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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Leftover poll

    Let them know that I hate them please
  2. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

    I have a 1925 Carl Gustov Mauser sniper for $550 sale or trade. I also have a 12 gauge full choke higgens bolt action shot gun for sale $100. Both shoot very well.
  3. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  4. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  5. AZkiller

    Unit 1 Rams

    like curly. Na he was playing on the freeway
  6. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  7. AZkiller

    Unit 1 Rams

    See! You could just shoot him in the parking lot, throw him in the truck, go into Safeway and get some tater to eat him with. Elusive little devils!
  8. AZkiller


    I have heard that adopting native kids can be difficult because the tribe can come stop the adoption as long as someone from the tribe is willing. They have to notify the tribe as well. Any truth to that?
  9. AZkiller

    Leftover Apps?

    The slower it goes... HA! As if those "tella coordinators" even have a clue as to how the heck the leftover draw even works or that it is happening at all??
  10. AZkiller


    Good for you! I think it takes a special and selfless person to adopt. A friend of mine adopted 13 years ago. He told me all attorney fees and state fees were around 10k. My neighbor adopted a year ago. They were foster parents and it was around 12k. I think they got most of it sponsered thru their church. My friend who adopted 13 years ago, his wife worked at an obgyn office. That's how they met the mother.
  11. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  12. AZkiller

    Leftover poll

    32 34a
  13. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  14. AZkiller

    10x12 canvas wall tent SOLD

    Let me know if I could sweeten it up!
  15. AZkiller

    Leftover Apps?

    They will be gone by the time it is delivered to them anyway
  16. AZkiller

    10x12 canvas wall tent SOLD

    It's listed on here 6.5x55
  17. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

    91st and deer valley
  18. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  19. AZkiller

    2007 Polaris ranger 700 EFI low mile and hour

    Is that some sort of back handed smart az comment?
  20. AZkiller

    10x12 canvas wall tent SOLD

    Do you need a 6.5x55 mauser and a bolt 12g? Lol
  21. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

    I would really like something for my kids small 22, 20-gauge, 410?
  22. AZkiller

    6.5 x 55

  23. AZkiller


    Has anyone tried the 2 stage? I need a trigger and am thinking about it.
  24. AZkiller

    Unit 2B Rams

    Walked right up to 40 yards and they didn't care. Only thing that stopped from getting closer was a fence. I know they are wiley little critters! These are from my diesel at about 40 yds and my phone! Amazing there are any alive.
  25. AZkiller

    Unit 2B Rams

    Awesome! I cant waiy to get a tag in 1 or 2. Would love to drive the truck up to one and blast him