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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    nosler partition long range bullet?

    I don't think it is the energy that is the issue. It is the ability to maintain consistent groups st those distances.

    Memorable hunt indeed

    Congrats Joel, and crew.. what a special hunt for you guys...glad I could be part of it in a small way.


    Sundevil- I believe you have bulls and units and persons mixed up a bit. J Larsen killed a giant bull and his hunting buddy but he doesn't work at archery headquarters but yes goes by the handle sneak freak. Also not 23S I guess SunDevil deleted his post.

    ASU/ Wisconsin

    Asu should not even been in that situation, but I agree that really was a horrible way to win/lose.

    3c question

    Well...I was probably made a liar...In the last 2 days we probably have gotten 2-3 inches of rain with some real downpours....good chance your tanks are full. Bad news I wouldn't even think of sitting water..

    3c question

    There is water everywhere, even on the north of 260. If the tanks don't have water in them now, they won't in 3 weeks, unless we get lucky. Usually the reasons the tanks don't hold water is 1.lack of maintenance 2. changes in drainage. Good luck it will be a fun hunt. Grass is awesome.

    Ulmer Edge

    I've shot this BH since it was designed, even used a prototype on a bull elk I killed in 2010. First and foremost I am a fixed head kind of guy, I don't like worrying about pre mature deployment, etc..but I can say that I have had some incredible blood trails with the Ulmer BH and am a huge fan, if I'm going to use a mechanical head I like the ulmer or the T3 by G5. There are two advantages of the Ulmer over all other mechanical heads that I know of, both have been stated above. 1st. Practice mode. I hate shooting a bh and then having to take it off to change blades or change from practice head to hunting head. I like knowing that what I shot in practice is what I will shoot at an animal. 2nd Accuracy. I have never encountered a BH that shoots as well as this head at all distances. period. The only downside I can see is that it is 2 blade over 3, but I've never found that it matters. My .02
  8. No. It is a really good rest for beginners and or under 25 yards but I don't like anything influencing the flight of my arrows. IE hitting fletchings etc... My .02

    Accuracy: Some questions

    I second the concept of not getting a custom turret. If you are really slow it takes 1/2-3/4 of a second more to look at your chart and dial the MOA associated with it. If your counting clicks then thats another thing and I would still get a MOA turret over custom yardage turret. my .02 I put my yardage/MOA chart on the flip-up cap of my scope cover. Both front and back so I have quick reference.

    Would like to know what these guys score

    Top one I believe is in 190's, maybe pushing 200. Big 3x3 might go 150+ Cool bucks and pictures.
  11. Its very tough on a person to live in the Mtns but we do what we have to do.. Swaro-65mm non HD with my Droid... I'm positive there are only 7 I watched them move for over an hour and have 4 different videos of them circling the tree for the pecking order bedding spots..
  12. Since I have no idea when I'll be able to post the video if I don't do it now, here it goes. There are two more bedded directly below the obvious buck in the shade, watch the video and look for movement. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/khdavis/media/VID_20130731_070048_502_zps84822044.mp4.html 7 bucks total. this was taken through my spotter at around a mile or just over. BTW all mule deer

    Want to buy, borrow, rent.. Montana cow elk decoy

    I have one you can borrow, I'm in Pinedale. I think mine is the same as AZ Ranger

    Skull Hooker

    I used the small ones for coues and mulies...I don't think you could do it without being in a stud..2 pretty good screws/bolts into a stud should work..

    Checked cams (hit list confirmed)

    Kicker bull should be over 350...fronts are very good..
  16. I'm planning on using mag primers with my 280ai, we will see.

    Leupold vs vortex

    Too many times I've read of vortex not returning to Zero on turrets. I say go Leo...but I've never owned a vortex..

    Score these one too guys!

    If you like em kill em...don't let em grow another year cuz you won't get a tag...

    Score these one too guys!

    not real big score wise, but cool character and if it makes you happy shoot it.

    Fletching choices

    I've shot about every fletch out there, I've shot 3 vanes, 4, 6 etc... I keep coming back to flex fletch for one reason. They have memory, after missing a good buck because my blazer vane got creased, I wanted ones with memory or really short profile, when it was crease it really made my broadheads fly erratic.

    Here's another one to guess

    My guess is low 80's. mass is tough to beat and he has more than average.
  22. I'm getting 3075 with 90 gr in a 29+ barrel
  23. I can't shoot straight enough to tell much of a difference at 100 vs 200....I know I shot less than 1/4 inch groups occasionally at both distances...