here's the story behinde my question, i cut off a big buck running a doe (an easy 100+ buck, the buck dreams are made of) well i was watchin and the doe ran past at maby 10yrds i drew back and waited, he came thrue and stoped maby 15yrds a way, and he had me busted with my mask down, all he new was somethin wasent right, well he was quartering too prety hard, so instead of trying to sneek an arrow between the front legs i waited we stared at each other for a good 30 sec or better witch felt like a life time, i was hopin that as ive had many deer do he'd take a couple slow steps befor taking off and i could drill him broad side, instead he took off like he had a lion on his tail and i watched him run till he disapeared over a ridge, so help me out, was i right on passing on the shot or did i mess up the chance of a lifetime, i need some input its ben keeping me up at night