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Everything posted by bojangles

  1. bojangles

    Classic knives.

    Long shot here, but someone stole my best knife. It was custom made for me for my high school graduation. it has my name, Bryan, one one side, with an acid etched mule deer, and on the other side it says sorgard. $100 reward.
  2. What if your kid gets the flu and you didn’t get your kids the flu shot? should parents be charged? what if said child died from flu? if you child dies from a side effect of a vaccination, the dr has immunity and walks.
  3. They’ve wanted a bridge for years. People have been dying in that creek for years. The government has been finding ways not to build the bridge for a long time. People have been driving around the barricades for years, too. It’s pretty common, to all you stone casters, pretty much a way of life for those who live over there.
  4. Pressing charges against the parents won’t bring those kids back, won’t bring closure to anyone, and won’t prevent it from happening again. it will, however, shift the blame from the county to the parents, so if there is a civil suit against the county, they won’t look so bad if they’ve already won a criminal case. if the county loses the criminal case, they will be in trouble in the civil suit.
  5. bojangles

    Best Hunting Multi-Pin Sight?

    IQ is what I shoot.
  6. bojangles

    Slick trick

    I’m gonna say ferrule length.
  7. bojangles

    has anyone tried . Trophy Ridge React Pro ?

    Let us know how it works out. I went with the iq 7 pin. Good value, imo
  8. bojangles

    308 ammo

    How many boxes?
  9. bojangles

    Buyer Beware

    Or stalk and stock....lol
  10. bojangles

    No ammo.

    I stopped by rim country guns to grab some 9mm for a gun I’m working with, and it seems like ammo has gone the way of toilet paper. too bad.
  11. bojangles

    The off season

    Thought I’d post the videos of my sons deer hunt from a couple years back while we wait for hunting season to roll around.
  12. bojangles

    The off season

    Thanks. Wished id taken the time to shoot better videos, but...at least we got the deer.
  13. bojangles


    I’d go barefoot before I shopped at REI. I think right now they are raffling off a free kiss from Bernie sanders.
  14. bojangles

    Post up your success in tags

    I’d like to help on that hunt.
  15. You’re gonna hafta put some boot leather down this summer. Elk are hard to find in November. Locate every water hole in the unit and check them out the week before the hunt. Build blinds, also set up tree stands in funnel areas. Find high places you can glass from. Hunt steep areas with no road or trail access. If you want easy, you can wait 25 years for early rifle. Late archery is difficult. Elk will be skiddish, nocturnal, and generally hard to find.
  16. bojangles

    There up !

    late archery....again. i'll take it. beats waiting in line.
  17. bojangles

    There up !

    you're gonna wanna change that screen name in a few years....hopefully
  18. bojangles

    The giddy bro-man

    So, I was listening to Brian Call’s podcast with Jim Heffelfinger(sp?), where he basically invited the world to come Bowhunt deer in Arizona in January. Seems like all the hunting personalities are now doing this. I’ve seen this from Hushin, Randy Newberg, The Hunting Public, etc. Of course, G&F is supportive of all the license revenue. Apparantly, we are an untapped resource for all hunters everywhere. To me, this public invitation is somewhat unwanted. It’s crowded enough out there, let alone an invitation to the world to sample our fine hunting opportunities on public land. what think ye?
  19. bojangles

    The giddy bro-man

    Is there anything worse than Cameron Haynes latest video? while we are on the subject, I’ve never seen a heap of narcissism like that. It’s not about the hunt, it’s about the hunter.....
  20. bojangles

    The giddy bro-man

    Truth is, I don’t. He’s like watching golf. Seriously. I only watched that one with heffelfinger because he was advertising every one to hunt AZ.
  21. bojangles

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    that shot does not look lethal, imo. needed to be at least a foot back at that steep angle. but hey, you got him.
  22. bojangles

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    It’s a choice you make. I’ve drawn 4 of one of the worst bull tags in the state, in a row. Most people who draw it, say, “never again!” But at least I get to go. I’ve actually killled bulls a couple of times. I’ve resigned that I will probably never kill a 6x6 in my life. I’m ok with that.
  23. bojangles

    Sold- delete

    Thirds on the 44...lol. I always miss the good stuff.
  24. bojangles

    Diamond Archery by Bowtech

    What pound range is that bow?