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Everything posted by metau

  1. metau

    sheds, tags, and tuna

    So want to do a trip later this year with my baby sister.
  2. metau

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    The warrant was issued by the state attorney general and would therefor be under state records.
  3. metau

    Wtb handful of Berger hybrid 215

    I'm sure I have some. You in Camp Verde?
  4. So 1/2" group at 300 yards and then a 12" group at 500 yards? Way more information about what the actual issue is would help people point you in the right direction.
  5. metau

    5BS Early Archery Bull

    I'd recommend volunteering for the youth turkey camp in 6A as there will be kids there with OTC tags for 5B. Great way to help the next generation of hunters and start to learn the unit.
  6. metau

    Draw progress

    Unit 9 early archery bull. Still shows that I have my BP, but I'm sure that will be updated shortly.
  7. metau

    ISE/G&F Expo/Bowhunters Banq

    I have been to both expos and would highly suggest the G&F one at Ben Avery if you got a gang of kids in tow. Tons of stuff there for the kids. The one in Scottsdale is also a boat show, so if your kids like boats, keep that in mind.
  8. metau

    3/17 CC Hits?

    $135 pending. Early archery bull, here I come. I'll be in either 9 or 23N come September.
  9. metau

    Limited Opportunity Elk - WHY??

    Because a day chasing elk is better than a day of work or chores at home.
  10. metau

    Increasing draw length...

    Depending on the bow, the pro shop you take it to will either adjust the settings on the cams or install new mods/cams as needed to hit your proper draw length, AFTER they have measured it.
  11. metau

    bullet for a 243

    Twist will dictate everything in that rifle. I like the 105 A-Max's.
  12. metau

    1st time fly fishing

    Not to mention having to deal with the increased flow from runoff out of the mountains. I've gone once in early April before they increased the flow rates from the dam, and the rest of my trips have been in Dec-Feb timeframe. Never had any issues with mosquitos. Fishing is slow and technical in the winter time, but I've always managed to land good quantities of fish, with a few gems mixed in.
  13. metau

    1st time fly fishing

    I'll be headed to the San Juan this year as well. Was planning on going in April, but my baby sister wants to go as well and she won't have time off until the summer. Absolutely amazing fishery that every fisherman needs to hit at least once in their life.
  14. If I was in your shoes, with the available rifles you listed, I would look at my options thusly: Do I want a 6.5 that is lighter weight (than my fast 6.5) and shoots faster (than my light weight 6.5) than my other current 6.5's, or do I want a .280AI loaner rifle for bull elk that is similar in weight to my current 7RM, just slightly slower? If I already had a suitable loaner elk rifle, then I'd go the 6.5-06AI. If not, I'd get the loaner rifle.
  15. metau

    1st time fly fishing

    Love to fly fish. Much prefer it over any other form of fishing these days.
  16. How many rounds do you plan on putting down the barrel in a year? What do you want to shoot at? How far are you confident shooting already? How far do you want to shoot with this rifle? What do you want the finished weight of the rifle to be? Tons of other questions to go along with those. If I were looking at a 6.5, I would approach it from this aspect: Knowing what I want to shoot at(paper, thin skinned game or medium skinned game), I would pick a particular bullet that do said job the best. Then I would determine what muzzle velocity I was needing to achieve the trajectory I wanted with said bullet. Once I know the bullet and the speed needed, that would tell me what my choices are for cartridges that can realistically meet that trajectory. rifle weight would play into limiting factors of SA/LA as well as barrel length, which would further narrow or expand said field of cartridge choices.
  17. metau

    Huge Group of Plastic Baits

    I nave a float tube if you're interested in trading. I'll pull it out tomorrow and take some pics for you.
  18. metau

    Happy Jack Youth Camp

    I'll be there to mentor again this year. Will see if I can find any first time hunters to get up there as well.
  19. metau

    Feral Pig Eradication

    Easiest way to resolve this would be to pressure the commission to amend Commission Order 14 to allow the take other Birds and Mammals on Wildlife Refuges.
  20. metau

    Residency question

    BC777- You are correct. Please read the statute I listed. It clearly states what the requirements are to apply for a license as a resident. If you do not meet those requirements at the time of application, you are a non-resident. This is why you can buy a lifetime resident hunting license and then move out of state, but have to pay non-resident fees until you re-establish AZ residency requirements under title 17 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. DCS- While I would agree for most parts about confirming with a government body on what is or what is not allowed versus what someone says on a forum, even the person who answers the phone can be wrong, as they are still human. It is for this exact reason that anytime I answer a question with legalities involved, I reference the appropriate legal code so that the OP may read what the actual law states, not what myself or some desk jockey on a phone might say. I've been unable to locate anything within Title 17 that pertains to residency that is not associated with the application of a license, permit, tag or stamp. Not saying there is something I am missing, but I am human and there may be.
  21. metau

    Residency question

    I also like the fact that the AZ Departments of Transportation, Revenue, Education and Game and Fish all have different requirements for residency.
  22. metau

    Residency question

    If your read the regs (A.R.S. 17-101.A.17( , pg 108 of the 2016 main regs), it states that residency must be at the time of application. Residency is established in AZ after domiciled in this states for the 6 months previous to application of any tag/license, and residency status is surrendered as soon as you claim residency status for any purpose in any other state (i.e. within the 30 day window that most state DMV's give you to transfer you drivers license). Living out of the state for 6 months does not quantify loosing your residency status as a AZ resident. I've known multiple people that have gone on 6+ month vacations traveling the country/world, but since they never claimed residency anywhere else, they maintained their status as a resident of AZ the entire time.
  23. metau

    Gun safe upgrade

    If you actually want to protect irreplaceable valuables, then you want to look for a safe with a TRTL-30x6 minimum rating. Everything you see in a box store is merely a security container, not a safe. Also look into the various UL fire ratings, don't go off what is listed on the side of the door.
  24. If I were to switch over anymore of my ADL's, I would do so to a DM style setup. PT&G has some of the best prices you'll find, unless you want a specific brand.