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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN

  1. Actually the game and fish set up all the requirements on who and how and when a hunter gets a tag, that is actually management. As hunters we are a piece of the WHO is carrying out the orders but it is "managed" from above

    Intros and my 09 buck

    Super buck, I love the mass and as said before, welcome to CW.
  3. I think every year sites like this become more popular with more people posting away. I'm sure the quality of deer taken every year is becoming more visible, more recognized not necessarily meaning that more quality bucks are being taken every year. IMO

    '09 season.... and the first of '10

    Nice job cuzin, lets hope for another good year from ya.

    OT- Job openings

    The hardest part is finding someone who will let you drive their rig, if that is taken care of you can get a CDL in a few days at most if you devote the time. Some companies do all the training for your CDL and have classes and vehicles at their disposal.

    OT- Job openings

    Well I have no idea about Government Job Processes, If I didn't have decent job I would go out and do everything and anything to be qualified at as many things as possible. My dad owned a ready-mix company and I've been in concrete and other forms of construction from a very young age. I also agree that if anything good comes from this discussion it is worthwhile. Good luck to all those looking for work and I hope your blessed (and all of us) in 2010. Background check was only a joke of course, actually there are probably more construction workers that could pass a background check than physicians that could.

    OT- Job openings

    It didn't sound like you needed DO experience, just be able to pass a few things. The P (passenger) endorsement on CDL is probably one of the easiest endorsements and can be had quickly. Quite a few construction workers have CDL's since it is required to drive a lot of construction equipment, straight axle and not only tractor trailer combo. I've had my CDL since I was 18 driving mixer truck and got my P endorsement to drive school bus. The hard part is most of us construction workers passing the background check.

    The 2009 100" post

    My buddy scott's Oct. 09 buck 113 6/8 buddy Ric's buck next day 111 6/8

    Payne Brother's 09 Hunt

    couple of absolute stud bucks.great job

    Dec Coues

    Nice job on a good buck Joe. Rob props to you guys on a great hunt. Joe is shooting a ruger 7mm with leoupold.

    2009 Update

    Here is a quick update of late Nov. and early Dec. so far. Well we made it out for a couple of late elk hunts, my dad and brother shot elk and we were able to get the truck close. couple of pics. Then we had a great time with my wife's late Coues hunt. First of all, this was our first Coues hunt together and I love hunting Coues with my wife, she is a trooper, hiked all of her stuff in and out along with my tripod and Bino's on the way out. It sure is nice following my wife around she is a bunch nicer to look at than any of my other hunting partners. Second I would like to thank a good buddy of mine Royce that went with us and we appreciate his help and being there for me and my wife. We glassed up a big buck around 8am and made a quick stalk on him. She missed and the buck moved over the hill and was gone, we started glassing found another buck back up the same hill we just came down. We made a long stalk, stopped to set up a few times but finally lost him in a small draw. We made it up to glass down into the draw and found this buck with another small buck. We decided to pass on him because of his broken left main beam and he worked his way up and over the hill. After he left I started second guessing my decision to let her pass and with her a little hurt about missing the big buck earlier that morning I decided if we found it again I would let her shoot the buck. We ended up passing this buck two times trying to decide if we should shoot or not and finally he came out chasing a few does at 100 yards and I stopped him with a whistle and she laid him down. It was an awesome feeling and I was so happy to have my wife shoot her first Coues, even though he wasn't real big, we had a great time and I was glad that I was big enough to let her shoot a buck SHE wanted rather than try to make her shoot a big buck I wanted because I was being selfish. She is more than happy and it was great time together, my only regret is because we killed early in the season I didn't get to spend more time with my wife, but having to find a babysitter was getting old.

    2009 December Coues Hunt

    That is awesome Bob.What a beautiful looking buck and great pictures of everyones deer. I love how those main beams almost touch, that is way cool.
  13. Well I am a born and raised Cougar but congrats to the Jackets, I'm glad both teams were respectful. I played during the mid 90's when the BR beat us and everybody for many years. BR has always been a tough team to beat even when they were not state champs they usually went most of the way. Nice job.

    jeremyb is a Top Notch Guy

    Good to hear everything is ok Mike, Jeremy way to keep Mike out of trouble, or jail or whatever you did for him.

    Happy Birthday TLH

    Happy birthday buddy, hope it is great.

    How big does he have to be!

    If I like the buck and it will look good on my wall I will kill it. I'm a bit more picky with mulies now, but since I spot and stalk any mature Coues is good for me.
  17. I don't recommend shooting a brake without ear protection, but the custom brake I have is not too bad to shoot without, you just don't want to be standing at the side of the gun. It depends tons on the design of the brake. It tames the recoil tremendously. My wife shoots my 300 ultra with a brake with mimimal problems. 105lb 5'5" frame
  18. I would suggest a break, you can get one installed anywhere from $250- $400. and they are worth it as far as recoil is concerned. If you have a smith you trust ask him, if not there are plenty of people that do great work I'm sure you could get pointed in the right direction.

    Sorry/ Here he is

    wow what a stud buck Jason, guess is 126 3/8. I'm a little high I think but just throwing out a score


    What a beautiful deer, great looking buck. My initial impression was mid to high 90's but not sure, I like the rest wonder how big the big one was, way cool.

    Rifle Scope Choice?

    another +1 for the Nikon, I have three of the 3-9 and absolutely no problems, I own Leopold and burris and a few others and really like the nikon buckmaster 3-9 for the price I think the quality is great.


    Both posts look like your trying to bait someone into a fight. I'm not interested in arguing I will just give you my opinion. Speed, gravity etc... is only a small part of the equation and is easier controlled/compensated for than buck fever or a buck jumping the string. I'm not interested in getting into a debate about ethics as everyone is different and I feel that I have as much or more respect for the animals I hunt than others, but one thing I find interesting is that a lion doesn't sit there and think, "lets see if I drop off this ledge on that buck, I might not be able to effectively kill it because of that little kicker antler that is going to hinder me catching it by the throat, I guess I will have to pass until that little fawn comes along." IMO a real test of ethics is not how far the shot is, because I can and have missed at under 30 yards, but ethics to me comes into play after you have made a poor shot. What do you do? Look for 5 min and then move on, do you spend time on hands and knees, do you wait a day then come back? What is it that you do? Have you ever seen a deer killed by a lion, or coyotes, a bunch less ethical than a poor shot IMO For me I shoot regularly at 80+ yards Longest kill mule deer 81 yards closest is bull elk at 7 yards

    Havalon Knives - Check these out!

    I've been using them for a while and love them. Will not change. I agree they do not replace a pocket knife or leatherman but they are great for skinning and caping.

    Digiscoping with a cell camera

    Pretty good picture. I try and take a few out of my 15's but usually am too impatient to get any good pictures. I took this pic of two bear cubs at 1500 yards with my blackberry storm from my 15's mamma is behind a tree.