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azdesert rat

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Everything posted by azdesert rat

  1. azdesert rat

    need a little advice

    Could use a little advice, so this year I'm switching my focus from muleys to couse I've found acouple couse id like ventilate coming to a water hole, my delima is I dont know if it'd be better to sit a ground witch would be about 15yrds without a screen in the window since I shoot expandables or use a treestand I've got one tree about 30-40 yrds out but would definitely take some serious trimming to get a stand in, it'll be my first year in either
  2. azdesert rat

    need a little advice

    Alright so I found a tree to hang a stand that I didn't have to do any cutting and all my shots are 23-30 yrds, my problem now is I think my bucks went nocturnal. I got one set of pics in the last week since I checked it and they were there right at midnight so would it even be worth hunting that stand?
  3. azdesert rat

    need a little advice

    No its pretty thick so i'm not left with alot of options, ill have to go in and take a better look at the trees, treestand hadn't really crossed my minde until just recently there might be a way to squeeze a stand in without cutting branches, so u think id be better off with a natural ground blinde over a pop-up at that distance then?
  4. azdesert rat

    23 south is closed

    Seems like it changed overnight, last year I didn't see another bear hunter all season same area this year just midday yesterday I saw five diferent trucks with dogs, on a frickin week day! getting a little to crouded for me time to start lookin at other units to chase yogi in
  5. azdesert rat

    pack suggestions?

    Ok so I already have a good external frame pack for load hauling and long trips so now i'm looking for an internal frame pack that's just big enough for a night or two with room for optics&tripod and a spot to strap my bow, my price range is around the 300 mark. Any suggestions?
  6. azdesert rat

    pack suggestions?

    Thanks for all the suggestions iv ben looking at the eberlestock's but the alps is interesting especially for the price, it "looks" like a pretty good pack just cant find much for reviews on it
  7. azdesert rat

    What are you doing to get in shape for elk season?

    This week pacing waiting on rusults lol, I stay in shape year round so not a worry but if Im going to the high country I try to hike elevation higher than what ill b hunting with a loaded pack as often as I can.
  8. azdesert rat


    I'm all for improving the lmb genetics but I wish they'd also start stocking flat head agin to build the population up. I think it will come down to beefing up the predatory fish population to take the gizzards out at every stage of development especially at mature spawning age, I don't think adding other predatory species to the lake is the best idea being that u never know exactly how it will affect the lake. We'll never rid the lake of em I just hope we can control the population. just my 2cents
  9. azdesert rat


    +1 on the edge's best shooting broad head iv ever shot and they cut a wicked wound chanel with the single bevel blades. Killed my jan muley with em
  10. azdesert rat

    100% on-line applications

    It'll be a sad day when its all online, like some im all about paper apps. Still did paper for spring just filled out the license app box throw in a cashiers check. so that way i dont have to worry about some glitch costing me a tag
  11. azdesert rat

    need help deciding

    Is there anyplace around that has both brands?
  12. azdesert rat

    need help deciding

    So not drawn for sheep what a suprise but i decided to roll that money back into a quality pair of boots, ive got it narrowed down to two pairs lowa tibets and kenetrek desert guides but i am at an inpass as to witch way to go, thalts or comments?
  13. azdesert rat

    need help deciding

    So not drawn for sheep what a suprise but i decided to roll that money back into a quality pair of boots, ive got it narrowed down to two pairs lowa tibets and kenetrek desert guides but i am at an inpass as to witch way to go, thalts or comments?
  14. azdesert rat

    LR gunsmith

    Starting my build and need a smith thats resonable and good with long range rifles, live in globe so the closer the better
  15. azdesert rat

    LR gunsmith

    Wickenberg wold b a long drive though
  16. azdesert rat

    LR gunsmith

    Remington 700 in a 7mag of course, probaly the most used action and caliber for a build
  17. azdesert rat

    LR gunsmith

    Phoenix custom pretty fair on price? Im not tryin to be cheap i know if u want good work itll cost ya but pices and parts can add up quick and the more it costs the longer its gona take to get it all done
  18. azdesert rat

    Outdoor Channel Stops Filming in Colorado

    Good to hear pepole with a little more pull than the average guy are speaking up. Shared on 2 other sites and fb, sharing it far and wide
  19. azdesert rat

    23 Year Drought Over!

    23 years that isnt a drought thats a desert,lol well if any one would deserve to get a deer itd be you, if 23 yrs isnt persistance i dont know what is, big congrats
  20. azdesert rat

    First deer!

    heck of a first deer and with a bow to boot, congrats
  21. azdesert rat

    Should I Post these pics?

    post em up, personaly i think we should have an album of these kinda photos so we know pepole we should keep an eye on if there hangin around.
  22. azdesert rat

    Interesting Brain Game

    blue drill, haha confirms what pepole keep telling me that my thought process isnt normal
  23. azdesert rat

    How many rounds of ammo do you carry?

    didnt think about my pistol so if ya count that itd be 32, my rifles uses a clip so 4 in a clip one in the pocket for a full gun and a spare clip then my pistol carrys 14 round and i carry a spare 9 round clip in my pack or in an atchment for my holster
  24. azdesert rat

    What do you wear on your feet for a stalk?

    i used to do the bare feet in wool socks but after trying to put on a stalk in a cholla flat i decided my shoes arnt ever comeing off agin (a little advice never think well i can go slow and pick my way thrue it, trust me you cant and its a verry painfull leson) now i leave the boots on and go very slow and watch my step
  25. azdesert rat

    outdoorsmans packs

    any one use these packs? lookin at new packs for 3-5 days and meat packing but havent heard mutch about the outdoorsmans packs but they look like a good pack but would like to know how they stand up in real world conditions. any info will be greatly apreciated