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Everything posted by Treemanj

  1. Treemanj

    Coues virgin

    Hey guys, I am a new member here, but have been lurking for a few months. I am planning my first coues hunting trip for the third week in January. I will be heading to southeast arizonia and am planning to hunt eithe unit 33 or 29. I have a Javalina tag for 33, but really like the looks of the Coronado NF in 29, and would not mind eating to Javi tag. I don't have any dilusions of a high probability of harvesting a deer, but would like to put myself In a position to see some and hopefully learn a little. I will be hunting DIY and solo, and really don't have much idea what to expect. I plann on walking and watching for a couple of days, and hopefully find some areas to either spot and stalk or set up a blind or tree stand and try to ambush one. If anyone has any info that they would be willing to share with a new coues hunter that woul be much apreciated. Thanks for any help, Jim
  2. Treemanj

    Coues virgin

    Thanks again for the replies and PM's l will return PM's after I have a little time to process the info. I am from the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. I am 34 years old and have hunted many states and most of them DIY and solo. I wil be driving to AZ, and planning to camp out, maybe a night or 2 in motel "freshen-up time". I spent one winter working down at Buenos Aires NWR several years ago, so I have an idea of the general terain of the area. I am planning basicly to start in areas between 3000 to 7000 feet on elevation and possibly keying in oak covered benches and creek beds and water sources. Obviously my plan is pretty broad, but learning and adjusting the plan is the fun part. I can see that glassing should be the biggest part of that plan. Thanks again for help Jim
  3. Treemanj

    Coues virgin

    So are you guys saying I should bring binoculars? No, really, thanks for the replies, I certainly would not be against shooting a mluie either, but kinda partial to coues. I think I will have 8 or 9 hunting days, that is max for me on this trip. Thanks again, Jim