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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    Giant Coues ****B&C Score updated*****

    super buck Jeremy. You said 130 or bust. I bet you got close, maybe even got it. My guess is in the 20 s. Congrats on another tremendous buck.

    I Finally Did It!

    Congrats again on a super bull Rob. I'm glad to see it finally come through for you. Awesome.

    Lady Luck 201" 13B Mule Deer

    Congrats Jonnie and Eric and all involved. Congrats on a super hunt and a super buck. I love those big ol strip bucks. Nice job Houston Davis

    2012 Mathews Heli-m Video Review

    Looks awesome, except I just spent the money on a bow for my wife. I guess I should have waited. BTW we will be in there to get her set up in just a few days. thanks again

    Outdoorsmans Tripods worth the money?

    Wow I thought this thread was going to go the other direction. I'm glad to see everyone is having great luck with the customer service. Here is my take. I love the pan head, attachmentst etc.. but the legs are just so so. I spent a bunch of money on mine and the old legs were horrible. I had mine upgraded to the new legs and they are great but even that cost me a bunch of money and I went straight to the manufacture. I think their are many legs that are going to work just fine at about a fifth the price. But one thing is for sure, I really like to support a product that has great customer service, so if Outdoorsman's CS are as good as they say or as good as everyone says they are, then I guess they are worth the money. (if you have it) if not get another one.

    Big 2 point &

    sweet pics Daryl and good luck on the hunt.
  7. Dinks and I'm talking about the brothers not the bucks. haha Congrats to Kyle and Todd. I didn't even know those guys could shoot straight. JK. Couldn't have happened to nicer guys. Awesome bucks Houston

    Is 45 inches to much growth for one year?

    Depends on age of Bull a 12 year old bull most likely will not put on any inches and will probably lose plenty. A 4-5 year old can easily put on that many inches IMO.

    3c bull

    3c bull I took this video through my Binoculars with my phone. I have about 10 min of this bull. Sad to say but this is one of the best bulls I've been able to see this archery hunt and the biggest I've been able to video. For some reason I couldn't figure out how to upload to Photobucket, but it let me upload to facebook.

    does anybody know this person?

    really??? fighting on the internet some how makes you a man????

    Utah bull elk

    Huge congrat Mathew on a cool 6x6. I know you had a great time getting out with friends and family. I wonder how many Coueswhitetail.com stickers are full time in UT. Super bull. elk77 I hope that was meant to be funny since the title of the post says UT 6x6. I thought it was funny.

    Nice Bull

    Huge congrats Josh, I believe I saw you leaving chasin a dream yesterday with that Big ol Nasty bunch of bone in the back. I was going to call and have you pull over so I could hold him. I'm glad you killed him and again awesome bull.

    3c bull

    3c is not nearly what is was say 5 years ago. I believe two things have has a negative impact on 3c. 1. As I wrote in another post, the sudden growth of mule deer and corresponding archery deer hunters and pressure. (ask anyone that hunted the Forest Circus roads) 2. The Rez tags they have alloted the last 3 years (something like that) As most everyone knows we get an abundance of big bulls from the rez and when they don't come over, we don't see them. That all being said I still think 3a/3c is a very good unit, not great but good.(plus its my home unit)

    Kade's first antelope!

    Super Goat Kade and huge congrats. TAM my son is 10 and has his first deer hunt. I've been trying to get a new gun to shoot and have not found to load I want. I was wondering how he would do with my RUM, sounds like I need to get him shooting it as it should be ok. Congrats again.

    2011 my first Bull Elk Hunt adventure, begins today!!

    3c just got put on an alternative management plan. (for deer) We will see if they make archery a draw, lower youth and general #'s or what. The unit could hold much more game if they would let it. Good luck to all the rifle hunters. Yesterday and Today, we found a few bigger bulls, starting to move in. Should be a good hunt.

    3C sheds

    Cool looking set. Nice job

    2011 my first Bull Elk Hunt adventure, begins today!!

    [quote I'm actually waiting to see what unit 1 and 27 can produce in the following few years in comparison to the units burned from Rodeo/Chediski fire [/quote The fire hurt the elk hunting but not in the way most expect. The deer numbers went up because of the fire, the OTC archery deer hunters came in little towns and cities, drove atv's and side by sides over every road in the unit. That is what hurt the elk hunting IMO. I expect 1 and 27 deer numbers will blossom in the next few years.

    NM Antelope hunt

    Super buck Casey, I was wanting to join you out there just couldn't make it work. Great Job

    2011 my first Bull Elk Hunt adventure, begins today!!

    I've been out all most every day for the last 2 weeks and this is one of the worst years of big bulls in 3a3c I've seen in a long time. I hope the bulls decide to show up and you find a monster. I've been helping a friend and another buddy has the rifle tag so we may see you around. Have a great hunt.

    The Rut This Year

    Good advice Ultramag. What I have learned from 40 years of elk hunting is the bulls are usually pretty vocal the first week of September. They then go fairly silent the next 5-7 days and things continually get better until the full rut kicks in about the 23rd-24th of September. The bulls lose their minds from September 24 to October 5. One of the biggest reasons they stop being vocal is because of the hunting pressure. The biggest bulls will be easier to kill before they "cow" up but the rutting action/activity will be more consistent later in the hunt. Good luck.

    Lori Shoots a Muley With Her Bow (video)

    Holy Crap what a bunch of whiners. I agree the shot angle may not be the best but come one guys, I saw a broadside shot at 20 yards from a buddy this weekend hit high and back and we tracked for miles and miles on hands and knees and the buck was fine. The mtn lion that ate his daddy didn't care that he tore his hamstring and let him suffer for 2 days before he finally killed him. I'm just saying. The effort put into the recovery is the important part. Congrats to the lady on a fine archery buck.

    3c coues shed.

    As others have said. Congrats on the shed and welcome. We have a few huge Coues bucks up here but not too many seen. Great find

    Berger report from last October

    Nice job guys. I too have had great success with Bergers. Everything from Elk to Coues out past 700. Nice job. Congrats to the whole fam.

    Steve's Trophy AZ Bull (kill video)

    super cool bull and video thanks for sharing Jed.

    What broadhead do you use?

    I am a shooter of all types of broadheads, I've been a huge fan of Wac ems and Strikers. I like slick tricks, and I've shot a thousand others. With the rage, and other mechanicals, I agree with Redman I hate having to watch and see if my blades have deployed. At the advice from a friend I went back to the Montec. The Montec CS is awesome. It is tough and very sharp and once I have spin tested it, shot it, there is no need to take it off the arrow again. just resharpen and ready to go. There is no substitute for confidence in an arrow and its flight. I always liked the replacable blades because they were extremely sharp but once I replaced the blades I hated to shoot it, but I hated not knowing how it was going to fly worse. Last year I shot Rusty Ulmers broadhead that it hopefully will be out soon. It is a great design and you can lock the blades in to practice and then remove a set screw so that they will expand for hunting situations.