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Everything posted by QCcoueshunter

  1. QCcoueshunter

    WTB Kowa big eyes

    Looking to buy a set of big eyes preferably kowa 664's. If your looking to sell a set let me know what you have.
  2. QCcoueshunter

    WTB Kowa big eyes

    I bought a set earlier today. Thanks for the replies
  3. QCcoueshunter

    WTB Kowa big eyes

    Sent you a pm
  4. QCcoueshunter

    WTB Kowa big eyes

    I sent you a pm
  5. QCcoueshunter


    Is this still available
  6. QCcoueshunter

    Unfired Browning X-bolt hells canyon LR 6.5prc

    I am interested pm sent
  7. QCcoueshunter

    Badlands Bino XR harness

    Pm sent
  8. QCcoueshunter

    Hoyt carbon defiant 34

    I would consider trades for another bow.
  9. QCcoueshunter

    Hoyt carbon defiant 34

    Hoyt carbon defiant 34 70-80 lbs currently set at 28" DL. DFX 2.1 cam. Brand new string and cables just installed by Archery Headquarters less than 20 shots on string. Bow has 80 lb limbs installed but I will include the 60-70 lb limbs also. Will include 3 Easton st axis 300 arrows, trophy taker smackdown rest, and Hoyt soft bow case. Will not include the sight in the picture. Asking $850
  10. QCcoueshunter

    Wtb bow Mathews or hoyt

    Looking to buy a used bow prefer hoyt or Mathews. I would also prefer 80# draw.
  11. QCcoueshunter

    Wtb bow Mathews or hoyt

    I bought one already thanks for the replies
  12. QCcoueshunter


    Pm sent
  13. QCcoueshunter

    WTB 15x56 zeiss or swarovski

    Looking to buy used 15x56 zeiss conquest hd or swarovski slc non hd not interested in vortex
  14. QCcoueshunter

    WTB 15x56 zeiss or swarovski

    I have been taken care of i worked out a deal with joelbiltz to purchase his swarovski binoculars.
  15. QCcoueshunter

    WTB 15x56 zeiss or swarovski

    I sent you a pm joelbiltz
  16. QCcoueshunter

    WTB 15x56 zeiss or swarovski

    Joelbiltz are you located in az I would rather have a face to face transaction
  17. QCcoueshunter

    Manfrotto pistol grip tripod head

    Pistol grip head for sale $50 sold pending funds
  18. QCcoueshunter

    case length

    i am new to reloading i started resizing some of my old brass from factory ammunition but have not yet reloaded any yet. my question is on the hornady cases i have the length of the case is on average .010 shorter than the trim length specified in my manuals is it ok to reload these cases or could it create pressure or any other problems? i am reloading for a .300 win mag.
  19. QCcoueshunter

    300wsm or 7MMwsm?

    i have a 7mm wsm i have been shooting for 5 years i just bought a 300 win mag to replace it. I dont reload and dont like the factory ammo selection for the 7 and 300 ammo costs me 10 dollars less a box.
  20. QCcoueshunter

    Making room for a new project

    pm sent
  21. QCcoueshunter

    welder repair

    welders have a duty cycle say it has a 20% duty cycle then you can only weld 2 out of every ten minutes at whatever amperage the duty cycle is rated at, you may have burned it up if you were working it harder than it is rated for.
  22. QCcoueshunter

    Camera Land's Year End Sale

    i also wanted to say i would not hesitate to buy from Camera Land again those binoculars came at a great price and this could have happened with any optics dealer sorry if my original comment sounded like i was trying to bash Camera Land i just wanted to explain my situation and get advice on how to handle it.
  23. QCcoueshunter

    Camera Land's Year End Sale

    thanks for the quick reply i will probably call vortex tomorrow and have them handle it.
  24. QCcoueshunter

    Camera Land's Year End Sale

    i ordered a pair of the 15x50 vortex vipers last saturday or sunday from cameraland. After a long wait for them to get shipped here(delayed by storms) they get here today i was all excited to use them tomorrow while helping my cousin on his pig hunt. When i take them out of the package the eyepiece on the left side is broken it just spins when you try to twist it up the eyecup hopefully cameraland will help me out on this one im gonna shoot doug an email and see what happens.
  25. QCcoueshunter

    stock question

    i noticed when cleaning my winchester M70 today that the forend of the plastic stock flexes like crazy so i wanted to know can i do anything to stiffen it up like bed from the action all the way to the forend or am i better off to trash the cheap factory plastic stock and get something like a bell and carlson stock with the aluminum bedding system.