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Everything posted by bojangles

  1. bojangles

    WTB-14' Aluminum boat with trailer

    i was at cabelas the other day, and they had some deals on some boats parked out front, i think they were Lowe, with trailers, 2 to 3 K.
  2. bojangles

    Bear canyon/Chevlon

    oops! looks like you're right, i missed the big "but"!
  3. bojangles

    Bear canyon/Chevlon

    The report says yes. http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/FishingRep...ng-Report.shtml If ya want a tag-a-long, you know who you can call. Provided i can get off work.
  4. bojangles

    opening day turkey 2010

    Congrats!!! My father in law would be proud.
  5. bojangles

    sale is over

  6. bojangles

    better news

    it's not so much the wolves that bother me, it's the wolf worship. For instance, when the wolves came, suddenly there was no more trapping on public land, as i understand it. (?) I remember reading an article back then about public safety concerns being the reason trapping was done away with, but get real. Are my views legit? or am i barking up the wrong tree?
  7. bojangles

    Excellent Coues In Mexico

    sweeeeet! I'm happy for ya, but i wish i was happy for me right now, i'm still in morning for my loss.
  8. bojangles

    Agony of Defeat

    Seriously, I blew it on that deer twin 2 weeks ago myself. Little blood on the arrow, and no blood on the ground. Looked for days. No trace. I think i hit him in the dead zone a bit high. I feel the pain.
  9. bojangles

    Agony of Defeat

    Who in the world is Hunlee. I don't get it. Bob Hunlee shooter of warp speed bow and killer of many deer. Hunlee famous on internet, hunlee hide trew identity, so no one reely no whu hunlee is.
  10. bojangles

    i have an extra rangefinder

    sale fell thru, i still have the rangefinder if anyone's interested
  11. bojangles

    i have an extra rangefinder

    i have a bushnell 450 sport rangefinder for sale. it's ok for bowhunting, for rifle hunting it's worthless. i got a leupoldrx1, so i don't need the bushnel anymore. I've been using it as a backup, but it's not getting much use. If you could use it, i'd take fifty bucks, cash. pm me if interested. I'm in payson, az, and i don't want to ship or deliver if i can help it.
  12. bojangles

    Unit 22

    shot and lost a nice 3 point (at least) in 22 last tues. still cryin, still prayin, and still lookin' maybe he's still out there 'live and kickin' though. I just don't know.
  13. bojangles

    i have an extra rangefinder

    bro, your inbox is full. just gimme a ring when u wanna pick it up.
  14. My old roomate was a deputy sherrif for a while. He carried with him in his squad car at all times a stack of "road kill" tags. If anyone wanted a roadkill, he was authorized to give them the tag and it was valid. I wouldn't call G&F, i would call the sherrif's office. I know this is true, because we picked up a roadkill once and the sherrif gave us the valid tag. This was a few years back, but unless things have changed, that's the way they still do it. Shame on the G&F guy who told the man to dump the carcass in the desert. How wastefull! Come to think of it, one of my buds got a roadkill tagged elk last october, so i know that they still use that system.
  15. bojangles

    Doe in estrus

    i was just wondering the same thing....
  16. bojangles

    i have an extra rangefinder

    ????? where ya at bro? gimme a call, it's first come first serve. thx
  17. bojangles

    i have an extra rangefinder

    pm sent. call me. we'll make arrangements.
  18. bojangles

    i have an extra rangefinder

  19. bojangles

    STOLEN HEADS!! Please look

    take a look at this, bro. These things go on CL and ebay constantly, so, it's prolly gone http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/for/1537778038.html
  20. bojangles

    Long hunt

    good to hear from ya. Looks like ya done good! -bryan
  21. bojangles

    Family Strengths

    hi folks! I'm bryan & live near payson. been reading this forum for a looooong time, and thot it was 'bout time i joined up. I'm a floorcovering installer (carpet, hardwood, vinyl, laminate, some tile, etc.) and have a carpet/tile cleaning business. I hunt a bit now and then too. happy hunting!