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About grizzwald)-->

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  • Birthday 05/04/1983

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  1. grizzwald)-->

    Found binoculars in 17B

    I found a pair of Binos in 17B during the general rifle hunt. shoot me a Text at (480) 250-7308
  2. grizzwald)-->

    Spypoint trail cameras

    Pm sent
  3. grizzwald)-->

    Vortex Kaibab 15x56 HD Binoculars

    PM sent for the Babs
  4. grizzwald)-->

    Most Unusual Shot

    Found this while I was out looking for a set of sheds. I watched my buddy shoot this pig 2 years ago and we were baffled when we couldn't find him. The crazy thing is on the exit side it looks like the pig survived long enough for the bone to heal.
  5. grizzwald)-->

    Bird dog help please

    I would definitely join a club and get a mentor. There are a few of them in AZ. I joined the Arizona Pointing Dog Club when I jumped in to the game. They have a meeting every month and I've never met a more welcoming group. Training your own pup is more of a learning experience for you than the dog, and having someone to help you along with the foundation training will pay off big time! One other thing is that you should plan on dedicating six months to training two-three times a week. its a bit of a commitment but if you spend the time up front again it pays off in the end... You will also need birds! lots of them, most guys use pigeons because they are pretty cheap and tough, but you might want to plan for that because the wifey might not be ok with a cage full of pigeons hangin out in the back yard ;-) feel free to pm me if you have any other questions http://www.azpdc.org/
  6. grizzwald)-->

    Wifes First Archery Elk

    What a blast! Sounds like you guys had a great experience!
  7. grizzwald)-->

    What's your go to single reed mouth call?

    Yeah I definately like to bend em a little bit to fit, the promos top pin seems to have a thinner latex and it's a little easier to make the really soft sounds... Anyone ever use turkey calls? I have a buddy that uses a Woodhaven and swears by it...
  8. I've been trying a few single reed mouth calls and was curious what you guys had to say? So far I like the primos top pin. What's your go to single reed mouth call for calf/cow sounds?
  9. grizzwald)-->

    Card Hit

    Congrats to everyone that got hit so far... looks like I pulled the late 8 archery bull! Should be an adventure
  10. grizzwald)-->

    123" Velvet Buck

    Amazing buck! Congrats man
  11. grizzwald)-->

    Camera Theft

    Bummer man, I had a few jokers steal a blind last year on opening weekend. It was raining, and when I got to the spot where my blind was anchored up there was nothing but a dry square... must have missed them by minutes
  12. grizzwald)-->

    Dog Box

    pm sent
  13. grizzwald)-->

    Draw Results Out

    4b archery bull!
  14. grizzwald)-->

    draw results?

    Got a CC hit!!! Someone is going on an Archery Bull hunt and if its my wife may the Good Lord have mercy on this soul.