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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    Oct 2010 Buck

    Daryl , That is a super buck and great mount. Huge congrats.

    Lots of bulls on camera

    Sweet looking bull Mason, Good luck on the tag. The bulls will stop hitting your salt etc.. when they start looking for cows, hopefully there are cows at least somewhere close.


    When I was about 18 I believe I was still hunting the thick pines through 4a for deer. I spotted a group of cow elk moving up the same trail I was getting ready to walk. I watched about 8 of them go by at 15 yards or so. I then started down the trail from where they had come. I noticed a young 2-3 year old cow elk moving up the trail and I was stuck out in the open except for some tall grass. I slowly moved to the ground and was stretched my legs out across the trail, this cow walked up the trail stepped over me, smelled my stinky self and did a quick pivot turn on my calves and thighs. She trotted off as I stood up and circled around me. I was non worse for wear except a couple small bruises. Back in the 90's when calling for elk worked I "called" in a good bull by reving up the engine of my ol 69 ford with a hole in the muffler, that bull was crazy and came within 40 yards of me in the truck.

    Sitgreaves NF appears to be open near 260

    I work for the Lakeside RD and yes it is opened. Sitgreaves side was opened around noon. Barricades and signs removed. At least some of them have been removed as of last night. I drove a quick circle out of my home in Pinedale and came across a couple barricades still locked, and a couple signs still out but I'm sure they will all be removed and opened by today. Sure was nice to get out in the woods again.

    "Oreo" (big bull video)

    Jed after watching this bull and talking with you, I'm positive that is the bull that I skipped an arrow over his back. I don't remember him being broke but the quick video I have of him shows him possibly broke if you know what your looking for. I'm always impressed with the footage you get. I know you put a bunch of time into it. THanks for showing.

    Has shooting been banned in Apache Sitgreaves?

    yep no shooting or even driving on any of the roads up here. No scouting or anything. At least i have better chance my cameras won't be stolen. I hope

    New Fire by Heber

    Its a few miles from our house and moving away, it shouldn't last long. I was told it was started by a flat tire and the sparks from the rim. Wow.we need rain bad. edit I guess the WMI mentioned how it may have been caused

    Monsoon Forecast

    I love that last slide. We have three choices so we get 1/3 chance at any of the 3. very scientific haha

    Unit 1 & 27

    3c was a little tougher to hunt the year of the fire, but not in great amounts. Unless the wallow fire is significanlty different than Rodeo/Chediski than hunting will be pretty normal. UNLESS they completely stop allowing any type of access to the forest. In the RD fire they did not allow overnight camping in those areas because of danger of falling trees, but access was allowed.
  10. I think its a great idea, anybody that is a cop or "pretending" to be a cop disarming somebody that is completely lawful and in the right. (sarcasm) Makes me feel so much safer that anyone in a uniform can harass me. I have upmost respect for LE, it are the ones that abuse their authority that bother and scare me.

    Black River (Lower)

    BTW you are standing close to one of my favorite holes on the river. Sweet.

    Black River (Lower)

    Great looking country there Justin. Super time and congrats on a great trip.

    Truck Tires

    I ran BFG's on my 1/2 ton GMC did ok, but chuncks came off the tread pretty regular at 25k. I just put Nitto terra grappler on my Tundra and so far, I love them. very durable, ride well and no issues so far. 10k. My vote is for the Toyo or Nitto

    My Mule Deer is on the Wall!

    Beautiful buck and great job by Clay.

    Directions to AZ Antler Fest

    I should have made it known in my original post that I new for certain which MP (335) it was because I live at 327. 365 was no where close to Pearce Ln. haha

    Directions to AZ Antler Fest

    MM 334 and 335

    Sunflower seeds

    I usually go through 2-3 bags a week and I think spitz has the best flavor, not too much salt that wears your tongue or cheek raw, but enough to enjoy. I like the cracked pepper, but I am completely hooked on the smoky bbq. They are awesome. I can chew on them for hours with no tenderness or discomfort because of the salt. I only put in half a mouth at a time so I refill more often and enjoy the flavor.

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet tomorrow

    See you all tomorrow, My wife and I will be with Haywire again at his table.

    Jay's 7x8 Archery Bull

    Super cool bull and video nice job Jay and Jed.

    2011 Sonora Muley

    Smoking buck for sure. Bob sent me a pic and I'm glad to see the field photos, what a super deer.

    Archery Hunting the 390+ 7x9 Kicker Bull!

    super bulls Shane, that bull with the split G5 would be tough to pass even though he wouldn't score real great, some cools bulls. Thanks.
  22. Very nice pictures and update Gino, congrats on a great beginning to the year.

    Cousin' in Mexico with Reynaldo

    Super buck and story and pictures. What a great time to be had with friends. I love the shape of your buck, what a beautiful cola blanca
  24. Well as always we had a great time down in Ol Mexico. Lots of big bucks and fun times. My buddy and I killed good bucks and couldn't have been happier. We had six tags and all killed with one 132" giant. Clay Goldman will have pictures on his blog soon. Mogollon Taxidermy Blog Darin had a great year with two great bucks and a really cool bull Just a reminder of his Oct. buck Darins Mexico 3x4 with good mass I passed this buck up opening evening and decided on day 4 he needed my bullet in him. One of my best shots and he was mine. I knew he had short tines, but I was excited about the mass and the width. Almost 20 inches on the outside and inside spread was around 17. Short G3's but I'm very happy Overall another fun and exiting year. Thanks again Clay and everyone for an absolute blast
  25. Shane why did you shoot the little one. Awesome buck man huge congrats. Houston