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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    Couple of Coues pics

    First off I apologize for the quality of pictures. I decided to post these up from my phone because if I wait until I get good pictures then I probably never will share them. I got three bucks back from Clay they look great. Two Mexico bucks and my wife's buck. I will try and get close up pictures of all three soon. As always Clay did an outstanding job. Ready for the wall Mexico bucks on either side of fireplace


    Mike, I like those, they look very nice, good find.

    2010 Arizona Elk Hunt video in HD

    Cool video, that is a great looking bull and one I'm sure Eric would love to have shot that bull, but oh well, next time will be better.


    Nate- I don't have any info on that guy, I'm guessing the other posts do not either. I wouldn't worry about being to close to your taxidermist, pick one that you know will do a great job. my .02

    And then there was one. (Tag Left)

    Great job again Bob, congrats on a fine looking bull. Good luck on the sheep hunt, wish I was invited to come along.

    Ron's 2010 AZ Archery Bull Elk

    Huge congrats Ron and great bull. Thanks for sharing pictures and stories, absolutely a hunt to remember.

    Unit 23 Early

    23 is a great unit with good bucks... BUT... they can be isolated and in pockets. One ridge/canyon that looks great will have deer while another that looks equally as good doesn't. For that reason most people will not give up too many spots. If you can't scout, plan on the first day or so scouting a little bit. The southern part of the unit and western are all good. I would try any road off the A+ road and head north/northeast and start glassing. From the west, go east to the mtns and glass, get off the desert floor and you will find Coues. Good luck

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    I've never bashed Game and Fish but this is just plain wrong. A guy waits not 5-10 but 35 years, one more time, 35 years, for a goat tag and this happens, that sucks big time. Archery deer or even Elk screwed up by G and F doesn't even come close to compare, Sheep does. I would be ticked and I'm a guy that doesn't get upset at much. I completely understand the need for science and science based info, but come on, shorten the seasons by one day or something, DO NOT FLY WHEN HUNTERS ARE HUNTING, IMO kind of like biting the hand the feeds you. my little rant.

    1st Archery Success

    Great job on the first bull and video. awesome

    2010 elk success

    smoker bull, love it.

    Found Tripod

    Well my brother shot his bull off mine last year and set it down somewhere, that was one of the worst two weeks of my life looking for that thing. Imagine explaining to your wife the money you just spent on a piece of equipment is lost and you have to buy it again. WOW. I'm glad I found mine. Nice job putting that up here, hopefully someone appreciates the honesty and compensates you, even though I know that is not why you posted it.

    Outdoorsmans Rear Rifle Rest

    Like Jade said I like it tons if you already have the Outdoorsmans set up. If you don't, then look at other options that are less expensive. In my opinion it is the best of both worlds. You don't have to pack an extra bipod or sandbag or anything, you are using the tripod you glass from. If you don't pack a tripod to glass from then their are better systems. The Claw is awesome if you can pack the heavy tripod and head needed to give a good rest. I like that set up if I'm helping someone out because I don't have to pack a rifle, I can pack the heavier set up. I've posted this pic before.I also had my brother shoot a bull at 450 yards off it.

    Any talk??

    I've seen lots of elk the last few days, not any of the real big stuff yet, but lots of bulls. But they will be coming across the rez soon. (3c) This morning I followed 9 bulls bugling no cows, I picked the wrong group to follow before work, nothing big at all. soon, very soon. Come on Friday

    One down and three to go.

    Way to go Jen and huge congrats to some hunting daughters Bob, good luck on the moose and sheep hunts. Huge congrats to you guys. I hope its nice having your Mathew and Jessica back up there, we miss them here.

    Bear Success

    huge congrats nice job on the bear.

    Elk Bugle

    I got woken up last night with bugles, so they are playing around a bit. Saw a decent bulls starting to check, gather cows a little bit this morning. Should be a fun year.

    North Rim Buck

    absolutely awesome. super buck.

    Ulmer Broadhead Pics???

    If your talking about Rusty Ulmer's head, I have pictures since I have a few prototypes that I'm shooting this year. I'll ask him if he cares they are shown. I know he is tweaking a few things and I'm not sure if he wants them out yet because of patents etc.. It is a mechanical 2 blade.

    Some Awesome Trail cam video of elk

    great footage and some really cool bulls, nice job.

    Got My Goat

    awesome buck, I love it

    First coyote!

    Nice job on the yote. I smoked a 20 week old coyote pup this morning at 15 yards. Going big time aren't we.

    Clay Goldman, Mogollon Taxidermy

    Mark- I had talked to Clay about your head months ago and so when I saw some of the things posted on this site I was tempted to talk to Clay to let him know that you were not happy. As a business man myself I appreciate the fact that I can't make everyone happy but I myself would like to be aware of the situation. Well somebody beat me to talking with Clay and wow, what a great example of great men by both Clay and you Mark. I've known Clay for only a few short years, but as others have stated what a great business man and great Taxidermist. Not only is his time-frame spot on,(or sooner) he doesn't rush a mount. I have 3 coues bucks coming from him this month and I'll post pictures for all to see.

    Happy Birthday Willhunt....

    Happy B-day man, 31 is ok 35 is going to suck, then we will be in our late 30's haha. I just turned 32 myself.

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    This year: Bowtech Destroyer 420gr ACC and TBD 100 gr broadhead at 320 fps. When rifle hunting the same picture in Long range thread 300 ultra shooting 210 vld at 3175 fps

    free stuff

    Your looking too way too close.