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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    First pedestal mount

    Looks great love the wood

    Litlle Big 3 Bull (video)

    Great footage, nice job. Can't wait til fall already.

    Check out these fat pigs

    Hey Coach, we have quite a few javelina, not piggies, (thats for you Bill I'm thinking before I post ) ( that isn't supposed to be negative just good natured I hope you realize) they hang around the rim country from heber to Show Low. Used to be a pretty big herd just south of Show Low at Sierra Pines, but I haven't seen them much lately.


    I'm at least a 4th generation native. Don't remember if I'm more than that. Couple of my great, great grandparents helped settle the Pinedale area.

    Mexico Dead Head

    This is a ol Lion Kill found by the Cowboys years ago that was put on one of the corral fences. Thought I would share, it was a heck of a buck in his day.

    My VERY COOL buck from Mexico

    Super buck...

    Mexico 2012

    Very tough hunt for Giant bucks. We passed up tons of bucks (probably over 120) and ended up taking 3 good bucks, (not the biggest we saw) and not necessarily what we went down for. Very dry on the ranch we were hunting and between last year and this year they started mining the ranch and made roads all over. It would have been nice to have known that prior, but anyway no complaints. Absolutely no problems crossing to or from and an awesome week. I shot mine (middle) on the last day of the hunt after passing him all morning. I figured he is the same buck I missed 2 years prior when he was a ton bigger (still a 2 point, I figured was over 100). He is a heavy ol buck I estimated at over 8 years old.

    Wall Tent/ SOLD

    The 537 # is a Show Low #.

    Another great hunt in Mexico!

    That is a great buck. TAM, congrats on a great hunt and time. Awesome.

    2011 Mexico buck Back from Taxi

    I've been very happy with Clay and the way he runs a business and the quality of mounts he turns out. Here is last years buck.

    2011 Mexico buck Back from Taxi

    WHT-MTNMAN: I apologize for my uncalled-for comment. It seems I get grumpier as the years zip by. Although I am no way comparing myself to him, I am reminded of Jack O'Connor who would "be stricken with the vapors" upon seeing "muley" used for mule deer. Even he could not stem the tide. Again, if you want to call a taxidermist and his art "taxi" or a javelina a "javi," you should be able to do so without suffering criticism from this grumpy old man. Bill Quimby Bill I sure appreciate the apology, and I apologize for my return remarks. I have more formal education than most and I also appreciate the English language and the written word, but often times regress back to my redneck self.

    2011 Mexico buck Back from Taxi

    Hey Gino, just doing the same ol same ol. We need to do lunch again, I'm down there on Thurs. and Fri.

    2011 Mexico buck Back from Taxi

    I apologize for getting into this juvenile argument, William I mean Bill. I'm out and done, I normally am pretty easy going, that should have not gotten to me.

    2011 Mexico buck Back from Taxi

    Come one Man really. I'm not very edumucated since I've only got a doctorate. I've always respected your insight and contributions. I bet you call it a cement mixer and not a concrete mixer, or a cap on your tooth and not a crown. Anyway thanks for insightful response.

    2012 Archery Coues

    Huge congrats on some awesome bucks and pictures. Nicely done.

    2011 Mexico buck Back from Taxi

    15 4/8 inside spread credit. almost 19 I believe at widest points.

    Mexico 2012

    Rut was doing well when we left, the second biggest buck on the trip was broken bad and a few busted up already. Good luck to you guys, there will be plenty of non broken ones for you I hope.

    Mexico 2012

    Love the dropper on the one buck! What kind of buck was he two years ago? Bigger or smaller? Congrats. Jay two years ago he was heavier and taller and I believe wider. He was on that North side of the ranch, up the canyon from the windmill with the buck that has mainbeams that almost touch. I believe Clay went in there with you years back.

    Mexico 2012

    about 50 miles south of cananea, the area got rain in the last few weeks because there was water in all of the canyons.....but ive been down the last 3years and there is little to no browse that has grown this year...very dry this past year

    Scoring question

    These are the lines somewhat on the long axis of the tine. They don't intersect (from this picture) until after they pass the main beam again that is my interpretation right or wrong not quite sure. Tough to score for sure. Amanda seemed to think that they were seperate also, but again hard to tell from the picture. Mass would be between points

    Scoring question

    I'm wrong quite often... but if you draw a line along the long axis of G3 and G4 they do not intersect until past the main beam. So I believe they will be scored separately with H4 taken in between. Again I'm probably wrong.

    My Late December Coues......

    super buck. Congrats I believe you got the 100+ mark also. Nicely done

    Who is pumped for Mexico!?!

    One week away for us. crossing the border early morning next Fri. Jim- Good to hear about the lack of ticks. We spent hours last year picking off ticks, but thankfully didn't lose any. I'm ready to kill a true Giant after killing some very good bucks the last couple years. I've shared all of these but might as well show them again. First year Last year Mine is the left middle, very big frame but one of the lower scoring ones of the group.

    This one has both horns....

    I missed this thread. congrats on a super buck. nice job

    Who is pumped for Mexico!?!

    We are leaving on the 13th. Actually just finalized the price, so we are scrambling a bit ourselves. Can't wait. Will be a great year Im thinking.