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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    My Jaw hurts

    A bit over 90.... One of the nicest looking goats I ve seen in a while...

    Got My Son's Buck Back

    Very cool!! Great Buck and congrats to your son!!

    My unit 9 archery goat

    Great job, super buck with your bow.!!

    Big Coues on Cam

    He will grow plenty everyday, I also bet he is closer to 100 than 90, might finish out 105. Great buck.

    How much $$$ to find one?

    In the past that has been correct, but I believe that has been changed,(very recently) the new wording says "commensurate" which indicates compensation in proportion to market value. Last time I went in and talked with G&F they said this was changed to allow a buddy, helping a buddy with gas, maybe food etc... Again just what I was told. That may be so, but this post is not about giving your buddy gas money because he helped you scout or glass. This is about blatant commercialization of wild game. In which case, you need a guide license from what I understand. You are correct, I was just responding to your statement exactly as you wrote it.

    How much $$$ to find one?

    In the past that has been correct, but I believe that has been changed,(very recently) the new wording says "commensurate" which indicates compensation in proportion to market value. Last time I went in and talked with G&F they said this was changed to allow a buddy, helping a buddy with gas, maybe food etc... Again just what I was told.

    2001 Dodge Cummins 2500 Quad Cab for sale $7500

    Looks like the deal will go through, thanks for all those who called or sent texts, I still have a couple people for backup if for some reason the deal fails.
  8. I have a 2001 Dodge Cummins short bed for sale Auto, 4x4. approximately 210k miles. I have had it for 3+ years and have put less than 15k miles on. Getting firewood and pulling my horse trailer. Rebuilt transmission, new starter, batteries etc.. I had all seals replaced in the last 2 years, no leaks, normal dodge dash and drivers seat, everything else is in order. It just doesn't get used much, less than 10k on New tires (see pictures) I'm selling to fund a hunt. It is located in Mesa at this time. My cousin Conor (deserthntr) is using it until his truck gets fixed. I will be down on Friday and Saturday, if anyone wants to test drive and look at it. If you are a serious buyer, I will give you my cousins # and you can meet or look at it during the rest of the week. He works during the day, BUT MAY be able to show you the truck in the evenings. If not we can arrange meet up on Friday or Saturday. After Saturday I will take it back to PInedale with me. $7500 Please no low balls, I will not respond. I don't need to give it away. If I'm over priced feedback is welcome, I think it is fair. I thought I had more pictures, I'll get more as I get home tonight. Thanks Houston 480-540-4445 leave a message or text

    2001 Dodge Cummins 2500 Quad Cab for sale $7500

    SPF...I will take 1 back up

    Trophy Rooms

    I caught a 21 inch 5+ lb small-mouth bass at the black river when I was 17 years old, My dad made $21k that year with 8 children. I froze it and saved for almost a year before I could get it mounted. For me it is a fond memory of that fishing trip with my family. Since then I mount many of my animals, I love to be reminded everyday I see them on the wall. Thats why i have a wall full of dink bulls and bucks.
  11. Brian- I agree, I've always shared pics and stories kind of like a blog or journal, but it is getting harder and harder to post without people complaining..

    auction tags

    same as those lazy truck drivers, or city workers or computer programmers. Well I know some of them and many of them I like and the few others I've met are good people, some that have made a bunch of money but are down to earth good people. They just choose to spend their money on something that they love. Not everyone is out for the fame and glory.... Anyway...their are more important things in life than arguing on the internet.

    auction tags

    My feeling don't get hurt.. yes we can have differing opinions that is why I stated mine. and just to ease your mind we are on the same side and I have the same beliefs as you in regards to auction tags, just not the hunters themselves.

    auction tags

    .270 I respect most of what you say but "99% of auction hunters are pudgy, soft rich guys"... come on, for sure some are just that, soft, pudgy rich guys, but many (especially 99%) are not. Surprisingly quite a few "rich guys" started at the bottom. For example at least 2 of the last 3 auction coues tag holders can walk,hike,backpack circles around you or I, and they killed many big critters before they made any money. I actually like the raffle tags better myself because I can not afford to buy auction tags, but making blanket statements about auction hunters is ridiculous

    World Record Muzzloader Pronghorn

    Awesome Clay as always!!! Giant buck
  16. Mass was incredible..all 4 measurements between tines make for serious mass... Smallest measurement was just under 5 and .largest was over 6....absolute giant.

    How much $$$ to find one?

    Usually nothing paid until 1. Verified in person. 2. Animal is on the ground Not always the case though..

    Lee's Ferry

    did you go with Mike? for me its worth going with a bigger boat and motor, I wouldn't take a little boat up there, that is just me .

    Wild Mustangs

    Like I said I don't have a problem taking care of horses, managing etc... just don't know if I could shoot one myself. I've had to shoot plenty of pets, dogs, cats, I shoot steers for beef and pigs for bacon with no problems. Horses to me are a different story, it would be tough for me to shoot a horse. I don't have a problem with it being done, I just don't want to be the one to do it.

    Archery Practice Help

    I too shoot similar to maverick but that is after years of shooting. If you are relatively new then shoot right up until you get tired... Then do it again the next day...build yout strength..I don't like practicing tired, form suffers,confidence suffers etc...my .02

    Wild Mustangs

    I'm all for the humane management, removal of the horses, but seriously don't think I could shoot one myself. Horses have a special place in my life, inbred or not. Zebra might be another story.

    Wild Mustangs

    First and foremost these and all the ones in the White Mountains are not "Wild Mustangs" they are rez horses, (and horses that were let loose during the fires.)

    Eagle Scout

    That is awesome, nice job and great accomplishment.

    Swarovski 15X56 SLC's

    haha from 2010!!

    A little diffrant colored .22-250

    Awesome rifles!!