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Everything posted by JLW

  1. JLW

    Few Trail Cam Pics--Enjoy!!!

    Love the deer waiting their turn Nice pics James
  2. JLW

    Some Pics

    Sweet pics James
  3. JLW

    A few Trailcam pics

    Cool pics Next to last 1 is cool with the rack shadow on his body Some nice bulls... you are probably stoked if you are sitting on an early tag! James
  4. JLW

    Anyone know this guy on camera??

    thought this would be better....... James
  5. JLW

    Strange glass-Anyone missplace their broom?

    I see that now but I think there is a rope coming down and over the big Boulder to left also i think you are right... looked like a fracture on my phone... I can see a knot on my computer...maybe reflecting a knot on my head... james
  6. JLW

    Strange glass-Anyone missplace their broom?

    Looks like a rope to the left of broom. Your other left.... The thing to the left looks like a fracture. Looks like a wad of rope above and to the right with it coming down James
  7. JLW

    mouth reeds

    6anut bought me a primos top pin mouth reed... it was easier than others I tried. If you can't seem to get that down try a Wayne carlton bite down call James
  8. JLW

    Few bulls 6/09-6/13

    that bull in the 2nd and 3rd pic is about to go rainbow style on that little guy...lol! cool looking bulls.... thanks for postin em up! James
  9. JLW

    Meat from animals in the rut

    cornbagger...HAHA! still makes me laugh! James
  10. JLW

    48 hour soak

  11. JLW

    What to use for Black river crossing?

    haven't been for a while to the black but we used to kill em on small tube baits in smoke grey or green watermelon w/ red flake. also as mentioned panther martins are awesome! found these a while back and been using at other creeks and they catch smallies and browns as well as stocker rainbows if catch and release either cut off the bottom treble or buy the single hook ones joe's flys super striker spinner james
  12. JLW

    Tent bag too small

    haha... how bout a blow up queen sz matress...LOL! James
  13. JLW

    Tent bag too small

    what size was the previous....... check out the GI duffel bag from bass pro... or maybe a military surplus store even cheaper looking on line depending on size http://www.basspro.com/Outdoor-Products-G-I-Duffle-Bag/product/15020408215916/ James
  14. JLW

    Elk Show 2016

    not hunting.... pest control James
  15. JLW

    Elk Show 2016

    sweet pics as always! I've read cayenne pepper or chili powder.. also moth balls... no experience though a pellet gun and a slow cooker may also help eradicate lol! James
  16. JLW

    Noob looking for cold weather gear.

    keep an eye on camofire sign up for the daily shooter and they'll shoot you an email every day and the deals last only for a few hours.. you can get some merino wool base layers and underoos. all kinds of stuff. James
  17. JLW

    The best Camper

    that's pretty awesome! James
  18. JLW

    Ever have this happen?

    might be the rancher...I was looking for the ranger I had drive by... about 1/3 mile from the road James
  19. JLW

    Ever have this happen?

    entertainment bump some pics from last year since I haven't been able to get out and set any this year...
  20. JLW

    OTC elk

    That's what I'm looking for what areas are available and when. I thought I would try it this year been thinking about it for a while and may do it this year Call the g&f office and ask for the ph # for the warden for whatever unit you are looking at. He can give you some info that would be very helpful. James
  21. JLW

    Thoughts on the area's with fresh burn...

    looked on inciweb and they are not even showing it anymore...??? Just the Jack fire http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/state/3/0/ James
  22. coues azz looks like this...LOL!
  23. JLW

    Ever have this happen?

    gonna be a government cover up conspiracy... hush money, rug sweep.....LOL!!! James
  24. so it wasn't locked? what's the purpose of lag bolt if not locked? could't he just take the cam out of the box? definitely weird... James