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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Grizzlies in az, anybody see this?

    We should add 5000 jaguars along the border also.
  2. AZkiller

    A few pictures from the last week

    I know for some that ram is a shooter!
  3. AZkiller

    scouting pix

    well that sounds like fun. Don't shoot that one! did you find any others?
  4. AZkiller

    AZ Elk Trail Cam Pics

    Their page doesnt say how many lbs the bag is. Do you know?
  5. AZkiller

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    One eyed jaundice snarflap?
  6. AZkiller

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    are you sure it was not an albino ringtail? there's lots of those in 6a.
  7. AZkiller

    Monkey Wrenching near HappyJack

    well I for one would guess that there animal rights activists don't want you out there hunting! what other explanation could there be? do you think any non anti hunter would be so malicious?
  8. AZkiller

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    Huh... Weird.
  9. AZkiller

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    Looks like its inlet for a bdl. If you zoom on the second pic you can see it. +1 on A2
  10. AZkiller

    new pack advice

    I have a kuiu, awesome pack. I was going to look at stone glacier also but got this first.
  11. AZkiller

    Introducing myself

    Welcome! Watch out, there are some not nice people too! ;-)
  12. Well of course you will save weight, i dont think it would be worth the money to flute and refinish the gun unless you were going to ceracoat it anyway. You could lose 8oz or so. I was trying to get under 6 complete but i have a 25 inch barrel and dont want to chop it down just to get there, so dont get too hung up on the number. With a hunters edge (same that i got) you will end up around 6 lbs without a scope. Still a very light gun.
  13. AZkiller

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Ok. Thanks for the tip! I could do that but, I have so much fun annoying you!
  14. AZkiller

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Really? UH...yeah.. Have you read this thread?
  15. AZkiller

    Chuck Norris-isms

    There seems to be quite a bit of fascination with the genitalia..... Are there some of you that are hiding a secret?
  16. Short answer, if your not going to seriously modify the barreled action, then no. I just finished my mountian gun and got it to 6lbs 5oz with the 6-18 leupold.
  17. AZkiller

    What wildcat would you build?

    You mean 20mm
  18. AZkiller

    How much longer will they hit cards

    Thats not nice. Where did you put in captian?
  19. AZkiller

    Bonus points?

    Did you get drawn? You would end up with hunter ed and loyalty.
  20. AZkiller

    What wildcat would you build?

    Lol. I didn't know it had a name. I have a 6.5/300WSM reamer also.
  21. AZkiller

    What wildcat would you build?

    I shoot a 338 snipe tac. 408 chey tac necked down. Throwing a 300 gr at 3080fps. I have an edge reamer also and it performs very well. I think it shoots the three hundred grain at around 2700Fps.
  22. AZkiller


  23. AZkiller


    I cant make that weekend, but thank you for posting and making people aware. We all should get more involved. Do you guys need anything for that weekend other than warm bodies?