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Everything posted by azcoueshuntr

  1. azcoueshuntr

    How many sight pins?

    Axcel 8 pin first 4 pins .19 pins 30 thru 60 yard my last 4 pins .10 70 thru 100
  2. azcoueshuntr

    Remington 788 .223

    I have 2 of these 788 the 1 I'm keeping is A 308 and is easier to build up reloads for did all my kids training on this gun great gun and fun to shot
  3. azcoueshuntr

    Remington 788 .223

    San tan valley area
  4. azcoueshuntr

    Mathews blows up Again 2nd time this year

    my arrows tip in at 375 with blazer vanes and 100gr swackers and lumenocks just got an email back from Mathews and the whole bow is gonna be shipped out in the A.M. there gonna set it up all back to spec and check for defaults in the meantime im S.O.L for the rest of my pig season and deer
  5. azcoueshuntr


    Hey Daryl where is the bow located
  6. azcoueshuntr

    Mathews blows up Again 2nd time this year

    Shorn easton bloodline 400 spines arrows at 28.5 inch draw length which is what the chart calls for this is my 6th mathews bows my kids still own there's a z7 extreme and passion this is the only bow I have ever had problems with which bow shop would u guys use I'm in the east valley
  7. azcoueshuntr

    Mathews blows up Again 2nd time this year

    The 1st time they said it was just defective but it's in the exact same spot as last time shoting 70lbs and 400 gr. arrows timing and everything was good limb bolts backed out 1 whole turn so I'm stumped 2nd set in less then 6 months
  8. azcoueshuntr

    Mathews blows up Again 2nd time this year

    Gonna have to start lookn a diff bows
  9. azcoueshuntr

    Mathews blows up Again 2nd time this year

    its a Helium the 1st model year 2010
  10. azcoueshuntr

    Hoyt Carbon Spyder? Mathews Creed?

    I have Shot Mathews for years but just recently shopped around for a bow for my son and he fell in love with the bear agenda 7 he shot every top of the line bow from every competitor and that's what he choose
  11. azcoueshuntr

    Swacker tuning

    Guess I'm just been picky there all on a 9in. Paper plate. Yea I have spin tested them and true and squared my nocks and inserts I switched from ulmer trophy takers to the Swackers. Ulmers seem to fly and group better but had bad luck with the blades breakn in a pigs shoulder
  12. azcoueshuntr

    Swacker tuning

    When shoting swackers do u guys set the blade wings with your 2 down vanes noticed my pattern at 50 and beyond gets spread out ccompared to my field points still all with in a kill zone but Needs more work any info would be awesome Thanks All And Merry Xmas
  13. azcoueshuntr

    AR 500 Steel

    anybody know where i can purchase large quantities of some 1/2'' AR500 steel local in arizona. lookn for 2 at 10'' 2 at 12'' 2 at 15'' 2 at 18" and 1 at 21''
  14. azcoueshuntr

    AR 500 Steel

    im lookn for 1/2 inch they get lots of use we replace them about every 2 years at our local range
  15. azcoueshuntr

    Any sucess in 24A this weekend?

    24A Coues was his wifes 2nd deer she is spoiled Now....
  16. azcoueshuntr

    Swarovski SLC HD 15x56 !

    went and seen these at outdoorsman and they are the real deal a little shorter and the ocular eye piece part is huge and 4 ounce lighter. they set up a set of 15x56 slc 12x50 els and the new HD models hands down there clarification was way above the SLC models and comparable to the EL,s they are getn rid of the SLC models for 1599 brand new 15x56 HD models 2599. The HD 15s are awesome glasses
  17. azcoueshuntr

    Any sucess in 24A this weekend?

    1 of my buddies shot and killed a 118 with lots of mass ill see if he will let me post a pic
  18. azcoueshuntr

    Lyman Ultra Sonic Cleaner

    Sold pending meet and greet....
  19. azcoueshuntr

    Lyman Ultra Sonic Cleaner

    still like new other then melted spot on the basket heats up great and timer for up to 480 seconds $60 live in the San Tan Valley area will travel as far as sportmans on greenfield
  20. 55 gr 4350 Barnes 130 ttsx oal at 3.355 in my remington 700 adl wal mart gun shots half inch groups at 100 and .8 at 200 pushn close to 3025 muzzle velocity great load for I find Barnes really picky on where u set in the lands and grooves
  21. azcoueshuntr

    Lyman Ultra Sonic Cleaner

    I could never get a good formula down to clean tried the over the counter solutions and other homemade ones so I switched to a tumbler
  22. azcoueshuntr

    Lyman Ultra Sonic Cleaner

    Replied to pm still available
  23. azcoueshuntr

    WTB Federal GM 215m Primers

    here is what they are
  24. azcoueshuntr

    12x14 Montana Canvas Tent

    Meet and great went good thanks for the purchase hope you are satisfied with the tent.... It was all conduit frame construction
  25. azcoueshuntr

    12x14 Montana Canvas Tent

    Selling for a friend a used Montana Canvas Tent 12x14 has 1 window, stove jack water proof travel bag, and complete frame assembly does not have floor.... $800