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Everything posted by MMACFIVE


    Food for Thought

    I agree with idgaf on this one. When I archery hunt I use traditional gear. And seldom wear camo. My hunt doesnt really start until I get within 50 yds. I prefer to be under 25 yds when I shoot. Of the last five elk Ive killed the longest shot was right at 18 yds. I shot a little 6x6 at 13 yds with a flint arrowhead one time and when he stopped at 45 I dropped another one tight behind the crease of the shoulder....but I never would have taken that shot if he didnt already have an arrow in him. BTW I own legit 1000yd rifles and have the skill to shoot that far. Ive only shot a couple of animals over 400. Ive always been able to close the distance. Of course Ive blown a few stalks closing but thats just part of the hunt to me.

    Food for Thought

    The hunt. at 25 yards you are violating their safe space. At 500 they do not have that issue. try getting as close as you can, its addicting.


    This is the Easton spine calculator: https://eastonarchery.com/group-t11/ A 30 arrow out of a 60lb recurve requires a spine of .325 A 30 arrow out of a 340fps ATA coumpound requires a .375 spine......or less spine.. Its because of the difference in how the force is applied (full poundage at release vs how the cams apply the force)


    oh really? Explain that for me please,


    Cedar arrows shoot fine out of a compound. A compound actually uses a lower spine per given draw weight than a compound.

    How do you store your trout?

    Wrap them in plastic wrap then vacuum seal. They will last for years. Literally. We do it with out meat and fish.

    Nosler Prepped Cases

    Good info, thanks. Out of curiosity, have you ever compared group sizes with turned necks vs. un-turned necks being the only variable? I realize that in itself (the benefits of uniforming the neck thickness) will likely vary from one rifle to another, but have you observed any noticeable difference? When I started prepping brass I began doing the following all at once. Check that flash holes are centered in primer pocket. Ream flash holes. Ream primer pockets. Turn necks. Weight sort to sets under 0.5 gr variance. I have not done isolated tests on each item but I did test a set of unprepped cases against a prepped set using a 700 .308 with R-P brass. I took a set of 10 unprepped cases from a lot of brass then prepped the rest and selected a set of 10 prepped cases to compare. I would put 2 targets out and fire 1 round from each set alternately at its respective target so no set had any advantage by being first or last. I also fired across a chrono. I reloaded the 2 sets and repeated the test a number of times. The unprepped cases ran around a 40 FPS E/S while the prepped set was around 25 FPS E/S. That is around a 60% reduction in velocity variation. At the time I did these tests I was off work for 6 months with a broken ankle and had nothing better to do than work on my guns and hang out at the range. The rifle, load and myself were all well tuned and capable of consistent accuracy well under 0.5 MOA. The unprepped set was much more likely to have fliers that opened up groups. This was just 1 load and rifle and as 10Turkeys points out another rifle simply may not show a substantial improvement, even with all the prep done. I also expect much less improvement is likely with higher quality brass like Lapua, Nosler or Norma VS something like R-P or Winchester. I have a set of Nosler brass on the shelf for my .300 RUM when the current R-P brass wears out. I was a bit skeptical when I read the "weight sorted" claim on the package. I scaled them all and was very impressed. They did an incredible job. I have a question on Noslers weight sorted brass. I think this means that the 50 (or 25) in a box will be consistent., but the next box while although still consistent could be a very different weight? BTW I have measured the neck thickness variance on a box of 50 Nosler brass and it was very good.

    WTB Swarovski 12x50 EL

    PM sent
  9. Brand new Dillion 45 ACP crimp dies: $20 shipped 1970's Pacific 300 H&H dies: $15 shipped

    Sending Binos to Swarovski?

    I got a call today after about 4 weeks to ask if I was willing to pay $133 to proceed with my repair. My 12s had a scratched ocular and torn rubber on one barrel. I think $133 is fair. The lesson learned here is the never let someone else touch your glass!

    AR fun?

    It might have an identity problem. It seems to think its a fully automatic. Is it a Democrat?

    Sending Binos to Swarovski?

    They quoted me 6 weeks on my 12s. I think Im 4 weeks in now.
  13. Heres the deal: A friend gave me a price point for a BTX and objective. I negotiated a killer deal.....and he cant come up with the funds. I can sell a NIB BTX, 95mm objective, and the 1.7X converter for $4700. This is a cash only FTF deal by this weekend. I am in Flagstaff but I will be in north Phx this Friday thru Sunday. The MSRP for all of this is $5,775 and the Outdoorsmans price is about $5,200: Thats before $400 plus in tax. This is over $1,000 savings from Outdoorsmans! I also negotiated a return pending sale on these items so Im firm on the price. Im just trying to help out fellow CWT members. I have this exact setup and it is simply amazing. It might not be as bright as the Kowas but its bright enough and it weighs less than half of the Kowas. Mike
  14. TTT I'm really surprise that these are still here. I guess it's just not the right the time of the year and the price?

