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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Hunter mistaken for a coyote

    Ummm. Yeah don't do that. Wtf.
  2. AZkiller

    Box Call or Pot Call?

    You can and should order a pot or two from Ammon to take with you imho.
  3. AZkiller

    Box Call or Pot Call?

    Congrats! You didn't tell me you went on a diet!
  4. AZkiller

    How big is a big pronghorn

    What unit?
  5. AZkiller

    How big is a big pronghorn

    You can't say that until you see a mass buck in the field. Found one today in 18a. Short but MASS...
  6. AZkiller

    Trophy hunter and longshooter?

    This guy... Smh. Don't feed him Bill. Delusions of grandeur. He's still as full of sh!t as he was 20 years ago.
  7. I love this and need iy to be a shirt!
  8. AZkiller

    Governor's Tags Raffle:Update FREE Turkey Vest

    I'm waiting for my buffalo
  9. AZkiller


    4 sheriffs deputies stood there and let kids bleed out. Government can't protect you. Arm up
  10. AZkiller

    Coues hunter or Coues Sniper?

    Man thats an amazing video of the deer.
  11. AZkiller

    Hunting in Texas - Recommendations??

    Hunted feeders for 3 days. Saw 1 buck too far and fast to shoot and no pigs. Did not represent my perception of Texas hunting.
  12. AZkiller

    Coues hunter or Coues Sniper?

    What if I have a 34mm tube and a 9.5lb gun??
  13. AZkiller


    Someone wanted to see your sewing machine and a golden elephant??? JK good luck with the sale. Love my 4-24
  14. AZkiller

    NM Archery Antelope

    Nice buck!
  15. AZkiller

    Winter Olympics

    Was on yesterday used to know a guy that helped build the guns a long time ago. Only reason I like the gamesI took my silhouette rifle to Lapua 4 years ago and he told me that my rifle shot better than 99% of the one's that went to the 2014 Olympics I have no idea how theyre done now, Im talking about the late 70s and 80s when he did it. Mine is a blueprinted 40x with a lilja that I chambered and a McMillan stock that my step dad bed. Smallest 10 shot group at 100M is .320. Most of the Olympians are shooting stock or lightly modified Anschutz.
  16. AZkiller

    Winter Olympics

    Was on yesterday used to know a guy that helped build the guns a long time ago. Only reason I like the games I took my silhouette rifle to Lapua 4 years ago and he told me that my rifle shot better than 99% of the one's that went to the 2014 Olympics
  17. AZkiller


    They must have sold quick...It moved to the HUNTING store on Facebook but got very similar welcome. I confess. I bought them.. Then I made them my own... I shot a bald eagle and zip tied some feathers onto the handles. I stopped off at Geronimos trading post on the 40 and got some authentic turquoise then swung by Home depot and grabbed some liquid nails to attach the turquoise, then I filled a bucket with gasoline!
  18. AZkiller

    Wyoming draw odds

    Between 2% and 4%
  19. AZkiller

    Two Pistols For Sale

    Do you have any other guns for $175?
  20. AZkiller

    Springfield XDS 45

    If it's free I'll take it
  21. AZkiller

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    Um.. No. When you or any animal exhales there is no void. That space is still taken up by lung tissue.
  22. AZkiller

    Leupold scopes

    First up, vari-xII 3-9 silver. Lenses are flawless. Ring marks on main tube. I don't know that this scope has ever been in the field. $160 Second, vari-xII 4-12 matte. This scope has been in the field. Lenses perfect body has some scratches. $240. Third sequoia 15-45x60 spotter. Lenses are perfect.$180
  23. AZkiller

    Leupold scopes

    All scopes sold