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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    any tag holders wanna play "score the goat"

    WOW! Really needed that side view! Must be super skinny, he looks long.
  2. AZkiller

    any tag holders wanna play "score the goat"

    84 with 16.5" length
  3. AZkiller

    18 points for Elk

    In unit 1 btw
  4. AZkiller

    18 points for Elk

    I got drawn for muzzy bull this year with 7 points. Dont give up. You have an 11 times better chance than i did.
  5. AZkiller

    18 points for Elk

    I would! Gotta be number 5 of 6 in the state depending on the year.
  6. AZkiller

    Mady's Bull

    Only place I know is the gift shop at sky harbor.
  7. AZkiller

    Pines or Junipers?

  8. AZkiller

    antelope pics

    k well 75" goat, would need to be at least 15" imho Mines 15 2/8 both horns and he's 82 5/8.
  9. AZkiller

    antelope pics

    Lol! No likely like your body, antelope are smaller than you think they are therefore some things may appear larger than they are!
  10. AZkiller

    antelope pics

    I think he is talking about the antelope on the left So am I. The one on the right is 10 inches.
  11. AZkiller

    Pines or Junipers?

    What unit/hunt?
  12. AZkiller

    antelope pics

    Yeah, he should be nice in a few years if he makes it through the yahoo firing squad. Guys hes 13 inches, please before you kill an antelope, do alot of research, its almost as hard to draw a lope tag as a sheep tag, make the most of it. Especially the way they are now being managed.
  13. AZkiller

    Where to get a safe?

    Just got my champion. I love it.
  14. AZkiller

    Check out this Pink Rattlesnake from Ben Avery

    I'm not in favor of killing every snake, just every rattlesnake. With the average cost of treatment at $100,000, I don't have much of a care for them.
  15. AZkiller

    Interesting doe on my cam

    Yes i saw a doe in 6a with booties about 18 years ago
  16. AZkiller


    I just spent $115 on a brick! Lapua center x!
  17. AZkiller

    Home Depoo

    In SERE Training we would have to "carry out" everything to leave no sign of our presence, it was a hoot to place your bag(un-sealed) in anothers pack to be found later... hehehe You cant just bury it?
  18. AZkiller

    Home Depoo

    Cut the bottom out and that thing will collapse and you will be sitting in sh**!!
  19. AZkiller

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    you mean the albino ring-tailed snarflap right?
  20. AZkiller


    Lolololololol! Congrats! Have fun and get a deer guide. Not a sheep giide!
  21. AZkiller


    Wow #&$+ you!
  22. You dont need a license in texas if your not going to hunt anything else. At least thats what the texas g&f told me a couple years ago. Why would it be a scam? It seems like a ripoff.
  23. AZkiller

    Mr. Predicable

    Looks kinda skinny!
  24. AZkiller

    Kenetrek Mountain Extreme 400 - 11.5 M

    Actually they go for 455 now! Great boots!