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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Suggestions on San Diego

    Next time just don't cook it. Some toro sashimi on the boat would be awesome!
  2. AZkiller

    2015/2016 Hunt Recommendations

    More more more
  3. AZkiller

    S&W 500....SOLD

    They don't hurt you hand... It hurts yous wrist, forearm, and elbow. And the blast is the biggest supprise!
  4. AZkiller

    Wildcats done.

    No one cares cuz baskeball sucks and so does northern Mexico's best college.
  5. AZkiller

    2a antelope

    Have you looked at rockeymountian bullets?
  6. AZkiller

    2a antelope

    22250 will do more damage belive it or not. I shot my lope with a 210 berger at 618 and it just poked a hole in his heart. In and out no time to expand from the 30\416 rigby imp at 3450fps.
  7. AZkiller

    Yard Sale, lots of stuff

    At least you would have a place to stay... New tent and all
  8. AZkiller

    2a antelope

    Thats fun. What bullet do you shoot. I shoot a 338 snipetac.
  9. AZkiller

    Pretty Boy Turkey Decoy- Pics Added

    Will you ship it to the valley? $?
  10. AZkiller

    2a antelope

    Nope. No big bucks. You should feel lucky to find a 75. Very few bucks at all.
  11. AZkiller

    2a antelope

  12. AZkiller

    Game meat choice?

    Antelope is by far the best ive had. Hope i get another tag in my life
  13. AZkiller

    Suggestions for a place to stay in Greer

    Do not drive from pt of sl. Greer is a great spot and you can fins a place around 120 a day. Pm me if you need any tips i had the muz tag last year
  14. AZkiller

    Heber Overgaard 2015 Powerstroke and travel trailer raffle

    Holy shite ballz!!!!! I have to buy one of these!!!
  15. AZkiller

    Bullets question

    Wow...I learned something today
  16. AZkiller

    Bullets question

    I dont know who would shoot them in a 308 win, but ppl do crazy stuff. My 30/416 shoots the 210 at 3450fps so yes I feel you would need more than 10 twist as it would be flying around 3300 not 2800.
  17. AZkiller

    Bullets question

    Why yes it is very inciteful. Its also a 308 as in winchester. I would argue a 230gr out of a 308WINCHESTER would need at least a 10 twist for 200gr and a 230 may work. Prolly wont work well on a 10 twist flying at 3400fps
  18. AZkiller

    Which rifle stock and why?

    I have 6 McMillans and love them all!
  19. AZkiller

    Bullets question

    Are you talking about a .308 or a 30 cal? I have a 30/416 rigby improved that deffinately needs more twist for the 230 and its a 10. Shoots the 210s great tho.
  20. AZkiller

    Bear Deterrent

    Everyone beat me to it. 230Gr of bear repellant. A bunch of them.
  21. AZkiller


    Most of the shoppers there don't care cus they are using our money via welfare checks anyway!
  22. AZkiller

    How did you get into hunting and the outdoors?

    I was born with testicles and nature took is course.
  23. Just sent my rep an email. Thanks for the heds up. After a google search it looks like anothe progressive wet dream. Im really starting to hate them.