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Everything posted by bojangles

  1. bojangles

    Trustworthy diesel shop

    You could just buy a duramax.
  2. bojangles

    Driving to San Carlos MX?

    Drove to San Carlos with wife and three kids. We had a local friend who does missionary work in Mexico meet us at the border, and guided us in. That helped.
  3. bojangles

    1 Day!!!

    i appear to be locked out of my portal account. anyone else have this problem??
  4. bojangles

    03 dodge 2500

    140ish miles. Gas truck. Just rebuilt most of the front end, still a little wobble. Not sure if they hit all the ball joints.like they were supposed to. Radiator fluid leak somewhere, but it is small. $7k obo.
  5. bojangles

    2004 GMC Sierra Crew Cab Long bed Duramax

    Nice. I just bought one last week. Too bad I didnt see this .
  6. bojangles


    i wish i could make that happen. just a little out of my budget right now. we've been looking for a duramax, but they don't give them things away.
  7. bojangles

    Regs are out

    i just put in for 4b early archery and 22s late archery for my second choice. i just have a loyalty point. Do i have any odds at all of getting 4b? thanks!!
  8. bojangles

    Thinking of moving

    You cant be serious. Oklahoma? theres some nice quite places there. Why not? I was raised in the Midwest. Couldnt get out of there fast enough. Gray weather, humidity, bugs, cold, no mountains, boring people.... I could go on for a while.
  9. bojangles

    Thinking of moving

    You cant be serious. Oklahoma?
  10. bojangles

    Thinking of moving

    Payson sucks. You would hate it. Payson will go to the dogs if the town planners get their way. Ive always wondered about northern New Mexico, Montana, or Wyoming.
  11. bojangles

    Late Season Archery Hunts - Doable?

    it kind of depends on your standards. if you're dead set on killing a monster bull, you better be good. there's a few guys who can get it done on those late hunts. I've had some heartbreak stories on them, but i've killed some too. nothing big, mind you. but i'd rather have a lousy tag than sit on the couch for 5 years. but that's just me.
  12. you probaby hit bone, and didn't kill him listen to the sound, it will tell you a lot. crack-bone shwack-vitals/lung thump-guts.
  13. bojangles

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    The fathers give us a right to remain silent for a reason. Never give up that right.
  14. bojangles

    Great grandparents hunting photos

    When my grandpa was a kid, he drove cattle from spingerville to Magdalena, unsupported. He was a rodeo cowboy, pro boxer, enlisted in the military in WW2, and traveling evangelist that drilled wells on the side. His dad, (great grandpa) was a post civil war era gunslinger. His uncle had been murdered by CC Slaughter, predecessor of the famed Texas John Slaughter. He turned his life to vengeance and turned his guns to the Slaughters. After years of the hard life of vengeance, he became a Christian and put his gun in his holster. He sold his backsmith shop in Sanco, Texas in 1915 and bought a ranch in Springerville, when my grandfather was 5 years old. They lost the ranch in the depression when the bottom fell out of the cattle market and they couldn't make the mortgage. They then turned to drilling wells, mostly in southern AZ.
  15. bojangles

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    Use hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. It will fizz up when it hits blood.
  16. bojangles

    Mexico for the holidays

    We took the kids to San Carlos between Christmas and New Years. I got a buddy who is a missionary down there near Álamos, and he set us up with some fishing. Kids were tickled pink.
  17. bojangles

    Mexico for the holidays

    I cant remember, Ill have to check. The first day was ok, we lost a few in efforts to get the kids on the reel. But we managed to land a couple. On day 2 we really got in to them, but we used a different charter service. The second guy was definitely better at finding fish.
  18. bojangles

    Mexico for the holidays

    Dont know why thats upside down. Help?
  19. bojangles

    Regs are out

    in the paper regs it had draw odds at over 200 percent on some of the muzzle loader hunts. that's awesome, everybody gets at least 2 tags!!
  20. bojangles

    Les Baer Pistols

    Nice looking stuff but way out of my price range and I don't want a competition gun with a lot of bells and whistles. he makes some nice carry pieces as well, call him for prices. he has a nice semi custom carry package that is affordable.
  21. bojangles

    Les Baer Pistols

  22. bojangles

    Les Baer Pistols

    What about a Matt mclearn custom. He is right up here in Payson
  23. bojangles

    Good Guy Seller List

    +1 for prdatr
  24. bojangles


    Thats interesting. A friend of mine who lives up there once stopped some college age kids from shooting a deer in his front yard. Some people get a real tree hoodie and watch an episode of duck dynasty and they think they can go shoot a deer any time they want.
  25. bojangles

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    He writes for Colbert, no surprise there.