    BTX, 95mm, 1.7 magnification extender

    Scoutpylot You listed MSRP when we are starting to find these at MAP. Are you firm on your price or will you entertain offers?

    Hornady 6.5 PRC

    The April Shooting Times has an article on the 6.5 PRC. In 3 guns factory 143g ELDXs averaged 3013fps. Full case capacity is listed as 68.8 gr of water to the case mouth or about the same as the 6.5 Remington Magnun. About a 6% increase over the 6.5-284. The 6.5 RM was just way ahead of its times, but it did have that belt thing going wrong for it that was in vogue at the time. The article says handloading data for the 6.5-06 can be used as a starting point. Loading data for a he 6.5 RM will work too. Im looking forward to getting modern powder load data for a NULA 6.5-06 I have coming in a couple of months.

    BTX, 95mm, 1.7 magnification extender

    You gotta admit the script is going to get him a lot of free bumps! BTW I love the BTX.


    The lcd says 54.8 doesnt it?

    Hornady 6.5 PRC

    The load data seems awfully optimistic. Lets say it 3 grains less than the 65 SAUM. I think hat would give it about 62 grains of capacity when loaded with a 143 gr bullet. The 6.5x284 is around 58 and the 264 win mag around 79. With the numbers they are throwing out the 6.5 PRC will nearly equal 264 WM velocities with 17 grains less capacity? That doesn't feel right to me. There is a general rule of thumb that you get velocity increases that is about 1/4 of the case volume increase. At an 8% volume increase for the 6.5 PRC that would mean about a 2% velocity increase over the 6.5x284...or around 3050fps (at equal psi that is). Lets give it 100fps and that will give us about an additional 75 yards of real world improvement. That's pushing 1200 yards while still having 1000 ftlbs of energy. I know differences like brand of case, COAL, chamber dimensions, barrel dimensions, etc. will affect an individual rifles velocity. But it all averages out in the end. I'm just feeling that there is some marketing hype going on here. I'm sure the cartridge will be hot-rodded and some will actually get those velocities and then some, but any cartridge can be hot-rodded. I suspect that the accuracy node is more based on the velocity of the bullet not the cartridge? The bottom line is we have a new short action 6.5 cartridge that will exceed 6.5x284 velocities. If I were doing a custom build and wanted a short action I would throw it in the mix with the 6.5 SAUM and 6.5 WSM. Having said all that I am a gun nut and am really excited when the industry introduces new things. It is a form of evolution where we all benefit. For example I now have tons of 28 Nosler load data with the newest powders that I can leverage for my 7mm STW.

    Hornady 6.5 PRC

    On Honady's website the factory 6.5 PRC 143 gr ELDx is 2960 fps. Their 6.5x284 with a 143gr ELDx goes 2940 fps. So maybe my 30-50 fps was generous?

    Hornady 6.5 PRC

    This seems like an extremely niche cartridge. It will only be 30-50 FPS faster than a 6.5x284 (or 6.5-06). There are years of load development for the 6.5-284 out there and Lapua brass. Maybe the 6.5PRC will be a better short action cartridge though?
  22. http://www.rifleshootermag.com/gunsmithing/break-rifle-barrel/
  23. About as narrow minded and moronic as your post about the spotters. I assume you have evidence that suggests your "method" of doing nothing is just as good, doesn't shorten barrel life, or decrease accuracy? Probably not, probably just more narrow minded thinking from someone who doesn't realize how little he actually knows. Ouch. That seems a little harsh? I'm starting to agree with Big or Bust: KISS. I can find many articles out there that say the best break in is to get bullets down the bore. I had a custom 6.5x55 I meticulously broke in because I didn't want to take a chance. It wouldn't shoot worth a crap....then after about round 200 it became one of my best shooting rifles (same loads, same bedding, same scope, etc). I seriously doubt that you can find an objective article that shows that a rigorous break-in helps. It would take 25-30 barrels of identical manufacture broke in both ways and each shot hundreds of rounds to statically show an objective comparison. I've never seem that done. I hope someone has and can point me to the article.
  24. IMR 4451 splits IMR 4350 and H4350 in burn rate. So yes, it is almost a direct replacement for IMR 4350. https://www.hodgdon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/burn-rate-color.pdf