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azdesert rat

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Everything posted by azdesert rat

  1. here's the story behinde my question, i cut off a big buck running a doe (an easy 100+ buck, the buck dreams are made of) well i was watchin and the doe ran past at maby 10yrds i drew back and waited, he came thrue and stoped maby 15yrds a way, and he had me busted with my mask down, all he new was somethin wasent right, well he was quartering too prety hard, so instead of trying to sneek an arrow between the front legs i waited we stared at each other for a good 30 sec or better witch felt like a life time, i was hopin that as ive had many deer do he'd take a couple slow steps befor taking off and i could drill him broad side, instead he took off like he had a lion on his tail and i watched him run till he disapeared over a ridge, so help me out, was i right on passing on the shot or did i mess up the chance of a lifetime, i need some input its ben keeping me up at night
  2. azdesert rat

    quartering too shots, ethical or not

    well i wouldn't of had a problem with the shot i just thought id be beter to wait for a broadside shot, ive just ben kickin myself for not takin the shot but hine sight is 20/20, as far as my set up im still shootin my 60lb pse witch is 4 or 5 yrs old, and i shoot G5 montec's for the simple reson that with the sharpened back side if i dont get a pass through it'll slice and dice a lil beter wile roling around in the chest cavety, my other thalt was that if i hit him and couldnt finde him id tear me up to waste such a beutiful deer
  3. azdesert rat

    ground blindes?

    i agree that pepole using pallets is an ugly way to do it, especaly since they never remove them, but if the blinde is built right it should look natural and not obvious or "adding to the natural beauty of a tank", and as far as cuting brush i keep away from it as much as posible, using mostly dead brush and maby a few small leafy branches usualy weeds, grass, or ferns, plants that will die and regrow durin the year. dont the criters get a lil leary of a pop up considering 1 day thers a small tree and the next thers what apears to be a giant mass of brush?
  4. azdesert rat

    ground blindes?

    is it just me or has every 1 gone to some kinde of synthetic blinde, it may just b me but i think its kinda the easy way out (opinion), instead of cuting brush and buildin from whats around? dont get me wrong i dont have a problem with pepole using them, it just seem like pepole have forgoten how to do it the old school way, i havent seen a fresh blinde in a couple years. i dont know maby its just me being hard headed about switching, i just havent heard any one talkin about it, so i thalt id mention it and see what pepole had to say
  5. azdesert rat

    What would you do?

    if u think it'll jump up shoot it agin if its just kikin around put one foot on head and slit throat, my pops is natorious for doing this, even though he's getin a lil old to be doin this, he did it this year on our rifle hunt
  6. azdesert rat

    need to finde javalina in 24b

    i drew an archery pig tag for 24b for january, ive scouted campain wash from nunsuch to blackbrush and seen verry minimal sign, scouted around queen valey but havent ever seen pigs in there, so if thers any one who has any info it'd b greatly apriciated.
  7. azdesert rat

    need to finde javalina in 24b

    i've ben scouting every chance i get but geting the time and money to scout every weekend is next to imposible and this is my first pig tag in 24 i usualy hunt cherrycreek or the bigsandy that feeds alamo lake and im only gona have 1 more weekend free to scout so im just tryin to narrow down my search area, thanks for the info id b sol and jwf with out it