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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    More Great Work From Mogollon Taxidery

    Super Job Clay and I got to see those animals in the working stage, Congrats Verndog on some cool mounts.

    KAIBAB Bucks and "HD" 200+" 7x7

    Great job Lance some beautiful bucks

    Huge Bucks

    I know a bunch of "ol timers" who killed big bucks. No one knows about them. One guy in particular, told me he walked ridges and killed bucks, never really glassed and he has over 30 mounts on the wall and a bunch of 100+ antlers piled around. Some high 120's and quite a few teen bucks. One of the most impressive group of Coues I've ever seen. He was one of the few that hunted them 50 years ago. I believe because of the more popularity and the internet has made it seem like more big bucks than normal get killed every year. Like has been said they always have been there, just more talked about now.

    One Great Buck

    Well this year as all years started early during July and August. We had found a few good bucks and had high expectations. Opening morning found me and my buddy Darin and Royce in one of our favorite places that hasn't had much pressure in many years. Well long story short an acquaintance thought he would be cool and started giving directions (coordinates) to this place so we ended up with about 10 people in there. All summer and fall no one had been in here and all of a sudden a bunch of people were there, kind of frustrating, I was a little torqued, but we decided to make the most of it. After glassing a few bucks and watching these guys shoot maybe 12 shots at small bucks (and gut shoot them) we moved away from that spot and to another area we had seen some great bucks. We glassed this buck up at 4:00pm and recognizing from scouting, we decided to kill him. Darin made a great shot at 500 yards. This buck is a super cool buck, with great eye guards. I scored him quickly at 107 2/8th. He had a bit of velvet still on that had turned black on the right antlers. After lots of days and lots of bucks I decided to shoot this buck after passing him multiple times during the day. I had a bunch of problems arising at work, I had been away from family for a long time and decided I was done. I shot this buck at dark through one shoulder and neck at 650 yards. He is just under 90 I think. Mine is the wide one, Jack killed his buck the same evening. I had lost my camera earlier in my elk hunt and took a couple of pictures at dark with my phone. Here is one of the many bears we saw, this picture of this fatty is one of my favorites. All in all, it was a great hunt, many bucks seen and passed and I had a great time with great friends. A big thanks to Darin and Royce.

    Interesting buck


    One Great Buck

    Thanks a bunch. This buck was one of my favorites that I've seen this year. When I first saw him from 900+ yards I could see those eyeguards stand out. Pretty neat. One of my favorite sayings is "it is what it is". The funny thing is that I have a couple of friends that went into the "store" he works and he was telling them that he is the one that showed us a couple of the bucks last year we killed, not knowing that they knew me. I guess it comes with working in the hunting industry, you need to act like you know a lot in order to sell customers hunting supplies, even if you just got to see the bucks killed. I was just surprised at how many people knew the exact location to stop and glass. Anyway what is done is done, lesson learned. Not 36a

    Late season Elk hunting

    That 3a 3c hunt is extremely tough in the late season. My advice is to scout in the low juniper/cedar country and be prepared to walk. Some areas up by Black Canyon you can glass, but usually after all the hunts it is difficult to see anything, they will not be in the open areas. I live in Pinedale, PM me if you want as it gets closer and I can give you some starting areas. You may get lucky and get a bull to come in blind, but no for all intents and purposes they will not answer calls.

    Late season Elk hunting

    Most Nov hunts the bulls will be separated from the cows. Occasionally we find a decent bull still checking on cows, but it is rare. They will not be talking much at all, most of the bulls will be in thick, remote areas with lots of feed and water trying to recoup from the rut. It does depend on the unit like Loco4coues was referring to when he asked. Good luck on your hunt.

    One Great Buck

    Darin and I with his buck at home

    She Shoots...She SCORES!!

    Super buck Amanda, good luck Scott

    Dad's 2010 opening morning buck!!!

    That is an awesome buck, I too love the cape on that buck, that will make an awesome mount, share pictures as you do mount that buck.

    2009 Muleys is back.

    super buck and mount love it

    18 inch wide opening day success

    Nice buck, Trey sent me a picture, nice to see you on here. Congrats on a great buck. Houston

    Coues Capes & Lifesize

    What if my buck is a heavy 8 year old but going down hill and scores only 90" will that work? jk, hopefully a good year for coues deer

    Nevada Archery Mule Deer 2010

    Great buck, nice tall tines, great forks and good width. super job.

    Unit 10 "backup buck"

    Super buck man, great job.

    2010 Velvet buck

    Good to see you on here, nice bucks. Huge congrats. Houston

    An Adventure to Remember

    great job on a great wyoming buck.

    Youth Hunter

    Hey I've made a few calls to Game and Fish but havent' heard back yet so I thought I would ask here also. So my son turns 10 on April 27th. The turkey hunts I put in for have April and May hunts. My question is can we apply for him, take hunters safety and hunt the May portion of some of these hunts if he is successful in the draw? I looked online and didn't see anything right off preventing us from doing this, as long as both the age and Hunters ed have been met before he hunts. Thanks for any info.

    Happy Birthday Coues 'n' Sheep!!!!!

    Happy belated B-Day ol man. Good luck on all your hunts.

    Houston's 2010 bull

    Doug it was one of the craziest tracking jobs I've ever been on. We lost tracks and blood quite a few times as he moved in and out of rocky areas and he was stumbling around quite a bit. I would always spend a few minutes guessing where he went and then spend time in areas that would show tracks, picking up tracks and then looking for blood, it made for a tough/hot day, but was rewarding that we were able to bring him home. Thanks for the comments, sorry for the picture, I know you can't see much, but you get the idea.

    Houston's 2010 bull

    Well I'm not going to make excuses, but after finally drawing my first archery tag after 12 years for my home unit 4 years ago and shooting a 349 bull, I had great hopes of finding and killing a true monster this year after getting lucky and drawing another tag. (if 2 tags in 16 years is lucky) 2006 bull I had the great opportunity to pass on tons of bulls, and to see a few giant bulls. I passed on a broken 375+ bull at 40 yards with five days of the hunt left. He had broken his right beam just above the 4th. Thanks to the help of some good friends I had the opportunity to chase a bull of a lifetime and even got within 30 yards twice of him, both times not being able to get a shot through thick trees. I passed on bulls that I shouldn't have, but it was learning experience. One such bull was possibly in the 350 range but he had 3rds almost 30 inches on both sides. I couldn't make it happen on a couple really good bulls in the 360 range and last day decided to shoot this bull at 54 yards downhill. Long story but I made what looked like a perfect shot, we studied the film and thought he should be dead within 100 yards. Long story short we jumped him and tracked him almost 4 miles with limited blood until I could get another arrow into him almost 8 hours later. The arrow had entered mid body just behind shoulder but had exited just above the chest on opposite side, complete pass through but only one lung. Tough bull, but I'm glad it ended with him in my freezer. It was very hot so we took all of three pictures of my bull. He is a small 6x6 with devil tines. Extremely fun hunt as always. 2010 bull

    Elk Pedestal - Clay Goldman, Mogollon taxidermy

    That is one cool bull, the guy that killed that bull hasn't hunted much in recent years and did a great job finding and killing that bull, what an awesome bull, and one of my favorite mounts. As always perfectly done. I'm glad you are posting some of these, it keeps them fresh in my mind and gives me ideas for future work. Yeah show some more angles, I think everyone would enjoy, one cool bull, if I remember that I scored around high 360's. Did you ever score it Clay?

    Mexico Coues mount

    I remember that buck, looks awesome Clay, way to go on a super buck Mark.

    Guess the Lion weight!
