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Everything posted by Intruder

  1. Intruder

    3/17 CC Hits?

    I do. got a $135 hit about 30 min ago. good luck!
  2. Intruder

    Good Luck elk hunters

    Here is my Sept. 10 Bull. Hunting solo was definitely fun. The pack out? Not so much...
  3. Intruder

    Any Bulls in the late archery yet?

    Thanks, Red Rabbit. I've read through the recommendations as well and understand the pie allotment. It is my understanding that the allotments were already set at 30% tags going to archery (per the 5 year cycle). That being the case, I can't find the link between the weapon allocation (pie) formula and the proportionate recommended decrease in archery tags for 2010. If I read the document correctly, they're also recommending an October rifle hunt? IMO, herd objectives will trump the weapon pie allotment in the commission's eyes any day. If archers are already allocated 30% of bull tags, and the success rate is higher than expected (during the rut), herd objectives would dictate a reduction in early archery tags. That's a given. The only way to NOT deflate the overall archery allotment below 30% would be to offer an additional, less successful hunt like the Nov hunts. I don't see this commission EVER decreasing the number of rifle tags to make up for the archery rut's success rates. As terrible as it is, it looks like the number of rut archery tags will go down given their relatively high success rates, and from the beginning, I've seen this Nov archery experiment as a way of reconciling the difference between herd objectives and the weapon allotments. Barring any additional information, I don't subscribe to the theory that the Nov archery hunts were created to shift archers away from the rut. They were created to make up for shortfalls in the archery weapon allotments given the inevitable decrease in early archery tags. We're just too successful during the rut, I'm afraid. I'm not trying to lock horns with anybody here, just presenting my opinion.
  4. Intruder

    Any Bulls in the late archery yet?

    While I see your point, and will never do this hunt again, How do you explain the proposed 4.5% reduction in archery tags and a proposed increase of 3% in RIFLE tags for next year? I see no evidence that the nov archery tags are intended to reduce rut hunt tags. What I DO see is a shift in bias toward rifle hunters. Something else to consider.
  5. Intruder

    Any Bulls in the late archery yet?

    Thanks guys. All the bulls in my area were apparently hitting the water in the middle of the night. All I've seen moving around during the day were the cow/spike herds. I'd scouted around and setup in between the bedding and feeding/water areas. It was sooo cold and sleety that by day two I'd decided that any bull with so much as a fork was a shooter. On morning number three (of very cold mornings), this guy was working his way along a ridge back to his bedding area and I was fortunate enough to make a play on him. As luck would have it, the little bit of moisture that came down on opening day made stalking a very quiet affair. 28 yard shot with a hellrazor sealed the deal and I'm a very happy camper!
  6. Intruder

    Any Bulls in the late archery yet?

    Solo DIY Nov archery 6x6 bull. Tough hunt, for sure. 1st post here, new to the site. Hi all.