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azdesert rat

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Everything posted by azdesert rat

  1. yea ill have to check out the hunting open country, hes definatley to lazy to pack in and hes hunted muleys his whole life but his techniques need to be retired ie walking fingers and jump shooting deer and road hunting, ive bought him all the gear he needs to get it done he just wont listen when it comes to the how so opening day he goes back to what he knows and whines about there being no deer, hopefully he'll read this book and learn a few thing then maby he'll quit thinking im talking out my hinde end
  2. azdesert rat


  3. azdesert rat


    stoger 3500 cycles 2 3/4 all the way to 3 1/2 comes with all the chokes and wedges for it plus a hevimetal extreeme range choke. gun is like new i dont think its had even 3 boxes thrue it i just never could get used to it i always end up takeing old faithfull so it just sits in the safe, $450
  4. azdesert rat


  5. azdesert rat


    going to be in east valley for a few days
  6. azdesert rat


    located near globe
  7. they finnaly put the watterfoul regs out atleast online, can't get here quick enogh I'm ready to go spend some time in the duck blind
  8. any chance someone could record it and put it up on youtube for those of us that live in the boonies? id love to catch it but unfortunately i also live to far away
  9. azdesert rat

    Eberlestock x1a1

    pm sent
  10. azdesert rat

    August bears

    33.4518° N, 111.9489° W here you go muledeerarea id garantee theres a few bears here
  11. azdesert rat

    August bears

    chomping at the bit too,pretty mutch the only hunt i have this year except hopefully fall turky
  12. azdesert rat

    FHF have to give credit

    So anyone who knows fhf knows that there products don't need to be braged on there bino harness is hands down one of the best if not the best but it's there customer service I've got to brag on. So I finally upgraded my bino harness but I spaced when I chose the camo pattern and didn't order the pattern I ultimately want (completely my own damb fault) so I Emailed Paul and he emailed me back saying he'd change it for me not a huge surprise from some one with a reputation for customer service like him witch is something in its own right, but I Emailed him at a very early hour today also being a sunday I figured I might hear back by Monday nope got an email back in under 5 minutes now if that's not impressive customer service I don't know what is.
  13. azdesert rat

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    Yep no tag agin and I'm on the long wait for deer gona be a long year
  14. azdesert rat

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    I just did what you said and all my old info is now showing. Your department ID isn't always your social though. Worked for me too, appreciate the info that portal was driving me nuts
  15. azdesert rat

    anyone use ovis game bags?

    I was looking at these bags but I couldn't find any reviews on them so I'm hoping some of you use/have used these bags, mostly I wanted to know if they breath well enough to be used on those hot early season hunts aka the sunburn specials?
  16. azdesert rat

    anyone use ovis game bags?

    Before I always used the disposable bags but the fly's can still get at the meat threw them (I read some where you can double bag using pantyhose first to eliminate that problem) I just don't imagine pillow cases being real breathable I don't know if the ovis style bags are any better that's why I asked. I only worry about the matireal for the early hunts when its harder to get the meat to cool, when the weather cools down I'm less picky I've even used a shirt a couple times when I found out I didn't bring enough bags
  17. azdesert rat

    anyone use ovis game bags?

    Yea seems like there always on there its the xl elk bags right now I'll probably wait for the L deer bags to come back around, who knows might up my chances of drawing an elk tag
  18. azdesert rat

    pack suggestions?

    So im a real small framed guy aka skinny and for a hunting pack i like a pack thats narower than i am so its not hanging on everything but the pack i have doesn't expand enough to pack a deer and its to small to lash to, ive already got a good load hauling pack what im looking for is something narrow and smallish but would expand enough to pack out say the hinde quarters off a deer, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  19. azdesert rat

    pack suggestions?

    I try not to restrict myself to mutch on budget buy once cry once, i had looked at kuiu but thats why i decided to ask everyone here becalse personal experience is mutch better than sales page info and for higher end packs i think its pretty mutch imposible to finde a store that carries all of em. For some reason i completely spaced eberlystock but i might just have to go take a look at that metcalf, yea i saw the ones in the clasifieds but i dont want to make a rush decision ive got plenty of time to look before i choose, i hang right around 30-32 i dont have a problem with fit its the pack size i like real narrow packs, ive looked at kifuru befor to they just seemed a little wider than id like, like i said ive got plenty of time to finde a pack that works best for what i need but i realy apriciate all the suggestions there are some packs and brands i hadnt thalt to look into
  20. azdesert rat


    Remington 700 adl 7mm rem mag 26" barel, went threw proper break in and well taken care of just more rifle than i need, comes with a litle over 80 rounds about 50 brass and sealed lb of h1000, 400$ message me with any questions
  21. azdesert rat


    Sorry it took a little while but all pms answered, not realy looking to trade just looking to sell
  22. azdesert rat


    Im in globe but i could possibly meet half way for anyone not in town
  23. azdesert rat

    Red Ranger

    I live up here
  24. azdesert rat

    Red Ranger

    Thats me, the old laddy and i were grabing a little lunch
  25. azdesert rat

    Any one use a tree stand?

    Got a couple questions myself on the subject, in the main spot ill be hunting ive only got one tree to hang a stand and as high as i can get it the bottom is only maby 8' off the ground is this to low to be efective? Do you guys add cover to youre stands?