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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    With every regular $1250 table purchase this year the purchaser will receive one entry for the table raffle. That’s a Dall sheep hunt. The door prize I believe is a pair of 14’s.
  2. AZkiller

    Ruger Blackhawk .41 magnum

    I’ll take it
  3. AZkiller

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    Evidently not cuz I have 23 also
  4. AZkiller

    How long until cards are hit??

    Sons youth and cranes
  5. AZkiller


    Now that there aren’t any more auction tags, look to see more of these “opportunity for EVERYONE “ raffles. Going to have to make up a couple million a year. Either raise all tag fees substantially or grab your cash every couple months.
  6. AZkiller

    Any Tequila Drinkers here?

    Clase Azul. Anejo or cristalino. Komos is very good as well. Don Julio 1942 is good but over rated.
  7. AZkiller

    Son looking for work.. Hard worker and motivated

    Liability and workman’s comp for me and my 3 employees is now $9k a year. I guess yeah xxxx it all and go under the table is an option
  8. AZkiller

    Victory arrows

    AZ archery club has them
  9. AZkiller

    Son looking for work.. Hard worker and motivated

    Tough to compete huh? Even tougher for those of us that get licensed and insured. 🙄
  10. AZkiller

    My son's photo AZ Trophy Outfitters FB page.

    All states not just AZ
  11. AZkiller

    Sheep Hunts 2023; Good Luck!

    Saw a couple nice ones from region 4 yesterday
  12. AZkiller


    I don’t think elk should be shot with anything smaller than a 30cal. I just took a guy last week on a cow hunt and had him use a 7mag on a 260yd shot. Blullet never exited and didn’t bleed with a 190gr. Found her 180yds away. Yes it works but I just don’t like it
  13. AZkiller


    $300 final offer
  14. AZkiller

    How long until cards are hit??

    F the G&F! Can’t even get a youth deer or SH cranes. Zero tags for me this year
  15. AZkiller

    How long until cards are hit??

    What did they say?
  16. AZkiller

    Fishing in Cabo

    Go back in time and book Picese sportfishig. Hope the trip went well
  17. AZkiller

    Card Hits!

    Somebody should wake up Punxsutawney Phil and see if he knows
  18. AZkiller


    Are you booking action? If so I’ll take $500 on 3/4 and over
  19. AZkiller

    target shooting in the desert

    You can’t target shoot between the 74 and 303 legally. It’s Peoria
  20. AZkiller


    Congratulations on the sale. You’re welcome for the bumps 😂
  21. AZkiller


    Well that would be why I don’t shop at the outdoorsman’s. Epic optics it’s $6050 shipped. No tax.
  22. AZkiller


    😂 class?!? Offering 1600 less than new purchase price for a 3 year old sight unseen product? If I at any point gave you the impression that I cared what the hero watching out for offers that he deems unworthy though, for that I apologize. Some ppls kids.
  23. AZkiller


    How do we get you to 4?