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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Spring Hunts

    Actually the first hunt is 7days long the second hunt is 7days then after the second hunt everyone drawn for that hunt gets to hunt the remainder of the hunt, normally two more weeks. Now I'm not a turkey hunting expert by any means but in general the hens are laying on their eggs by the first week of May. Hens can have up to three nest attempts if earlier nests fail. I don"t believe it matters at what elevation you hunt. Here is a picture of a young man I mentored last years youth hunt (a week prior to the opener) at over 9000 ft elevation. Personally I like the later hunts the older bigger gobblers are easier to call in because they are not with their hens. Good luck which ever season you choose. " Now I'm not a turkey hunting expert by any means..." I call BS on this statement! hmmm you don't seem to recall to well our last turkey hunt the only thing shot was a vehicle but that is another story for another time. Holy Crap! You're the Floor Board Bandit???
  2. AZkiller

    beef calves

    You do, my place. Whoaa!! I didn't know this was an option. What's the cost for this wonderful service you are offering?
  3. AZkiller

    Have you seen this big boy

    ask Jay Scott. He's got the client. They're prolly trying to figure out how to get the ram off the rez.
  4. AZkiller

    San Carlos

    Where do you buy guide feed? You can get Jumbo Jacks and Budweiser in Globe.
  5. AZkiller

    Have you seen this big boy

    Greg's ram doesn't drop below his jaw. Kinda freaky for a full curl. This ram is over 175 fo sho. Had smaller bases but longer and carrys his mass better.
  6. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    Yes of course thats what I did azz hat! I am just trying to make you stickflickers aware that these are big animals that ARE tough to kill sometimes even with a gun. They deserve our respect and the propper equipment to harvest them. 300gr setups are NOT ideal for such a heavy boned animal. Both of the archers made kill shots with a 600gr arrow as they both hit bone. Fast and flat may be cool but not optimal imho. The ho hum attitude I am sensing about this is disturbing to me.
  7. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    The rest of him was ok
  8. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    Here he is
  9. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    Yes the expandable was from last year. The elk completely healed with that in a vertebrae. The muzzy was from this year and the muzzle loader is from Monday.
  10. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    I found the shooter. Kinda sad I had 3 ppl contact me about this. Aren't there only 10 tags for that hunt?Elk are toughAll the more reason to respect them enough not to take questionable shots with inferior equipment. Of course they can kill an elk but it seems there are many MANY times that they don't. im sorry mr perfect, im sure you never make a mistake What the heck is your problem?!? No I have never let an animal walk around for a week like this! I'm only asking that people think about how to harvest an animal as large as an elk ethically. If that makes me a azz so be it.
  11. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    Sorry I forgot this one
  12. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    I found the shooter. Kinda sad I had 3 ppl contact me about this. Aren't there only 10 tags for that hunt?Elk are tough All the more reason to respect them enough not to take questionable shots with inferior equipment. Of course they can kill an elk but it seems there are many MANY times that they don't.
  13. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    Pop Quiz!!! What takes down an elk best. 340grn arrow with a mechanical? 340 grn arrow with a muzzy? Or a 340grn slug of lead from a muzzy?? Hmmm.... I wonder.....
  14. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    This is why you shouldn't take questionable shot angles with light weight equipment.
  15. AZkiller

    Lost bull

    I found the shooter. Kinda sad I had 3 ppl contact me about this. Aren't there only 10 tags for that hunt?
  16. AZkiller


    I think his tag is in 41w
  17. AZkiller


    Lol he does to me too!
  18. AZkiller

    2 for 2!

    Let's hear more about this hunt! Where? Bugeling? How far was the shot? Looks like it coulda been a tough pack out?
  19. AZkiller

    2 for 2!

  20. AZkiller

    Borrego 2 Volumes

    Let Me Know
  21. AZkiller

    ISO Ford F250 diesel

    It sold
  22. AZkiller

    Back to back archery bull tags cant wait

    literally the worst video I have ever seen... Congrats
  23. AZkiller

    Happy birthday to my Hero!

    Wow! My goal is for my son to feel the way that you do! He is a lucky man. Happy Birthday to HIM!!