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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Favorite Find

  2. AZkiller

    Favorite Find

    I think your right you cant remove it but I dont think he did
  3. AZkiller


    I heard this morning that we should expect rain an average of at least once a week thru the spring.
  4. AZkiller

    44BN Hunt

    But, you didn't need a crew of 20 guys helping you glass and a $10K long-range robot rifle setup to harvest a FANTASTIC trophy! No he didn't have a crew, he just followed the other crews around to see what they found so you could say he had a crew of 60
  5. AZkiller

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    Lol! I'm Dave Hallof and almost no one in north Peoria know who I am. I speak my mind online and in person the same those who know me know this as well. Have fun ripping off ppl on your "guided" striper trips this spring. P.S. Is Jerry going to the Super Bowl this year?
  6. AZkiller

    Favorite Find

    Wow thats cool! Its not worth much but a cool find. Its from the 1870's. The oldest thing I have found from white men was a tin of milk of magnisia tablets a bit smaller than those old sucrets tins and all rusted but you could still read the paper inside and there were still some crumbs in there. From the 20's if I recall. I'll look for it.
  7. AZkiller

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    Some Peoples Kids! I got a pm last night from 40 year az hunter suggesting perhaps my nephew and brother deserved to have their camp stolen because I feel Don and Jerry are dousch bags! I'm gonna have to add another to the list. Since I know ole 40 year was KICKED out of at least one other sheep camp in 44bn for displaying douschery. Anyone that would insinuate a kid deserves to suffer due to my thoughts is.... A DOUSCH! Jerry's doushery is all over google. Ole Capin'.. Every fishing guide I have ever hired is a one on one or wiyh a first mate and captain, not a client funding a trip for the ole capin's friends and family..doushe baggery.
  8. AZkiller

    *SOLD* Meopta Meostar B1 12x50 binoculars

    Thanks! Nice meeting you as well! Good luck!
  9. AZkiller

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    Wow you give Don alot more credit than me. I think he was prolly too busy updating his Face Book or lickin' windows to be proud of Jerry...
  10. AZkiller

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    Hmm. Do dousch bags travel in packs?
  11. AZkiller

    44BN Hunt

    Your fly is down..
  12. AZkiller

    24a thieves!

    Update. They were on the fs so they were contacted. The FS did not take down camp. So it was stolen.
  13. AZkiller

    *SOLD* Meopta Meostar B1 12x50 binoculars

    Well heck. Im on the other side of the world. North Peoria.
  14. AZkiller

    *SOLD* Meopta Meostar B1 12x50 binoculars

    I may be interested in that. Id like to look thru them.
  15. I listened today at work. My only critique would be the differance in volume between the two of you.
  16. AZkiller

    44BN Hunt

    Sweet! You left my ram there for me next year! Thanks!
  17. Garys on 19th ave just north of Deer Valley. Ive always been happy
  18. AZkiller

    Giant moose antlers

    Thats cool. Congrats! You know i was f ing with you.
  19. AZkiller

    Giant moose antlers

    Uh.. Prolly not on here... Id try Aspen or Sedona for them kinda nhumbers.
  20. AZkiller

    Giant moose antlers

  21. AZkiller

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn. Sheep Hunt 2015

    Nice! Great looking ram!
  22. AZkiller

    24a thieves!

    No it was an old army tent. 14×16 ish wall tent with 4 foot sides and no floor. We mainly use it for cooking and eating in. Thank you very much.
  23. It says no prison time if clean for 4 years. Does not say they can hunt in 4 years. Im sure they are banned for life.
  24. AZkiller

    24a thieves!

    I have no idea on vehicle. Thanks for watching. Im sure a bait camp would work on say a Tuesday or Wednesday. They will be out until Thursday do maybe they will run into them.
  25. AZkiller


    I sent a pm last night at 925 and havent heard back