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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Mexico Goulds

    Beautiful bird! Congrats! Hope you're on that ranch again next year!!
  2. AZkiller

    Fishing with Kids Tip?

    Awesome! I love watching my kids' faces when they catch a fish!
  3. AZkiller

    2016 Sheep reports

    Ty sir
  4. AZkiller

    OTC Turkey near Flagstaff

    Last week in 5b they seemed to be in the early stages of breeding to me. I called in a tom with a jake and 18 hens. Should be great this week
  5. AZkiller

    My 35 A hunt

    Unit 1 was nuts
  6. AZkiller

    Lost dog 3b by Porter mnt.

    That sucks. Hope someone finds her
  7. AZkiller

    2016 Sheep reports

    May I have one as well plz? Elementenld@gmail.com
  8. AZkiller

    Shooting Gongs for sale

    I would buy some with 1/2" or thicker steel. I need them to be able to take a 300gr 338 at 800
  9. AZkiller

    My 35 A hunt

    Awesome. I like the parking lot pic best lol. Explains the birds well.
  10. AZkiller

    Turkey Audio

    There are a couple of apps. Check the play store
  11. AZkiller

    lesson learned- turkeys and crows.

    I was in 5b last week and called in a flock of 20 with about 100 ravens there all morning.
  12. AZkiller


    Black and stainless? Do yoy have the wood grips? What holsters?
  13. Is that an SPS bolt?
  14. AZkiller

    TX Rios

    Nice Rios! Congrats
  15. AZkiller

    Finally tagged out

    I don't condone roost shooting and wouldn't encourage anyone to do it.
  16. AZkiller

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    Random draw. Basically a raffle they just cut the cards in half instead of using a ticket.
  17. AZkiller

    Monsters are out

    You can also hypnotise a skunk by waving your finger in a circle slowly as you walk-up on them, then quickly grab the skunk by the tail and as you lift off the ground they can NOT spray... My 5yo son asked last year if skunks have spray cans in them! Lol
  18. AZkiller

    San Carlos success

    Awesome! Sounds like fun. I'm getting excited for the 28th
  19. AZkiller

    !!!Price Drop!!! Quad Trailer

    Where is this located?
  20. AZkiller

    Scarpa Triolet size 13 like new in box

    What part of town are you in? Id like to try them on.
  21. AZkiller

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    Don't forget no designer camo!
  22. AZkiller


    What 3.5 x 10? I have one I would trade
  23. AZkiller

    2007 Polaris ranger 700 EFI low mile and hour

    I also wish I won the lottery
  24. AZkiller

    2007 Polaris ranger 700 EFI low mile and hour

    is that a back- handed low ball offer? If it was $4000 it wouldn't still be on here..Its still a dang good price, somebody should be scooping this up soon! Wow back handed! I can't afford it! Thats what that means! Incredible