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About silencedmajority

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  1. silencedmajority


    Ill take seconds if the deal doesnt go through
  2. silencedmajority

    Vortex Viper HST Riflescope

    Bump, I'll vouch for this guy and a good price on this scope!
  3. silencedmajority

    Rainbow Lake

    Hey there, this time of year can be tough trout fishing in lakes, lakes get warm and pH gets high. Rainbow Lake can be even harder to fish because of the weeds. Show Low Lake is a better bet this time of year because it has better summer water quality. But if yoy have to fish near town I'd strongly recommend show low creek right below the lake if it was stocked recently, you can ask camp ground hosts at show low lake campground how to get to the creek fishing spot.
  4. silencedmajority

    My pending charges are gone!!!!!!!!!!

    I think we should acknowledge that some of these phone calls people are making to game and fish is going to do nothing but delay the draw and official results... Can't help but think that every minute that draw people are on the phones with customers resolving questions about people's own banks are minutes not spent finishing out the draw process. Patience is getting rare these days.
  5. silencedmajority

    Is this illegal?

    Even if they were purchased from a legally operating farm, you cannot resell them. There is a pretty narrow set of regulations that you would need to be compliant with in order to sell live channel catfish in AZ, requiring fish health certificates and licensing, let alone all your buyers need to have approval in the form of a stocking license from game and fish before buying any live catfish. Check out the regulations
  6. silencedmajority

    Is this illegal?

    That would be illegal in all circumstances unless that person was an authorized seller. Those are restricted live wildlife.
  7. silencedmajority

    Lost license and out of town, azgf phone line down?

    If you bought online, it inputs the license number in automatically after you input your sportsman ID number. I think if you bought in person at an AGF office, you can call any office (regional or phoenix) and have them look up your hunt license number for you on their computer. But if you bought at a retailer other than AGF, you would have to apply for a duplicate license, or you can try calling the retailer you bought from to get that number from their records. AGF doesn't have retailer license information in their systems from what I understand. I went through the same thing one year, good luck.
  8. silencedmajority

    Talley one piece rings

    Did you notice if the different bases have different profiles to fit the receiver? I remember on my model 70 one piece Talley's, I got them switched up but noticed that they were machined differently to mate to the different parts of the receiver. Mine is a late model 70.
  9. silencedmajority

    Bartlett Flatheads

    I've had most, if not all, of my large flatheads caught in 2' - 8' of water at night. One thing I've found that is very important to my success in hooking into large flatheads is keeping artificial light off the water. If I am shore fishing, I never run a lantern where the light can hit the water. I mostly figured this out when landing a big flathead at night, I have been able to get them to shore quickly but I noticed when I flicked my headlamp on they would immediately react and go on another run. In my experience, they are very light sensitive, so using a crappie light would directly interfere with how I've had good luck.
  10. silencedmajority

    Tax dollars at work

    Do they work all over the state? Yes that looks like them, and I have seen them in Apache, Navajo, Maricopa and Gila counties.
  11. silencedmajority

    Does target shooting cause wildfires?

    Just FYI, I had told a couple years ago that the USFS documented a fire starting in Chevelon canyon due to persons throwing rocks from the top. I think that the cheap steel-core ammo that some people shoot has a higher-than-average chance to ignite wildfires. I would prefer that people be very careful what they shoot at!
  12. silencedmajority

    AZGFD giving out draw lists?

    I'm not really sure about this, but I believe I've heard before that some of AGF's draw information is subject to freedom of information requests, requests that anybody can make to the government. Of course, personally identifiable information is never included in these kinds of requests (SS#). I would hope that they aren't selling lists to guides and such either!
  13. silencedmajority

    Laws and Faqs

    Also, HB2457 was just signed into law on 4/10, authorizing: A. The possession of legal weapons, devices, ammunition or magazines, which are not authorized to take wildlife, is not prohibited while hunting if the weapon or device is not used to take wildlife. Which I think would make the law crystal clear on that point now.
  14. silencedmajority

    HHA Optimizer SIght

    I really like my HHA optimizer. My favorite thing is how it is built, it is hard to find such solidly constructed things these days, although it is heavy for a bow sight. I haven't hunted much with it. But I was able to hit both Javelina that I've had in it's sights. With modern bows you can usually set it at something like 30 yards and not have to move it if you practice holding over or under at different yardages.
  15. silencedmajority

    My favorite new radio station

    The new 24 hour comedy station out of Claypool is great! It is sort of spotty in the White Mtns area, but I don't think I've changed my radio off of it in a few weeks. I'm surprised they are able to find so many different comedy clips without curse words! They rarely have *bleeped* words either.