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Everything posted by AZkiller

  1. AZkiller

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    My guess is you like big girls too ?Everyone knows mass is king. Well now I want to see a pic lol.
  2. AZkiller

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    You spelled justify the erosion and perversion of our conservation model to appease a bunch of hunting elitists wrong. I would take you more seriously if you ever contributed anything other than vague posting and propping up Pete. Please show me where you have produced one idea. Until then please stop criticizing others for not contributing. I don't know Pete at all and I have made my opinion know them. It looks like my ideas and wishes are mainly being supported. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean I don't convey my ideas. I also actually contribute to the conservation organizations. How is the progress coming on your ideas about the draw odds calculator for the azgfd website?
  3. AZkiller

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    No expo. Raffle tags. Thank you CAPAZ for stepping up and helping to save the privilege that I so love.
  4. AZkiller

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    Last year one person had max and one had 22.
  5. AZkiller

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    If you don't have max I would say zero. I would bet max point holders will flood that unit this year for desert. I can look it up for you. How many points?
  6. AZkiller

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .. I got almost 30 years invested in this. Aaannnd you would still have an advantage.
  7. AZkiller

    New pool

    Pavers are hotter than heck. No one does real kooldec anymore. All decks now are acrylic and painted. Not very cool. If I were building one I would do travertine. It is the coolest option.
  8. AZkiller

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    What do you want odds on?
  9. AZkiller

    Steven Rinella

  10. AZkiller

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    field point? Maybe broken?
  11. AZkiller

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Looks like a shaft coming out low.
  12. AZkiller

    New pool

    If you do build one build-it-yourself. You will definitely save at least 40%
  13. AZkiller

    Steven Rinella

    The meat tree is the greatest podcast I have ever heard. That week between episodes was agonizing.
  14. AZkiller

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I wonder if he'll be at the next capaz meeting telling everyone that raffling tags isn't fair to the rest of us?
  15. AZkiller

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I was hoping flatlander was gonna be here. And where is good ole bc777? He's usually right on top of something like this. He must be busy with other things... It wouldn't be the first time would it?
  16. AZkiller

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    The way it is now not everyone has a chance to draw. That's why I wish they would square them.
  17. AZkiller

    19a Az first hunt !

    Awesome funky buck
  18. AZkiller

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    They need to get rid of the bonus pass and square the points.
  19. AZkiller

    Where am I ? Tribal edition

    Every misspelled word goes a long way to convincing everyone how much better you are . . . Sorry oh great white knight I talk to text
  20. AZkiller

    Where am I ? Tribal edition

    You're right I'm probably WAY off the mark. I meant in the middle of a group of people with a fantastic culture and true family values that have contributed a great deal to society as a whole. We should all aspire to be MORE like the fantastic peoples of Gallop New Mexico.
  21. AZkiller

    Where am I ? Tribal edition

    In the middle of a bunch of free loaders?
  22. AZkiller

    Bass bite?

    Never cared to eat large mouth. Love catchin them tho
  23. AZkiller

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    I don't see it that way. They both belong to all of us.
  24. AZkiller

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Funny how some are fine with denying access to our puplic lands with the hope of not burning our public ands but aren't okay with allowing some other opportunities for people to harvest our wildlife with the hope of preserving ur ability to continue to do the same. Hmmm.... That's a head scratcher.