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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Rocky Mountain MD in AZ

    G&F have also put some deer from the bab in 24a years ago. There are a few toads in there.
  2. AZkiller


    Thank you to all who served and have helped keep us free! I never served and feel regret every day.
  3. AZkiller

    alfalfa seed

    Well if you're just gonna make horse poop then never mind.
  4. AZkiller

    For Sale Old Double Barrel Shotgun

    How bout a scrached up silver 3-9?😀
  5. AZkiller

    alfalfa seed

    I do but it depends on what you're gonna make with it.?.?
  6. AZkiller

    XD 40

    The magazines are free with a coupon from the factory when you buy a new springfield before 12/31/15.
  7. AZkiller

    XD 40

    Oh... I didn't see that... $300?
  8. AZkiller

    Another political comic post :)

    Where can we get passwords to the political section? I sent Sctanley a pm with no reply and cant get one to Amanda.
  9. AZkiller

    195 grain berger 7mm mag

    They tend to make a big hole when you hit a pelvis.
  10. AZkiller

    Draw odds

    Feb or March
  11. AZkiller

    Draw odds

    One in a billion!
  12. AZkiller

    mass and trash

    Holy crap!
  13. AZkiller

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    It's not passing the buck. If he committed a crime they should have charged him with one. That's where this all went wrong. He was never charged with a crime. It's not Wagners fault the department cant do its job. Keep doin' what you do Kickin' Wing!
  14. AZkiller

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    Ummm, we got the whole story. So let me get this straight: He CLEARLY broke the law, along with his G&F buddies. Not only does he walk away from it all without consequence, he gets promoted!! Then because his employer is incompetent in the whole ordeal (hence the fact that he wasn't held accountable) he got $100,000 of your tax payer dollars. But because he's a "nice guy" we just forget about it??? Hahaha!!! Yes. He was awarded a judgment and won multiple appeals because the bureaucracy attempted to assess punishment without any charges of a crime. Thats how the law works. You wanna get pissed get pissed at Lary.
  15. AZkiller

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    He had a scheduled surgery. I ask you glass house, would you not have done the same? The guys that shot it and used another tag are the "guilty" party.Wrong. The ONLY tag you can have in your possession is your OWN. In addition, knowingly leaving your OWN tag in the possession of someone else with the knowledge that they're going to finish off an animal for you makes you just as guilty. He CLEARLY knew what he was doing was illegal. He Did NOT know they were going to have to finish off the animal. Again, if anyone is guilty of a crime its the guy that actually killed the animal and tagged it with a tag other than his own.
  16. AZkiller

    AZGFD Special Meeting

    He had a scheduled surgery. I ask you glass house, would you not have done the same? The guys that shot it and used another tag are the "guilty" party.
  17. AZkiller

    Craigslist Scam ?

    Yes they use counterfeit checks and they do this with every item over $500
  18. AZkiller

    Beef cow for sale**SOLD Pending funds**

    That's a good deal! Looks delish!
  19. AZkiller

    My Solo Adventure

    Always the bad azz! Congrats again!
  20. AZkiller

    36B Right Now

    Wait.. Someone said there was a "monster buck". Where is the pic of that one?
  21. AZkiller

    Too good not to share :)

    Sad thing is, my neighbor is a blue collar guy too. I guess he doesn't mind busting his butt, so 50% of his pay can go to finance Bernie's radical socialism agenda. Its the blind hate they have for the rich that leads them there. This should be in the politics section. I cant seem to get a password. Does anyone have it?
  22. AZkiller

    STOLEN Polaris

    Bla bla bla silence the opposition bla puke
  23. AZkiller

    STOLEN Polaris

    Lol! When I was a kid my mom had 3 cars found on the rez 2 were car b qed. Rez is an armpit that should be taken back and cleaned up. All of them!
  24. AZkiller


    Nor do I Bob. I also don't agree with cow elk tags.
  25. AZkiller


    hope not, ignorance is no excuse but I really hope he just typed out the details wrong!! If not???? Lol! He obviously mis spoke. Im sure he landed under sniper fire too. There's no way someone would admit to poaching on the internet and then admit to a fraudulent cover up even ir it is just a dang turkey!! The picture is obviously of his and his buddys bird. He did not shoot both of them himself. I'm sure this is just an early April fools joke. Or maybe hes a polock and they do October fools!?! Anyhoo there is zero proof from this spoof that he is guilty of anything other than wearing a dumb hat!