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Everything posted by MMACFIVE



    Wow, Even before Swarovski’s 7% end of year increase that’s a heck of a deal. good luck.

    300 wsm load development

    The Hornady OAL gauge may have some faults, as do all the other methods, but it is repeatable and convenient. I use it almost exclusively now and am very happy with it. It gives me a datum to work with.

    300 wsm load development

    You must of missed the part about Hornady bullets. Which is the OPs choice.

    Brass trade 6.5 creed for 22-250, 30-30 or cfe223

    I won’t be back in AZ until after the new year. I definitely have 30-30 I’d trade then if nothing else comes through for you.

    300 wsm load development

    This podcast from Hornady about load development is worth listening to. Some of the take always are neither a ladder test or 3/5 shot OCW groups come close to defining a loads capability. For standard case size 1 grain power increments are adequate vs the .1/.3 gr most of us use. And with their bullets seat them 0.025 - 0.030” off the lands and forget you have a seating depth adjustment abilities. Of course there a lot more in nearly an 1-1/2 hr podcast but these takeaways spur plenty of controversy. https://youtu.be/QwumAGRmz2I

    300 wsm load development

    You should listen to the pod cast. It’s very good and will challenge a lot of our previous assumptions. They are not saying 0.030” off for liability. They saying that seating depth has virtually zero affect and just set it 0.030” off and forget ever adjusting it for their bullets. You really have to have an open mind about all of your previous knowledge when you listen to it.

    300 wsm load development

    I agree with finding a low SD. The Hornady podcast I posted claims seating depth has almost zero affect on group size with their bullets. They say set them 20-30 thou off and forget it.
  8. This podcast from Hornady about load development is worth listening to. Some of the take always are neither a ladder test or 3/5 shot OCW groups come close to defining a loads capability. For standard case size 1 grain power increments are adequate vs the .1/.3 gr most of us use. And with their bullets seat them 0.025 - 0.030” off the lands and forget you have a seating depth adjustment abilities. Of course there a lot more in nearly an 1-1/2 hr podcast but these takeaways spur plenty of controversy. I really enjoyed it https://youtu.be/QwumAGRmz2I
  9. Two unopened boxes and one with 47 in it. $100 plus shipping. MIKE 928.607.6327 Flagastaff

    7mm STW Brass

    I have 50 new Winchester 7mm STW Brass for $150. I also have 95 fire fireformed Winchester 300 H&H brass for $150. I did not fire form the brass and was told it has not been reloaded since. It appears to be excellent. I will pay for shipping. Mike text 928.607.6327

    7mm STW Brass


    7mm STW Brass

  13. We’re these cartridges loaded recently and is it a different Powder Lot?
  14. Everything I’ve ever read is tha a suppressor will add 10-15fps not reduce it? it seems like this would be easy to verify with your magnetospeed.

    7mm STW Brass

  16. Check out this chart. It extremely doubtful the ambient conditions made a 134 fps difference. Something else is going on…although R17 appears to be one of the worse ones? https://www.google.com/search?q=rifle+powder+temperature+sensitivity+chart&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS994US994&oq=rifje+piwder+tem&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i13i512j0i22i30l3j0i10i22i30.6199j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=iuNGVlPQEfqPnM&imgdii=voZseB2N9hc4ZM

    SFP hash mark ratios

    Just to be clear I’m talking about SFP scopes which the Strike Eagle is. Hash marks not changing is one of the advantage Mac that First Focal Plane have.

    Swarovski 65 mm Objective

    Wow, just wow. free bump

    SFP hash mark ratios

    Don’t make this too difficult. Let’s assume your max magnification is 20x. If your marks are 1 moa at 20 then they are 2 moa at 10x (1/2 the max magnification) and 4 moa at 5x… When you half the magnification you double the hash marks. Good luck

    7mm STW Brass


    Temp stable powder for a 7-08?

    From GunWerks: Humidity Humidity does play a role in long range ballistics; however the effect is so minimal we can generally disregard it. In a nutshell humid air has slightly less density than dry air so humid air has slightly less drag on a bullet. As I write this, the closest weather station shows 53% humidity in the Revic Ballistic App. A .284 caliber 180 grain Berger VLD bullet at 2,750 fps takes 17.7 MOA of elevation to get point of aim/point of impact at 800 yards. If I manually change the humidity to 5%, it takes 17.8 MOA. Considering your scope likely has 0.25 MOA adjustments, the error here is too small to adjust for. https://www.gunwerks.com/blog/lrp-stories-2/the-effects-of-temperature-and-altitude-in-long-range-shooting-255#