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Everything posted by JLW

  1. JLW

    Cell Phone Coverage Unit 23

    go to shedhunters porch for 3g...lol! James
  2. click on edit profile and enter in both places... same # James
  3. JLW

    viewing trail camera pics in the field

    i just use a wildgame viewer. not great quality but lets me see whats going on if I need to adjust the cam or pull it and move to new location. works with the different cams that I have. I always swap cards and bring em home to look over on the computer... but absolutely can't wait to view them in the field! James
  4. JLW

    Turkey Sightings

    i try to pay attention when i'm out hunting deer or camping, glassing, and or scouting. I've noticed they will be around the same general areas... having more than 1 roost. usually can locate pretty easy before the sun starts crackin... callin them in is another story for me. sometimes you can glass em up in the afternoon out feeding on bugs and such if the area you are in will allow..... see em in big meadows quite often... flocks over 20 birds sometimes. not sure if they stay together or separate when they roost. James
  5. JLW

    Portal Results Available

    No phone results til they mail em out Now that would be funny! Confirmed Nadda for me but my wife drew a sweet cow tag James
  6. JLW

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    like srp charges a fee for using a debit/credit card... because the cc companies charge a processing fee cause they are greedy bastards, azgfd does not charge a fee... does this mean they eat the 3% or whatever the cc processing fee is? what do other states do... charge processing fee or ? James
  7. JLW

    Just want to vent

    Most people don't want the November archery hunts cuz they suck.Yes your so right late archery hunts suck youre* you're
  8. JLW

    Hi to all you newbies

    I love this bar..................... James
  9. JLW

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    This is such a BS comment ... If trail cams did not help improve the odds of harvesting Quality Big game they would not be being used by 80 % of the guys using them .... What coues32 was stating is ... Greater # of tags than 20 years ago , + new Technology (like Game cams though not the only thing of course) makes for a greater # of big game taken ... I agree the seeing nature via a web cam is cool and I appreciate the pictures as much as any other person ... But to imply that they have ZERO impact on harvest odds especially when it comes to trophy game, you may as well try selling us on you all spending the money and time to catch pictures of Yeti, Big Foot or the Chupacabra . so you poled all the cam users and this was the results? bs! james
  10. JLW

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    BofA 135
  11. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    135 Woooohoooooo! I think my wife drawd her a tag!
  12. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I love all these game and fish brown nosers. Just because they put a deadline for end of April doesn't make it ok for them to take that long. We've said it before that other states can get their draw done close to a month after app deadline. Az takes at least 2 month if not 2 and a half. If they said the deadline was end of June for results should we just sit back and deal with it and wait and say they are on schedule? It's 2016 people. Technology has advanced more than ever and azgfd is only going backwards. If it truly took 2 and a half months to get the draw done without problems then that's fine. But when they are taking that long because they are incompetent and have been screwing up the draw for years that's not ok. They make tens of millions of dollars off these draws. If a private company had as many incompetent idiots working for them and wasting money like azgfd they would have went bankrupt long ago and a better company would have moved it. Unfortunately were stuck with this department and have to deal with it but it's still not ok.it's so funny you talk so much shoot yet it's 2016 and you have your own business as a guide and you still feel the need to get caught cutting cameras off of trees of fellow guides. Do we need to post the video and pics Blake? You guys want 60 pages? Have him explain how such a model citizen got caught with his 10 year old nephew cutting cameras off of trees and driving off-road to do it if this is true, did you bring your 10 year old nephew so you wouldn't get your azz beat when you got caught! good ethics...way to teach em young! great guide ethics.... bet you are the talk of the town in heber! go away theif!... allegedly. James
  13. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    you scaring all the guests from joining cwt.com...LOL! james
  14. JLW

    Bad fire season already

    gonna put a damper on spring bear if they close up the tonto like a couple years back. James
  15. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    that's what alerts are for james
  16. JLW

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    Pretty dumb comment here ... Assuming just because some do not like trail cams and would not care if they were banned are thieves is ignorant. Fact is that a good % of trail cam users break many laws in the process of using and placing them. No matter how dumb or mundane a law is they are there to try and maintain and protect federal and state lands that everyone is entitled to enjoy. I personally hate going into areas I shared with my grandfather and dad 20 - 30 years ago where you would see nature untouched and game all around to find a dozen plus cams bolted into trees and quad tracks way off any road or trail ... That being said ... I disagree with people who do take cams, while at the same time not being empathetic to the guy leaving them out in the first place who lost it. If very one could do what they wanted with no rules or laws , we would have no big game to hunt and out public lands and forests would be 100 x's worse than they are. I can see it from outside my box and it is why I do not care either way... maybe you should step outside your own box and try to see why some may not agree with YOU !I said SOME... and I grantee it is some that feel strongly against cams with holier than thou attitudes that are stealing the cams.. if you think not you are naive. I don't own a quad nor do I litter, in fact I pick up other people's trash up often. I don't destroy trees putting my cams out. I also rarely put on water and never put them if there is another there. James
  17. JLW

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    reading this is telling me a little more about stolen cams and the people that are behind SOME of the thievery. don't like cams in the woods... just take em, that'll show em. gonna remember when something comes up that isn't the way I like to do things and be sure NOT to support. this crap is as bad as politics... so polarized. We need to be more unified. when guns trailcams are outlawed only outlaws will run trailcams. James
  18. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    put less dry ice or a wider/ taller buffer
  19. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    has to drain... leave it in a cooler with dry ice for 7 days with the drain open so any blood will drain out. hot air rises cold air falls ( you already know /knew that) put the dry ice on top but use something so it is not directly on the meat, ie. a tray or something. also when in your fridge it can pick up foreign odors... if your going to do it in a fridge make room in your beer fridge, but make sure it can drain off the blood. james
  20. JLW

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    I know that's a funny but, I recycle my batteries so this is what they do... LOL! James LeadLead grids, lead oxide, and other lead parts are cleaned and heated within smelting furnaces. The molten melted lead is then poured into ingot molds. After a few minutes, the impurities float to the top of the still molten lead in the ingot molds. These impurities are scraped away and the ingots are left to cool. When the ingots are cool, they’re removed from the molds and sent to battery manufacturers, where they’re re-melted and used in the production of new batteries.
  21. JLW

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    i'm poor and I use them..... batteries last for 3-6 months James
  22. JLW

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Go to your azgfd portal to get the results 1st...
  23. JLW

    anyone use ovis game bags?

    don't buy the high thread count... plenty breathable they also sell long ones for the long body pillows. James