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Everything posted by coues4u

  1. coues4u

    E-Call Recommendation

    I bought an FX3 last year and in the first month of owning it I called in coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. It holds 32 sounds which can be changed with a computer at anytime and 32 sounds is more than plenty. My favorite sound is the DSG Cottontail. I have called in coyotes, foxes, and bobcats with the DSG Cottontail sound. GET THE FOXPRO FX3!!!
  2. Does anybody know what Coyote, Fox and Bobcat pelts are bringing these days? and where can you sell them??? Thanks
  3. coues4u

    Hoyt Alphamax 35

    Dang you guys must be smoking something. Hoyt has nothing on Mathews!!!
  4. Does anybody know where to buy Victorinox paring knives in the valley for a good price? Jon Boy
  5. I'm getting ready for a bear hunt up in Canada. What broadheads and arrows would you guys use for bears???
  6. Thanks for the tip .270 Hopefully I will hit em good and he'll die in sight from my treestand
  7. Thanks for the info guys, I just bought a dozen Carbon Express Maxima Hunter arrows and the Slick Trick 100 grain 4 blade broadheads. I think this will do the job on a bear
  8. Hello I was wondering if any of you guys are knowledgable about how rain affects deer and their movements??? With all this rain this week do you think most deer are hunkered down in thick brush/trees trying to stay warm and dry??? if so, when the rain subsides will they be out moving and feeding like crazy??? or do you think it doesn't really affect them at all and they just go about their normal habits in the rain?? Any input would be appreciated, thanks
  9. coues4u


    Put on your rainsuit and get out there and get your piggy
  10. coues4u

    advice on stalking in the desert

    Having a spotter and the use of radios really helps. But you said you have seen them feeding uphill??? What I like to do is wait until they are feeding almost at the top and come over the top above them and usually you can get a shot that way. But you may need a spotter to tell you when they are almost at the top
  11. Thank you very much, I feel much more confident now in purchasing it
  12. I was thinking about buying a new tripod. After some research I have found the Velbon Sherpa 600RF with the 175Q 3 way pan head and it looks pretty good. Does anybody in this forum own this??? If so, do you like it??? Any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you
  13. coues4u

    Long hunt

    Very nice buck Rex!!!
  14. So I was quail hunting the other the day out in the desert when I spotted a big buck with a doe. I watched him for awhile and he wasn't really displaying rutting behavior. But just the fact of seeing him with the doe lead me to believe that he is rutting. I slowly and quietly eased my way out of the area careful not to spook the big buck. Because of work I am not able to go back in there until Jan 1st. Do you think he'll still be in the same area come Jan 1st?
  15. coues4u

    Rattling and decoys

    So during the rut you can call in mule deer bucks and/or rattle them in??? So if you wanted to call a big mule deer in during the rut would you use a buck grunt? or a doe bleat??? or either?
  16. When you nock your arrow is the odd color vane supposed to face up or down???? For years I've been shooting with it down, but I just saw a guy on a video shooting with it up. So I went outside and shot a few arrows with it up and saw little to no difference, so I guess it doesn't really matter right?
  17. coues4u

    Odd color up or down????

    I have a whisker biscuit, so with a WB it must not matter whether it's up or down.
  18. coues4u

    I was forced to hang up my bow

    Gotta watch out for those homemade toy boxes
  19. coues4u

    Coues virgin

    Glass Glass Glass
  20. I got a new winners choice string on my bow about a year ago. I practice pretty regularly. I just noticed today that a couple small sections of string were starting to unravel around my spider thingy on my string. So I just cut it off. Is my string ok? Or is that a sign that I definitely need a new string??? Do you guys lube your strings? This may have been a result of having my bow in cold weather? And lastly how often do you guys replace your string?
  21. I heard from a friend that if you have an old Matthews bow and you send it to them they will replace the limbs for free??? Does anybody know if that's true?
  22. How do you prove that you are the original owner? original reciept? I definitely don't have that. I think my Matthews is a '99. The limbs seem to be ok at the moment. I just figured that if I could get free limbs then why the heck not try to get em, ya know?
  23. coues4u

    Bowstring unraveling a little....

    Ya i guess it's the serving, cause it's the light brown string that is wrapped around my winners choice string, that's the serving right?
  24. coues4u

    pigs in unit 22

    When you are driving north on the 87 on the the west side of the highway all that flats country coming down off of the Mazatzals hold a lot of pigs. You can access that country at the Barnhardt trail
  25. coues4u

    The Rut

    Hey AZonecam do you know Billy Brown by any chance?