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Posts posted by QCcoueshunter

  1. i took it up to archery headquarters and they got it straightened out it was a combination of a few things on top of the string suppressors getting a little worn out i should have shot it when i picked it up after getting the string put on and they would have gotten it fixed right then but i was in a hurry.

  2. the lock boxes work ok but i had two cameras stolen out of lock boxes i made last year and the boxes busted up so now im out the money for two cameras and the materials it took to make the boxes but i made the mistake of leaving the cameras up over a holiday weekend on water holes that were too close to roads but its hard to complain thats the risk you take leaving them out

  3. I believe he means if you keep giving people money through government assistance programs your just allowing them to sit on their butts and draw a paycheck for doing nothing your not helping anything but making people dependant on the government to provide for them, the part about breeding means that when you give these people money for doing nothing more and more people are going to want to get on these programs and get paid for doing nothing. I like his point but he could have used a better example.
