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Everything posted by JLW

  1. JLW

    not what i expected

    private property... make a box and lag bolt it to the tree. I've had a couple slapped around by bears and a few licks and rubs from elk... some reason that sounded weird... LOL! one time I put the wrapper from one of those little salt block inside the battery compartment cause the battery was loose... 6v that was a pretty dumb idea... LOL! James
  2. JLW

    Draw Questions

    it may not help you understand but it will give you your percentage chance of drawing the tag you want with the bp you have... if you want to hunt put in for a hunt that has higher draw odds... if you want a trophy tag then you will be bitching for a long long time. some guys draw an elk tag every year... they put in for higher odds don't over think it. James
  3. JLW

    Elk-Rifle before Archery

    good buy to archery deer as we know it... we all know it was the corn that got all the high success rate.... just wondering why that bait ban didn't work effectively? at least we don't have cwd thanks to the ban http://azgfdportal.az.gov/PortalImages/files/hunting/guidelines/HuntGuidelines2016-2018-5-7-2015DRAFT.pdf
  4. JLW

    coconino mvum

    was up in 5B this weekend and there were dozens of toyhaulers and trailers camped on closed roads.....not to mention the dozens of quads/sidexsides zooming around on closed roads. I would expect at the least FS leo would be out educating the public on their new rules. saw 1 G&F truck and that was it. is this what it will be like in hunting season? or will they try to enforce their bs on hunters and not recreational campers? this is probably old hat to a lot of people that hunt coconino but whats the use if only some follow and the rest don't? James
  5. JLW

    coconino mvum

    Just have to ask. What were you doing on a closed road? the same as everyone else.... hunting James
  6. JLW

    Wanted: Black Gold Sight Tapes...

    I don't have any but midway does and cheaper than blackgold's web page http://www.midwayusa.com/product/851832/black-gold-bow-sight-tape-kit James
  7. JLW

    coconino mvum

    I bet a big majority of recreational campers don't even know about the new MVUM.... James
  8. JLW

    You tell me, how timely is this rain?

    last years report from happy jack in may http://www.usclimatedata.com/climate/happy-jack/arizona/united-states/usaz0330/2014/5 1 day tr. snow 1 day tr. rain 1 day .10 " rain. you have to go back to 2009 since this much rain in May it is really green this year as compared to previous years waterholes are overflowing springs are seeping out of the ground this will get us to the monsoons at least where I was at. James
  9. JLW

    coconino mvum

    I think someone yanked the post this comment was directed at...just saying! I ain't mad at ya rageinthesage... LOL! James
  10. JLW

    tree stand help

    I would use a ladder stand and lock it to the tree. way more comfort and less sketchy when sitting it. just make sure you don't put it on a bare tree like a pine tree. I like to put um up on a tree that will have branches to help conceal you. if you don't the deer will look right at you. also make sure you get there early in case you have a first come first serve stand jumper. James
  11. JLW

    WTB: Cheap Ground Blind

    saw this on craigs... not sure if still avail. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/spo/5012783027.html James
  12. JLW

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    I remember ice fishing Mexican hay and limiting out on 3-5 lb fish! The cool thing was watching them take the bait cause of the gin clear shallow water. My parents have a 7 lb rainbow from colter reservoir! That lake is just a stock tank now and no fish ........ Sad that's awesome! James
  13. JLW

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    we see that allllllllll the time anymore. my dad would put a knot on your head! james
  14. JLW

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    anyone remember when mexican hay lake was fishable with nice big pink meat rainbows? when I was a kid my dad would take us on a week long camping trip over one of the holidays and we would stay on the little colorado so we could be by water and we would take the the old row boat to mexican hay and take turns slaying the rainbows. we would be the only ones fishing it. James
  15. JLW

    Help me Clarify UTV Laws her in AZ

    from the OHV brochure http://www.azgfd.gov/pdfs/outdoor_recreation/ohv/atv_brochure.pdf OHV protective clothing Required Protective Gear Helmet: A helmet is the most important piece of equipment you can wear. A minimum DOT-safety rated motorcycle helmet is required for all operators and passengers of all OHVs who are under 18 years of age and strongly recommended for ALL OHV operators and passengers. DOT-rated helmets offer the only protection against head injuries in the event of an accident and also protect against discomfort from windblast, cold, noise, vegetation and flying objects. James
  16. JLW


    Siberian musk deer
  17. JLW

    Snake gaiters

    The last thing I am concerned about when outdoors is a fashion statement. I looked, I don't have a picture of myself with the snake gaiters but look at this debacle of an outfit. Casino Arizona giveaway T shirt from Grandpa, hand me down jean shorts from Andre the giant - have no idea how I got them, dress socks from work the day before, and skater shoes from my high school days. Wife don't care, dog don't care, critters don't care. Although I do have my devils hat on. Largemouth_July.jpg shorts that far below the knees.......pants....LOL! reminds me of my step son.....LOL! James
  18. JLW

    22 lr ammo for sale

    http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Ammunition/Rimfire-Ammunition%7C/pc/104792580/c/104691780/sc/104536080/Remingtonreg-22-LR-Rimfire-Ammunition/734676.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Frimfire-ammunition%2F_%2FN-1100192%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104536080 James Not a terrible price for the 100 pack. Thanks for that! there is a website that tracks stock and price for ammo... I think it is called ammoseek.com or something like that. James
  19. JLW

    22 lr ammo for sale

    http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Ammunition/Rimfire-Ammunition%7C/pc/104792580/c/104691780/sc/104536080/Remingtonreg-22-LR-Rimfire-Ammunition/734676.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Frimfire-ammunition%2F_%2FN-1100192%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104536080 James
  20. JLW

    Unit 6A Archery Bull Tag

    a lot of tags period.. LOL! James
  21. JLW

    .22 LR

  22. JLW

    .22 LR

    hoarders and capitalist. those who aren't hoarding are selling it elsewhere for more $. manufacturers are taking advantage selling direct to on line sellers leaving less for retail stores until the manufacturers produce more ( I'm sure they are putting out as fast as they can, but like it the way it is) it will continue to be like this. James
  23. JLW

    Amandas dog Julie

    so sorry to hear this terribly sad news!! no words can ease the pain and sorrow you are feeling. you gave her an awesome life that any pet/friend could ever want. thoughts and prayers for you and your family! James
  24. JLW

    Arrows off EBay

    http://www.basspro.com/BlackOut-X3-Hunter-Carbon-Arrows-2-HP-Vanes/product/12032405010424/ cheaper straighter and pretty sure made by gold tip James
  25. good customer service is hard to beat... I doubt browning actually makes the camera... probably made by 1 of the bigger trail cam companies... moultrie or reconyx ? I have 1 stealth cam... while it takes decent pics with ok trigger speed it is harsh on batteries. I went to hang a few cams back in Nov. but only found a couple good spots and ended up bringing the cam back home....FFWD to january went to hang some more in a diff unit and turned it on to check the power and nothing....WTH... opened it up and the batteries had leaked...... I would have blamed the batteries but they didn't leak in my other cams...(same pack of batteries) also on a previous incident the batteries were drained and I thought I may have left it on or something but I'm pretty sure this cam is a POS. I know batteries can be drained without the power on but my other cams don't drink the power like this 1..... my cheap wildgame has treated me better. James