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Everything posted by bojangles

  1. bojangles

    Youth success

    Great meeting you as well.
  2. bojangles

    Youth success

    Something about the way that’s worded....lol
  3. bojangles

    Youth success

    Well, onX got us to the place, had to make sure we were at the right spot, lol. so it’s not too bad.
  4. bojangles

    Merriam's elk in New Mexico

    I was told the elk hanging at the r-c in Christopher creek is a merriams, but it’s just hearsay.
  5. bojangles

    218 bee

    I’m jealous. Been looking for a bee 🐝 for a while. I buy ammo for my buddy, who has a 218 bee, at the drug store in springerville. They seem to be the only place that has it.
  6. bojangles

    Bull shot... what happened??

    I’m gonna say you should have given him 3-4 hours with that shot. Maybe more. He’s probably dead. I killed a bull with that shot a couple years ago. It took a while. It likely hit liver, which is a slow process. My bull I’m talking about crashed in 10 minutes, but I came back 2 hours later and he was still alive. I had to finish him off.
  7. bojangles

    Time to cross UPS off the list

    from an independent packaging store. had to go to an ffl, of course. it did cost a fortune, however. it did have to be overnight.
  8. bojangles

    Time to cross UPS off the list

    I just shipped a whole, assembled firearm via UPS, no problems.
  9. bojangles

    Hunting theme masks

    Mask? What mask?
  10. bojangles

    1/4 mile rule

    Or, perhaps this law was created because we rolled over and acquiesced to libtard Californians. I can’t imagine my great grandfather carinng two hoots about what the neighbors thought about him shooting deer for dinner. You be amazed what you can get away with if you fight for it.
  11. bojangles

    1/4 mile rule

    Why no hunting in a municipality? Kill me where you find em, as long as you’re not trespassing, I say.
  12. bojangles

    1/4 mile rule

    Oh, the horror of killing an animal in the suburbs. Gasp. back East they do it all the time, and pay people to do it if hunters don’t get it done. should have dressed and butchered that dead antelope in front the of the kids for a social studies lesson. Better than the crap their feeding them now.
  13. bojangles

    1/4 mile rule

    We gotta get rid of that rule. It’s worthless red tape. I don’t think any other state has a quarter mile archery rule. It’s utter foolishness.
  14. bojangles

    West coast fires

  15. bojangles

    Kevin James

    Keeps me entertained
  16. bojangles

    WTB youth shotgun

    There were 2 youth shotguns for sale at payson Walmart this morning. A single shot and a pump.
  17. bojangles

    WTB Fishing Kayak

    I can’t find one either. Wound up getting an old canoe off cl.
  18. bojangles

    Uncle ted podcast

    https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bear-hunting-magazine-podcast/id1436632534?i=1000488670360 ted Nugent was on clay Newcomb on his latest podcast. I like clay, and like the podcast, and ted nailed it on this one. He said some controversial stuff, but in the end, I say ted is right.
  19. bojangles

    Valley traffic

    It’s the worst I’ve ever seen tonight. Traffic to payson was probably backed up 35 miles. It was backed up all the way to where the highways cross. makes me want to leave payson even worse. Absolute craziness.
  20. bojangles

    Meat in the heat

    Get friends. Friends don't let friends pack alone.
  21. bojangles

    Lee’s ferry trip

    Took my son out for a little guys time for his 13th birthday. We got a backhaul to Glen Canyon dam, and paddled back to Lee’s ferry. The water was pretty tame, but it is super cold. You could get in trouble with the wind if you weren’t careful, especially in a canoe or a boat that could capsize. The views were stunning. We caught a few fish, but I found it difficult to fish out of a canoe in such swift current. Next time I’ll bring waders and fish more from the shore. It was under a heat advisory, and the ground was so hot I couldn’t sleep. One we got on the water it was ok. Good times.
  22. bojangles

    Lee’s ferry trip

    Yeah, fresh water was a must. A cot would be nice to keep you off the ground, but that’s a lot to haul up there. The guy in camp next to me got so hot he slept in his raft. But then he got cold...lol no win situation.
  23. bojangles

    Give it your best shot

    E3/d3 archery/rifle
  24. bojangles


    I bought a Toyota a few months back. I found dealerships to be less than private party across the board. Chapman bmw in chandler had some pretty good deals .
  25. bojangles

    EnChroma Color blind glasses

    Cheap spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide will help make blood visible.