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Everything posted by metau

  1. metau

    Max Turkey Points?

    Here you go. Would depend on what the ones ahead of you put in for and did/didn't draw.
  2. metau

    Range Finder

    Leica 1600B, Sig Kilo 2000, Swaro or GSeven BR2. Really the only 4 choices with the '+' part of your question and what your stipulations are for being the best.
  3. metau

    Rifle for 10 Year Old

    Great caliber. Just match the twist rate for the bullets you want to use.
  4. metau

    Hunts for Heroes: HELP NEEDED!!!

    Guys, do not think that you have to be intimate with a unit to help these vets. If you have the time, there is plenty that can be done. Camp work, glassing, tracking, packing out, helping with mobility issues, just being there for support. I guarantee you it will be a much more enjoyable experience than standing in line all morning on black Friday just to find out what you were going to buy is already gone. Not to mention what better way to get in the holiday spirit than giving of your time to someone who has been through and sacrificed so much. Just sayin'.
  5. Rem 700 LSS in 300 win mag. Right at 12.2 lbs with everything I've done to it. It's still in the process of becoming my long range rig, and it will be capable of doing what it needs to long before the nut behind the trigger is...
  6. metau


    I got tons of 147gr stuff, but it is all from freedom as well. Prices are decent, and when they have free shipping(first time buyers), it makes it a no brainer. It's all I shoot in my 3 gun competitions.
  7. metau

    Elk camp help/mentor

    See the post in the Campfire for help needed on the Hunts for Heroes elk hunts coming up. Not that unit, and likely not learning from a pro, but I doubt you could find a better way to spend a weekend in the woods.
  8. metau

    Kuiu guide jacket grey with hood xl

    If it fits, I'll take it. When do you think we could get together? My work hours are pretty atrocious right now. What part of town do you work in?
  9. metau


    Had those same features on my G34. Not used the Timberwolf frames, but I did like those two features, in addition to the stippling and triggerguard undercuts. Made for a very high grip on the pistol.
  10. metau

    Coues Backpack Hunt

    That was my plan, but due to a major project at work, I didn't have a day off until last week that I was able to go scout, and the whole day was spent trying to find good access points. I had water with me had I found good access early on in the day, but I never actually found my access point on that trip. I ended up going in blind on opening morning. Still managed to find 30 deer in 3 days until I ran out of water, so I'm not complaining. Was a good trip, learned a lot on the gear side, but still want to be able to pack into my glassing spot I found on my maps. Just can't do that with a 70+lb pack. I'd get myself killed trying to go up the cliffs with that much weight.
  11. metau

    Coues Backpack Hunt

    I'd appreciate it. I was at 79lbs, but that was with only 4 liters of water, but included my sidearm, but no spotter. Definitely need to lighten my load as it kept me from getting as far back in as I would have liked. I've already got a running list on where I think I can make the biggest weight savings and will start doing some comparison shopping in a few weeks when my schedule slows down a bit to see where I can get the most cost effective savings.
  12. metau

    Pack weight

    For you guys doing the backpack hunts, how much water is included in those weights? Any chance we could see a gear breakdown?
  13. metau

    Coues Backpack Hunt

    Nicely done. I am curious what your gear choices were considering half your weight was in water? My load-out for a 4 night pack in trip is no where close to that when carrying all my water.
  14. metau

    Single bevel

    dang good looking broadheads.
  15. metau

    Remington 243 with lots of upgrades

    What bottom metal is that?
  16. metau

    Bear on Coues Hunt

    Awesome bear bud. Headed there next week with three tags in my pocket hoping to do the same thing.
  17. metau

    Sold...............Please delete!

    How much without the doubler?
  18. metau

    WTT: Sage 5wt 8'6" Fly Rod

    Both my coworkers are good with 5 weights. Bump for a great rod though.
  19. metau

    Sold...............Please delete!

    Would you mind posting pics? Not sure I've ever seen black Swaro's. I bet they look good.
  20. The only Coues I have shot was with my bow. The bush he was standing in front of when I arrowed him was the same bush I found my arrow in the weekend before when I missed him. Don't push them and they will hang around.
  21. metau

    Private Wells (And whats in them)

    Welcome to the neighborhood. You're going to love it up here.
  22. metau

    WTB: 9mm 147 grain

    I get all my 147gr 9mm ammo from Freedom Munitions. Shot about 5k of the RN before switching to the HP. Looks like the RN is on sale today, including their reman'd ammo. You can find better prices on 115gr range ammo, but their prices are hard to beat for the heavies. Not to mention all my 9's love the 147 HP's.
  23. metau

    McMillian Stock BNIB

    PM sent.
  24. metau

    2001 jeep cherokee sport

    What, no CWT sticker! Blasphemy! Bump for an awesome hunting rig, and glws.
  25. metau

    WTT: Sage 5wt 8'6" Fly Rod

    Love my Sage's. Good folks over there at azf&t. I'll check with my two coworkers who flyfish and see if they are interested.