharing
  12. 200"mulie

    700 miles for a New Mexico Antelope

    Very nice goat ...congrats!
  13. 200"mulie

    Strip Archery DIY's

    looks like a great time even with all the complications and such....thanks for sharing
  14. 200"mulie

    Sons first buck

    congrats on your first!!
  15. 200"mulie

    Giant Nevada velvet buck!

    Wow a great mule deer congrats
  16. There is always next time thanks for the update!
  17. 200"mulie

    Who's gonna be the first to post their elk???

    LOL!! I convinced my husband to take an extra day off next week and we are going up to Duwane Adams elk camp to help out where we can for a few days. Will be great to get out in the woods listening to elk! Maybe you should come with us! Really wish i could do that same thing...ill have to save vacation time even if i dont have a tag
  18. 200"mulie

    Snake Huntin

    very cool photo ... thank you for sharing. That is a pretty big snake
  19. 200"mulie

    Arizona's big 10 with a bow

    got to get a rio turkey now
  20. 200"mulie

    archery turkey success

    very nice congrats
  21. 200"mulie

    My Colorado Mule Deer

    congrats looks like a great time
  22. 200"mulie

    Colorado high country buck!

    great story, pics, and a great buck...thanks for sharing
  23. 200"mulie

    Colorado Bear

    very neat experience. Good thing he took off once he knew you were there I also wonder things like this...if he was actually watching you gut an animal out and waited for you to leave......i hate that feeling.
  24. 200"mulie

    In your face bugle action! Heavy Rut activity!!!!

    yup this is the year you wanted to get drawn for. Bummer for me i didnt pull a tag with 5bp Good luck!
  25. 200"mulie

    Colorado Elk

    Good bull , thanks for sharing. Congrats!