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Everything posted by WHT_MTNMAN

  1. Sorry I never got anything PM'd to me, at least it says I don't have any messages. I sure like that area, can get into some really good country, thanks for the response, again nice buck. Here is a pic from that area taken quite a few years back.
  2. CHD-very nice buck, I asked this question on another thread but I'll ask it again, Have you ever hunted north of Collbran? I have spent a few years in dry kimball area, last year only saw and passed up 6 bucks in a 5 days of backpacking in, didn't take one home last year.

    Lunar Eclipse

    Looks great, thanks Amanda I forgot about it until reading your post. Have to show the kids.

    Units 36A/C Youth Hunt!!!

    Stanley- Thanks alot, I am taking my brother out, but with his school schedule and my schedule can't make it until late thanksgiving weekend. Sure wish we could make it down there, It would be good for him to meet and share experiences with others his age and not just his older brother. Good luck to everyone that is heading that way, and enjoy the time with the youngsters.

    trail lights

    When I worked at popular I tried about everything and I think any light that is hands free is good. I only own the LED head lamps though, they are plenty bright for hiking, working in the dark and use alot less power than a regular bulb. I like the ones with their own strap so that if I don't want to wear a hat I can still wear it hands free.

    how stron are genetics

    I think genetics are the main cause of antler growth. Even though nutrition and water plays a big role, without both you can still find big bucks. I know of lots of areas that the bucks resemble each other. There is a canyon where i grew up that the right side of a mule deer buck, never branched into the 4th point, but the left side branched normally, we always saw numerous 3x4's of all differnt width's and lengths but with a similar non branching right side. Who's knows I'm not a genetisist.

    The best unit

    Just facts huh? What does best unit mean? Most deer, most bucks, the most big bucks, lots of road access, no road access, least amount of hunters, (to me very important) to each hunter "the best unit" means different. As a whole alot of people like 36B. just my .02 cents worth.
  8. Keep us updated, I shoot alot of Kimber .45's but haven't shot a kimber long gun, been thinking about getting one when i get out of dental school. mabe sooner, if I can talk my wife out of a new washing machine and dryer, (yeah right)

    36B 2003 PICS

    Well maybe not quite, but a good buck

    36B 2003 PICS

    I don't know much about scoring but looks to be 100+

    36B 2003 PICS

    That's a great buck, Congrats

    Batchelor herds

    The only big bucks that I have seen with the batchelor herd at my school, is the ones on this site. The few times I've been able to get out, I have seen all varieties of groups. I have one buck that I follow, that this year everytime I've seen him, he is with a little 2point, even though he may be as high as 110 inches. (with my expert coues judging ability ) probably is closer to 65 inches I had to try out the smile faces this time

    Scent Vs. Noise

    Without thinking it through very much my gut reaction is smell. As a human we smell like.....well like a human, but our sound may be harder to distinguish from other animals. my .02 cents worth

    Archery Elk

    Can't wait to see pics, congrats

    We need to be registered to post

    somebody needs to claim svetlana, that is forum posting at its finest

    36A Coues Hunt

    I got a question for those that know 36a only recently (couple of years) have fallen in love with coues deer, last year spent alot of time in 36a and shot a decent buck, this year my 16 year old brother has a youth hunt and i was wondering if most of the youth hunt for mulies or coues, my first impression is that the mulies are in more suitable terrain for young ones, but i don't know. I have chased a few mulie bucks in 36a (have a few good spots) but for the most part can't stay away from coues country,( i would prefer to get my brother hooked on coues, so much more fun), also anyone know who allows road access to the upper portions of the sierrita mtns. Most of the time i don't see very many vehicles on the roads, other times i see a few. I don't really care, except i have a good buck scouted out relatively close to a road, and didn't know how or when others could drive into that area. I always hike in and haven't ever asked about vehicle access. Any info on the subjects would be appreciated. Thanks

    bull elk

    Here is the link to the bull taken near Williams last year, says nets around 439. The other bull taken over in the White Mtns is around 430 net. Both are the non-typical archery. http://espn.go.com/outdoors/hunting/s/h_fe...n_Burkhead.html I don't know if you can access this link through the forum or if you have to cut and paste.

    Record Book Withdrawals

    CHD Have you ever hunted north of Collbran in the kimball creek area, or what we call dry kimball? My dad and uncle have taken some big bucks out of there over the years but last few years in there we have had very little success, possible due to a guide i believe Wallace that sets up camp close by. That is some of my favorite country just wondering if you knew of it. later

    elk bugling yet?

    It is a great tag, my wife will be trying her hand at elk hunting in Nov. for first time. The south part of the unit (3C) is pine covered canyons, (the ones that didn't burn) and the northern part is mostly cedar, juniper, etc... Good luck on your hunt

    4B Bull Elk

    I've hunted 4b pretty regularly for deer and have videoed alot of elk in there, my little brother missed a good bull in there 3 years back. In the late hunt, hope for snow and look in Pierce Canyon, can be rough but very productive.

    elk bugling yet?

    370 is a good bull, just not what I would shoot in my home area of 3C, i know better. (unless it is a late hunt)

    elk bugling yet?

    I was out Labor Day Morning in white mountains, and got in to 4 bulls, one was screaming, the other three hanging out whistling, they kept it up until almost 8 am. I never got to see the screaming bull but of the other three one was a small 5x5 the other two low 300 bulls. Early that morning driving out I saw 2 bulls cross the road, both decent bulls, one maybe high 370, hard to tell as they ran across the road.