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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN


    Daughters first mule deer

    Forgive the commentary, After I realized the buck was moving fairly quick I decided we needed more bullets in the air.

    NL Pure 12x42 for coues

    Almost everyone I know that had 15s sold them to get 12x's. AND that was before the NL's came out, the NL's are much better than the 12 ELs also. 12's and a spotter are the only way to go for Coues. Even the best 15's are lacking compared to the quality of the 12 nls. Even as a bowhunter the 12nls are just fine. I like to be as light as possible so 8s or 10s would be a little better for archery but not enough to get rid of my 12nls
  3. I wish more people knew this. I had a friend that went to Mexico 4 times (I think he went with a very reputable outfitter also) before he killed his first buck over 100" . A couple years ago the biggest of 4 bucks on a buddies ranch killed was 105". Last year I believe they killed 4 over 115" with 2 over the 125" mark. Good management can help tremendously but it still doesn't guarantee a giant, unless you find a high fenced ranch that you want to hunt. I sure don't.


    haha yep side loading enclosed trailer for $2k I need me one of those.


    He is special ops, if you knew his face you would have to die. JK no idea Congrats on the antelope. They are fun to hunt

    Would you spend this much on a Benchmade knife?

    You won't, send it back and they will sharpen them for free. You will never have to,. I don't like limited edition stuff because I'm not a collector, but I do like BM knives for EDC but I use them and abuse them a lot.

    Bull 2023 3A3C success

    Congratulations, what a great job on a long, difficult hunt. it has been a tough hunt in 3a3c this year. One of the worst I've ever seen. Lots of horses and almost no cows. Very concerning. You did well.

    Mexico dead head

    We have been told we can't cross with sheds so we have never attempted to do it. I have no idea on what would happen.

    Mexico dead head

    It will need cleaned and all hair/meat removed, you will still have to get the required paperwork, this is an federal fish and Wildlife issue. They won’t allow it without proper paperwork and cleaned properly. I don’t think there is anyway around it. I hope I’m wrong but that is the only way I know of to bring it back legally.

    Mexico dead head

    The only way I know is to put a regular Mexico tag on it and bring it over with all of the normal import/export paperwork. It has to be a tag from this year with a UMA # from the ranch. i shot a buck in January that I couldn’t find and the rancher/cowboy was able to find it in March. I went back down and brought it back just like I would have done it in January. reach out to me in Ernesto doesn’t get with you Houston

    Good luck 11m hunters

    That is how it usually goes, nice picture. I hope that bull gets to live a few more years, he could become something special.
  12. With moon phase and weather it is always a guess. As a rule we have killed our biggest bucks between the 10th and 20th. So we go a week around that time.

    Time Flies; CouesWhitetail.com

    Yeah its crazy, I'm at 19 this Sept. its been a good place to spend some time.

    Otc elk. My first rifle elk.

    Nice job on a summer bull! Congrats!

    Antler Growth

    I have rarely seen big bulls do much if any growing after the 1st week of July, often times they will keep their velvet on for a while longer but don't grow much. I've seen lots of finished bulls by the 20th of June also. What a giant bull. So far what ive seen videos and pictures of this year is looking pretty dang good. Lots of big bulls will be killed this year. .

    Moose or Coues Deer? Successful hunt!

    What a cool buck, congrats.
  17. Things are getting tight and people are looking for great deals not just a good deal. IMO they are worth every single penny. Good luck with the sale

    December late pictures

    I spent most of December looking for deer up here in my neck of the woods and was quite disappointed with the quality of deer seen. Maybe January will be better. Here are a few pictures, some that I took with my camera, and some through my spotter and phone.

    NM Antelope updated story

    Had a chance to catch up to this tall goat. 16 6/8ths

    NM Antelope updated story

    I missed responding to you, sorry about that. It was a ranch tag. This is one of those situations where we had to pay a "guide" but in reality the "guide" only allowed us access to the property. He showed up with 10x42's and cowboy boots and told me to shoot the 1st 70" buck we saw. He was quite surprised when we glassed up and passed a bunch of bucks after looking them over in the spotting scope. I think he was used to driving around and letting the hunters shoot the 1st buck they saw. So I have some time so I'll update with the story. My friend Mike and I glassed this buck up almost 2 miles away the first morning and knew he was good buck that we needed to look closer at. We spent half the day driving/walking the ranch and looking over as many bucks as we could. This buck lived in a giant pasture with no stalkable terrain or trees and he was very spooky. We saw him bed upon this bench which we figured was 500 yards from the top of a hill. Once we got around on him we finally picked him up and he was 800+ yards away and had us picked off. He took off and ran about 2 miles. We jumped in the vehicles and worked our way around to the other side of the ranch trying to put a plan together. Again we picked out a low hill that we could work around and hopefully get into shooting range. After climbing up and slowly peeking over we came to realize he was about 1500 yards away still. Over the course of the rest of the day he slowly worked his way back up to the hill/bench that we had jumped him from. The next morning we went in slow and couldn't pick him up at all. after about 2 hours as we were driving to the other side of the ranch he came out of the bottom of the draw and ran almost a mile and a half before he even slowed down. He again went right up on top of that wide open pasture with no way to get within 800 yards. We decided to try a new tactic and came from another direction. This time we made it to about 600 yards before any of us had picked him up and again he had already picked us off and took off to the same location as before almost 2 miles away but in the same pasture. I decided that I was going to sneak into where he had bedded and spend the rest of the day there in hopes that he would want to come back to that spot like he had 2 or 3 other times. Mike and the "guide" took off and tried to circle around and get into a position if they could. From about 8am to 4 or 5pm I stayed in this open pasture laying down on my back, sitting up and laying back down, waiting for this buck to work his way up to me. He would walk a few steps and keep looking up toward me, feed and keep working his way toward me. It took him almost 9hours to get to me. At about 400 yards he didn't like something and he started to move off in another direction. I estimated the distance, (couldn't get a good range with how flat it was with landmarks) whistled and as he slightly turned toward me I shot him. I hit him just a touch back, watched him bed worked my way up to him and shot him one more time as he stood up. He was one of the spookiest goats I've chased or hunted and I was glad to put him on the ground. Exit

    January 2023 archery buck

    Great buck and thanks for posting it up. Its funny how fast a score adds up with deep forks like that. Nicely done


    We have some land I want to start "farming" or raising hay on and I have a pretty bad Prarie Dog problem. I can shoot them but I can't seem to flood them out or make a very big dent in their population, does anyone have any good methods or poisons? Also does anyone use water reels? vs wheel lines etc... just looking at cost effective and minimum time to irrigate about 50 acres. Thankfully the land has a large well on the property already Thanks,


    I have a few acres that have a good bottom and will flood irrigate ok but the rest will soak up more water than I can put on. I ran my 35 gpm pump for a month straight last summer and got about 30 square yards of water on the surface. Who knows where the rest went (pratie dog tunnels partly)


    Yeah they come in with or without alfalfa, I’m happy to have them even though I do have quite a bit of firsthand experience with elk damaging fences and trees etc..


    I appreciate it. Thanks, Houston